Stargazer's World
Stargazer's World is a roleplaying game blog. It's a place where I can write down my thoughts on the roleplaying industry, the community and roleplaying in general. And by roleplaying I mean good old classic pen and paper roleplaying.
Stargazer's World
23h ago
James M. Spahn is currently raising money on Kickstarter for White Box: Cyclopedia, which could easily be THE definitive book if you are into fantasy roleplaying inspired by the original D&D (also known as 0e). It will contain modernized rules based on original D&D (before Greyhawk) with many modern additions and optional rules for referees more
Stargazer's World
4d ago
Happy new year and welcome back to Stargazer’s World. I finally found some time to blog again, so lo and behold my first post of 2025! It has been a longtime tradition to make resolutions for the new year on New Year’s Eve and there’s one thing I decided to do, or rather not to more
Stargazer's World
1M ago
I never thought I would be excited about Pathfinder 2nd Edition all of a sudden. As you know, I usually prefer rules-light games. I even found D&D 5th Edition overwhelming from time of time. But something about Pathfinder 2nd Edition intrigued me. I don’t know if it was the artwork, the brilliant three-action-economy or something more
Stargazer's World
1M ago
Third time’s the charm. Once again, I’m doing the speed round, catching up on days 13 to 18. My regular daily posts have all been on the topics of Skala Wyzwania’s alternative prompt challenge list. These are my somewhat shorter answers to the regular prompts. I hope you find them entertaining. Day 13: Evocative environments more
Stargazer's World
3M ago
I hate to complain. I’m trying to maintain an optimistic attitude and focus on the positive. Also, I hate that my first post on the blog about the 2024 version of Dungeons & Dragons has to be about this, but Wizards of the Coast, henceforth WotC, has dropped the ball with their service. I’ve tried more
Stargazer's World
4M ago
I’m reading the new 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Player’s Handbook, let’s call it D&D 5.5 for convenience. This post is not a proper review. If you follow me on social media, you might have read some of these thoughts. It’s a beautifully put-together book. It focuses on ease of play, referencing it during more
Stargazer's World
4M ago
In July 2022, I audited the Kickstarter projects I backed to know where all these projects were, if I was missing something, and what was still forthcoming. I wrote a Facebook post about it, which collected the following facts: This is how my Kickstarter backing breaks down: Of the 383 successful pledges as of 7/27/2022 more
Stargazer's World
4M ago
Day 31 of #RPGaDay2024.The final day of this year. Today, I’ve written two posts, one more personal and this one that concludes my series of posts using the themes from the alternative prompt challenge list by Skala Wyzwania. The RPG challenge theme for today is Dragons. Rolling a 1d10 for the quest. The result is more
Stargazer's World
4M ago
Sammy: A First-Line Friend I have reached a certain age where the death of friends, acquaintances, and even loved ones is not necessarily unexpected. Last year was particularly hard; two close and dear friends died, and their loss is still acutely felt. Both were near and dear to my heart, people I had known for more
Stargazer's World
5M ago
Day 29 of #RPGaDay2024. T-Minus two days! This post is the next-to-last post of the themes from the alternative prompt challenge list by Skala Wyzwania. For more information on RPG a Day, see David Chapman’s Autocratik blog post for 2024. The RPG challenge theme for today is Trap. Rolling a 1d10 for the quest. The more