Hardcore Zen
Hardcore Zen is a blog managed by Brad Warner, an author and ordained Zen priest. He released a book with the same name, which serves as both an autobiography and an introduction to Soto Zen philosophy.
Hardcore Zen
1y ago
“The self arrays itself and forms the entire universe. Perceive each particular thing in this universe as a moment of time. Things do not hinder things, just as moments do not hinder moments. For this reason, the whole world of time is arousing the way-seeking mind; the whole world of the mind is arousing time ..read more
Hardcore Zen
1y ago
Here are the dates for my live appearances in 2023. I will be adding more info and links (and probably more events), so keep checking back on my EVENTS page! August 5-10, 2023 Buddhist Summer Camp at Sanboji Zen Monastery, Berceto (Parma) Italy August 15-17, 2023 Retreat in Hebden Bridge, England August 19-20, 2023 Zazen ..read more
Hardcore Zen
2y ago
Zen Master Shikan visited Zen Master Matsuzan and asked her, “Just what is Matsuzan?” Matsuzan replied to him saying, “Matsuzan never shows her peak.” Matsuzan, like many Zen Masters, took on the name of the mountain where she lived. Shikan said, “Just who is the person within the mountain?” Matsuzan said, “It is beyond appearances ..read more
Hardcore Zen
2y ago
On my most recent YouTube video I talked about my favorite UFO story, the tale of Joe Simonton and his alien pancakes. Below is the material I wrote about Simonton and his strange encounter for the book about UFO’s and Zen that I never finished. The story of Joe Simonton’s encounter with a flying saucer ..read more
Hardcore Zen
2y ago
I haven’t posted here for a while, but someone recently brought up this post I made back in 2019 and I re-read it and thought it was good. So I thought I’d post it again. It’s got some out-of-date references, but that’s OK. You’ll be able to handle that. I’m also adding an article I ..read more
Hardcore Zen
2y ago
Here’s my new podcast: https://hardcorezen.podbean.com/e/in-the-light-dogen-s-divine-light-part-one-re-upload/ And below is the text I am reading from, including some of the notes I used in the podcast. In The Light This old Chinese Zen Master named Chosa Shoken, whose nickname was “the Big Cat,” once told his group, The whole universe is a monk’s eye. The whole universe ..read more
Hardcore Zen
2y ago
September 1-4, 2022 RETREAT in FINLAND kajozendo@gmail.com September 7-11, 2022 RETREAT at BENEDIKTUSHOF September 11, 2022 Public TALK at BENEDIKTUSHOF September 12, 2022 Ko Getsu An near BONN, GERMANY info@zen-bonn.de September 13, 2022 TALK at San Bo Dojo in BONN, GERMANY info@zen-bonn.de September 14-15, 2022 PARIS, FRANCE September 17-18, 2022 LYON, FRANCE September 20-21, 2022 ..read more
Hardcore Zen
2y ago
The following is an excerpt from my new book THE OTHER SIDE OF NOTHING. This is Chapter 36, entitled “Who Walked My Dog?”. It’s my favorite chapter. This isn’t the whole chapter — you’ll have to get the book to read that! But it’s most of it. Enjoy! Just a few of minutes ago, I ..read more
Hardcore Zen
3y ago
The following first appeared on the Suicide Girls website in 2013. I have revised it a little. The most famous rock and roll suicide is, of course, is Kurt Cobain. To me, though, the most important rock and roll suicide was one you probably never heard of; the suicide of Robert “Iggy Nition” Morningstar, lead ..read more
Hardcore Zen
3y ago
When I first started getting into Zen there was a brief period when I thought I wanted to be a dharma teacher. I remember telling my first teacher, Tim, I wanted to be a dharma teacher and he just gave me a look. It’s hard to describe that look, but I remember how it felt ..read more