Will Cutting Carbs Help Me Lose Weight?
Whitney E. RD Blog
by Whitney E. RD
2y ago
Is it necessary to cut carbs to lose weight? On this episode of The WERD, we’re looking at the evidence behind low-carb diets and weight loss.  These days it seems like everyone is afraid of the big bad carb, but ask a lot of people, and they couldn’t even tell you which foods have carbs! Bread? Definitely. Beans? Maybe? Vegetables? Uhhhh….. First up, let’s clear up what a carbohydrate is. Carbs are life-sustaining molecules that provide energy for our bodies and brains. Our brains run primarily on the carbohydrate or sugar molecule, glucose, and when there’s not enough in the diet, our ..read more
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Who Should Try Intermittent Fasting?
Whitney E. RD Blog
by Whitney E. RD
2y ago
On this episode of The WERD, I’m discussing who should and shouldn’t try intermittent fasting. We’ll also cover the benefits of intermittent fasting and whether it’s a good option for weight loss. Today’s question is – should I try intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting can be a helpful tool for reducing your risk of chronic disease, improving your metabolic health, and potentially even increasing longevity. So who should and shouldn’t consider IF? Here are my criteria… 1. Are you pregnant or nursing? If so, fasting is not for you. Restricting calories is never safe during pregnancy and d ..read more
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Is Skipping Breakfast Bad?
Whitney E. RD Blog
by Whitney E. RD
3y ago
On this episode of The WERD, I’m answering the common nutrition question: is skipping breakfast bad? The answer isn’t as simple as you would think! Many people – myself included – believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That’s because: 1. It’s delicious (have you had my vegan banana oat waffles?) 2. It provides fuel for your body and your brain to power through whatever you’re doing in the morning from work to working out. But does breakfast in and of itself provide health benefits? Let’s dig in. SKIPPING BREAKFAST AND WEIGHT LOSS If we’re talking about weight loss. The ..read more
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Is Pasture-Raised Beef More Sustainable?
Whitney E. RD Blog
by Whitney E. RD
3y ago
Is pasture-raised beef sustainable? Advocates say it is, but is this just another marketing ploy to keep meat in the game? Here’s why I wouldn’t exactly call grass-fed beef eco-friendly. The term “sustainable” is pretty broad and means different things to different people.  To me, it suggests that a product can meet the needs of the current consumer demand without compromising the ability of future consumers to meet their same needs. In other words, future generations will still have a planet to live on and enough natural resources to use, regardless of a product’s environmental footprin ..read more
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A Mini Guide to Soaking and Sprouting at Home
Whitney E. RD Blog
by Whitney E. RD
3y ago
Wondering what soaking and sprouting is all about? Here’s a mini guide for the why and how to prep your seeds, grains, and beans this way in the comfort of your own kitch. If you think of a sprout, the first thing that comes to mind may be the handful of little white stemmed, green leafed plants that often served as a topping option in many sandwich shops. And you’re not wrong! Sprouts are nutritious little greens that can be enjoyed in several ways. You can find them at many stores, but you can also make them yourself at home.  Here are the basics of soaking and sprouting to help get yo ..read more
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Homemade Vanilla Granola and Strawberry Parfaits
Whitney E. RD Blog
by Whitney E. RD
3y ago
These strawberry parfaits feature low-sugar, homemade vanilla granola that is sweetened with fruit and just a hint of maple syrup. They’re easy to make, nutritious, and delicious! Hi friends! Today we’re talking portion control and I’m sharing one of my favorite recipes to practice portion control with – my homemade vanilla granola and strawberry parfaits. Do you have trouble with portion control? You’re not alone! Portion control is tough because there is no one-size-fits-all approach – a perfect portion for you is going to be different than for another person even when you have similar cha ..read more
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Animal vs. Plant Protein: What’s Better For Health
Whitney E. RD Blog
by Whitney E. RD
3y ago
Animal vs. plant protein. What’s the difference between protein sources in terms of health outcomes? Here’s what research says about the pros and cons of protein types, plus I’m sharing a few ideas for using plant protein.    Protein (and pretty much every other nutrient) is widely debated in terms of how much you need, whether it’s “good” or “bad” for you, and where to get it in your diet. Many people wonder whether it really matters if you get protein from animal or plant sources.    And it turns out that it does matter. In fact, studies show that the primary type of pr ..read more
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Chia Seeds: Should You Eat Them Whole or Ground?
Whitney E. RD Blog
by Whitney E. RD
3y ago
Chia seeds are super nutritious and make a great plant-based pantry staple. Should you eat them whole or ground? Does it make a difference? Let’s find out.  Am I showing my age when I talk about how I remember seeing chia pet commercials on television? While the attention is on the chia seeds today, they got their start as those quirky character plants you could buy on QVC. But I digress. Today, chia seeds are best known for their nutrition. Chia seeds are the edible, gray and black seeds of the Salvia hispanica flowering plant. In their whole form, they’re oval-shaped and tiny, at only ..read more
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Food Combining: Fact or Fiction?
Whitney E. RD Blog
by Whitney E. RD
3y ago
Food combining. Is there any truth to this nutrition practice? Here’s what to know about the science of food combining for health. Food combining is an approach to eating that emphasizes which foods should – and should not – be eaten together to support optimal digestion and prevent “toxic buildup.” While along similar lines, this is different from “protein combining,” the idea that plant proteins are “incomplete” and need to be eaten together to make sure you get all of the amino acids. (By the way, complementary protein combining was debunked as a total myth years ago). Back to food combini ..read more
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8 Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste
Whitney E. RD Blog
by Whitney E. RD
3y ago
How to reduce food waste. Tired of throwing away so much food? Wondering if there are ways you could use the scraps instead? Here are some super simple solutions to reducing food waste at home.  Reducing food waste isn’t just good for your budget. It also helps the planet by contributing less waste to landfills. Implementing a few new practices in your kitchen can save money and reduce food waste. Food Waste Statistics Nearly one-third of all the food produced in the world is wasted every year. The EPA estimates that, in 2018, nearly 70% of the food that was wasted went straight into la ..read more
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