Lounging in Linen
Harper & Harley
by Harper and Harley
3y ago
I’ve almost forgotten how to do this. Over the years i’ve advocated numerous times for creatives and small businesses to own their platform. To not put all their eggs in the one social media basket so to speak. But with my changing priority lists, like having a baby, growing a business and my creative projects moving predominately to social media channels only, this blog has been left a little dusty. But I need to remind myself of my own advice, remove the cobwebs and ensure the content i’m creating doesn’t dissolve in 24 hours. I posted these images on my Instagram account the other day. I ..read more
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Our Warm Minimalist Bathroom Renovation
Harper & Harley
by Harper and Harley
5y ago
I’ve never done a reno before, but this will be the first of many as my husband and I slowly move through our 1930’s bungalow style home in Sydney. We started with our bathrooms, turning two small bathrooms that backed onto each other into one main family bathroom, and turning our sunroom , that used to be my home office, into our ensuite. We had a few structural changes that meant a slow and steady approach, and in the end it took 3 months to complete, but we’re just so happy with the result and its been so rewarding to be part of every decision and see it all come to life. When approachin ..read more
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How To Grow Out Your Hair
Harper & Harley
by Harper and Harley
6y ago
As you’re probably aware I’ve had short hair for most of my twenties, going back and forth between a lob and bob, until last year when I decided I wanted to change things up and commit to growing it out. Perfect timing, as now I’m 30, I’ve entered a new decade and my hair feels like it’s reached the perfect, low maintenance length I’ve been searching for. Short hair at first is easy, but to be honest after a while I found the daily styling to be more time consuming than I first thought, and ended up wearing it pulled back in a bun most of the time. I’m wearing my hair out so much ..read more
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The Power of a Suit
Harper & Harley
by Harper and Harley
6y ago
Wearing: Joseph blazer, Joseph pants Give a woman a well fitted suit and she can conquer the world, or at least feel like she can. This is how I feel in a matching blazer and pant combo. I don’t necessarily wear them to work, as would feel far too overdressed in our undone office, but I find suits the perfect dress alternative when going to events and are particularly great for winter weddings. I love wearing them with just a bra underneath, or a V neck camisole to keep the clean V lines of the jacket This cream matching blazer and pants from Joseph is a dream. I’m suc ..read more
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Head to Toe Neutral
Harper & Harley
by Harper and Harley
6y ago
Wearing: Albus Lumen blazer and Marle slip skirt Getting away from my usual all black and adding some fresh creams into the mix with this perfectly structured cotton blazer from one of my favourite Australia designers, Albus Lumen. I also have to get you acquainted with New Zealand brand Marle. We’ve had them online at The UNDONE for a couple of seasons and the collections instantly sell out due to their easy to wear designs, great price points and natural materials. Highly recommend checking them out, I also live in their black washed silk slip skirt as its a great everyday s ..read more
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