Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists
Drug WarRant
by Servetus
4d ago
Reactionaries who oppose recreational marijuana rest their objections solely upon its ability to produce pleasure in its users. Cannabis advocates argue that pleasure is as much a legitimate medical treatment as a trip to a luxury health spa. The political more
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Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana
Drug WarRant
by Servetus
1M ago
Twenty-four U.S. states have legalized sales of recreational marijuana, yet parts of the Rocky Mountain West remain steadfast in their opposition to cannabinoids. One reason is state and local political domination by the LDS or Mormon Church. Starting in 1915 more
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Anti-marijuana quack Dave Weldon to take over CDC
Drug WarRant
by Servetus
2M ago
Few major hospitals receiving Dave Weldon’s job resume would hire him. Few patients would trust him as their doctor. Yet, if confirmed, former congressional representative and physician Dr. David Weldon (R-Fla.) will head the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and more
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Catholic bishops fear marijuana and freethinking
Drug WarRant
by Servetus
3M ago
Florida and South Dakota Catholic bishops applauded the recent defeats of marijuana legalization in their states, something they easily aided and abetted given Florida’s population is 21-percent Catholic and South Dakota’s is 18.4-percent. Protestant factions in the two states also more
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Marijuana potencies and transitioning to Schedule III
Drug WarRant
by Servetus
4M ago
Complaints about the concentrations and strengths of active ingredients in commercial grades of marijuana are being raised by cannabis critics such as Malcolm Ferguson who appears to confuse marijuana’s THC with potentially lethal mind-affecting drugs. Much as Ferguson would have more
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JD Vance is a marijuana prohibitionist
Drug WarRant
by Servetus
5M ago
Ohio Republican Senator JD Vance is running his Vice-Presidential campaign on an anti-marijuana platform that promotes old and worn-out fallacies about cannabis that were debunked before he was born. Vance says marijuana causes violence and that it bears a direct more
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Project 2025 dictates new and unproven drug policies
Drug WarRant
by Servetus
7M ago
Project 2025 is a creation of The Heritage Foundation, a think tank that has a longstanding position of being anti-marijuana. Their latest work is a political blueprint that sets forth its vision of America should Donald Trump win the presidency in November. Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts said Project 2025 is designed to “institutionalize Trumpism”. New drug policies and additional drug enforcement priorities are briefly mentioned that could be activated in a second Trump presidential term: The National Drug Control Program agencies represented a total of $41 billion in fiscal ye more
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Nora Volkow spotlights violent marijuana consumers
Drug WarRant
by Servetus
8M ago
The belief that smoking marijuana can lead to gratuitous acts of violence among young adults (18-34) was resurrected in April of this year thanks to a science publication by NIDA director Nora Volkow. In it Dr. Volkow and her colleagues gathered data from the National Surveys on Drug Use and Health featuring 113,454 participants who revealed increases in associations with violent behavior in women ranging from 1.0 to 1.4-percent when correlated with various levels or categories and frequencies of cannabis use. For men, the increases ranged from 1.2 to 1.4-percent. News of the findings was seiz more
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Are DEA Administrative Law Judges Unconstitutional?
Drug WarRant
by Servetus
9M ago
Inept efforts by the DEA to assign two psychedelic drugs to Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act have backfired thanks to a granted request for a restraining order that stalls the scheduling process for 2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine (DOI) and 2,5-dimethoxy-4-chloroamphetamine (DOC). In addition to the scheduling controversy, DEA Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Paul E. Soeffing has cordially acknowledged a challenge to the legal authority of his court in a constitutional test of the ALJ process itself. The lawsuit filed by Panacea Plant Sciences, Inc. (PPS), a company researching DOI/DO more
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John Walters and William Barr linked to Nazis
Drug WarRant
by Servetus
11M ago
Former ONDCP Director John P. Walters is at it again, only this time he has help from Donald Trump’s former US Attorney General, prohibitionist William P. Barr. Barr joins Walters in authoring a Hudson Institute publication claiming that marijuana is dangerous and its legalization was a big mistake. Their announcement was quickly debunked online here and here. The Hudson Institute was originally founded by a nuclear war strategist named Herman Kahn who later became the inspiration for the character portrayed by Peter Sellers in Stanley Kubrick’s movie Dr. Strangelove. John Walters became the I more
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