Crisis Magazine
Crisis Magazine explores and articulates the subjects of politics, business, culture, faith, and family life from a Catholic perspective.
Crisis Magazine
12h ago
In hearing St. Ambrose, St. Augustine began to distinguish between mere eloquence and the real truth ..read more
Crisis Magazine
2d ago
President Trump is doing what we should have done back in the 1990's: recognize Russia as a potential ally rather than an eternal enemy ..read more
Crisis Magazine
2d ago
St. Valentine apparently did not meet the DEI criteria or the historical-critical requirement, so he was removed from the liturgical calendar ..read more
Crisis Magazine
2d ago
I need to get a few complaints about how Mass is celebrated off my chest ..read more
Crisis Magazine
3d ago
The dominant narrative of victimized American Indians and victimizer white settlers has a tendency to obscure what the many civilizations and tribes of our continent’s indigenous populations were truly like ..read more
Crisis Magazine
3d ago
Traditional Catholics are particularly susceptible to scrupulosity, because a (understandable) lack of trust in the leaders of the Church can lead to an increased reliance on one’s own understanding, and therefore scrupulosity ..read more
Crisis Magazine
4d ago
The American Church in my lifetime, as an institution rather than as individual priests or bishops here and there, has done nothing to keep the working class in the fold ..read more
Crisis Magazine
4d ago
The professional ecumenical class claims a common Easter would promote “Christian witness, unity, and evangelization.” The claim leaves me unconvinced because it does not address calendar differences ..read more
Crisis Magazine
5d ago
The reign of DEI was a captivity, in which normal folks were terrified to speak openly, lest they be overheard and dismissed from employment, or worse ..read more
Crisis Magazine
5d ago
It is not power, wealth, or numbers that will determine our fate, but rather our allegiance to truth, virtue, and the discipline of reason ..read more