Blog covers Europe Tips, Travel Maps and Europe Travel Tales.
Nina Fussing, the owner of Wheelingit, shares her story of RV lifestyle and inspires others who dream of this lifestyle to go out and give it a try.
1y ago
Since my announcement last week (SOOOOO lovely to hear from you all, by the way) I’ve been deep in planning mode. Planning my trip, what I’ll need, where I’ll go….etc.
It’s exciting and oh-so-familiar at the same time. I know the PNW coast like the back of my hand, and just looking at the map has me reliving memories that flow through my mind like a vivid movie reel. I can taste the sea, smell the moisture in the air, feel that sand between my toes. It’s so close I can hear it in my soul.
I can’t wait to lighthouse geek again (Cape Blanco, 2014)
And yet, as I zoom into my soon-to-be drive I al ..read more
1y ago
It’s been a while, I know, I know.
We’ve just been hanging out…and traveling
It’s the story of my life these days, still trying to find my new balance, that tricky place between living my life and sharing it online. These last 6 months (!!) have been my longest break ever, the absolute longest time I’ve been completely off all social media, at least since I was a young lass before the internet ever even existed.
It’s been an interesting experiment, good in many ways, perhaps a bit lonely in others. I really needed the break, but I can’t deny I’ve also missed the interaction with blog friends o ..read more
1y ago
Four sleeps to go. Four nights before I (hopefully) get on a plane and sail through the sky to Portugal for my 15 day adventure on feet. Wheeeeee!
Hello world, hello Camino training
It’s strange and familiar all at the same time.
Familiar for the routine that I know is to come. Walk, eat, sleep and repeat. Life distilled down to its simplest elements, strangers turned friends by a common goal and your body pushed to acknowledge both its hidden strengths and obvious weaknesses. I don’t have same the fears as I did last time mostly because I’ve already done it, but that’s also made me a smidgen ..read more
2y ago
Pre-post note/ This is a biggie and it took a while, my apologies! Life stuff and other stuff (I had to hand-draw a map, amongst other things…naturally) delayed the publication, but here is finally our Lattes -> Argens SW France canal boat trip in all it’s grand, full glory. Enjoy my friends!
“If you don’t make this bridge by 8:30am on Saturday you’ll be stuck for 3 days because of the wind” stated the lady, rather nonchalantly I thought for a mere 1-week rental
That’s us crossing the amazing Bezier Canal Bridge! (Day 6)
We were undergoing the long check-in process for the rental boat, ge ..read more
2y ago
Many of you asked and indeed you were right to do so. There’s no way we can keep a secret as good as this under wraps, and besides it would be cruel to hide these pictures from my most dedicated readers for too long.
So here goes…
Our next long-term adventure has started…
The introduction of two little fur-balls to our little family of paws….
Say hello to Maya and Dante, two little kittie cats born in the wild and now part of our lives for ever more.
Aren’t they just too darn cute?
Say hello to our two new paw membersHow Did We Get Them?
Like all our animals they simply came to us.
In this par ..read more
2y ago
Hey ho, and another few weeks on the go.
Spendid Caernarfon Castle in N. Wales
I’m so sorry, my dear readers. I’m trying not to make this ad-hoc posting a habit (really I am), but in my defense I’ve been busier than ever, busier than even the previous two weeks when I went to the UK. There’s been family over, then we sped off and spent another week canal-boating with friends, and finally we added two teeny little new members to our paw-enclave that are already destroying the house (what can I say….we’ve been suckered in, finally). All of that for future posts!
So many significant moments in so ..read more
2y ago
I’m baaaaaack! It’s been a crazy two weeks of near-constant travel (and not a moment to blog, sorry), but gosh have I experienced a lot and now I’m here to share it all.
St. Johns College Chapel, Cambridge UK
When I left you I was on the brink of departure and a crazy 1200 km drive to my first stop in the UK. I was going to visit family and attend a University reunion in Cambridge then shoot off for my own folly, a 10-day exploration of the coast of Wales. The first took me down the road of memories long forgotten, bringing back all the feels and thoughts of my youth. The second took me for a ..read more
2y ago
It’s a beautiful morning in the countryside. There’s a breeze blowing through the trees, the sound of birds chatting about the meaning of life and everything in-between, the occasional “plonk” as walnuts fall from our backyard tree, a clear view to the Pyrénées and….dare I say it….a hint of coolness in the air.
Polly is just living her best doggie life, every day
It’s not fall yet (lets not get ahead ourselves now), but darn it, I sense we are so, so close to getting there.
Even Polly feels the change and is keen to take part.
She got me up at 6:30am this morning, huffing and puffing and ..read more
2y ago
The end of August is here, fall is in the air and….ooops sorry, only in your dreams.
It’s another 35°C (95°F) degree day today with another roaster forecasted for tomorrow and we’ll just have to see how the rest of the week goes. These are temperatures we should have seen the last of weeks ago, yet they persevere like a stubborn stain that won’t go away.
Early morning stroll, to beat the heat
A sign of modern times, I guess.
In-between there are hints of changes however, days of cool and even torrential rain as the weather struggles to move forward and find it’s Autumn step. Our parched lawn n ..read more
2y ago
Writing a weekly blog is an interesting challenge.
Sometimes writing a weekly blog….is a thorny business
Some weeks the words almost write themselves and I have to rush to catch them in type before they drift away on the wind. Other times it’s a struggle and I have no idea what I’m going to say. The words almost have to be pulled out, coerced from their cave like a stubborn donkey into the light.
And finally there are times like today, where everything goes in reverse and the piece forms itself from the outside in, almost like an artist painting pastels from dark to light. I start with one ide ..read more