A Bowl of Noodles
I was born on Independence Day 2009 to a loving mom. I have 4 brothers. I was adopted by my human family when I was 12 weeks old. Follow this blog to know the pug adoption story.
A Bowl of Noodles
4y ago
So it happens that I AM still around but many many many of my BLOGVILLE furiends are not. I thought I was remiss for not blogging in 5 months and then I see most of my LONG TIME Furiends stopped blogging 5 Years OR MORE! What Tha? I get it - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok are all more immediate and accessible. The times are changing and the face of Blogville with it. I am considering whether or not I will continue A BOWL OF NOODLES. But for now, well you can still find me here.
It is so hard to find the time for Ms Thumbs to sit down and write for me.
This h ..read more
A Bowl of Noodles
4y ago
Hi EveryPUGGY! It's been a long time, huh? I am doing quite well for an 11 year old PUG PRINCESS! I am not quite a sprightly as I was as a pup, but I can still get around. And bath day zoomies are still a thing.
I want to introduce you all to a new family member - only this one does not live in our house, whew! This is Teddy, my new cousin. She is the new furbaby of my Cousin E and her husband Cousin J. They have their own house now. Teddy was born in July and arrived in her forever home 2 weeks ago. She is a DOODLE.
I went over to their house on Sunday to meet T ..read more
A Bowl of Noodles
4y ago
Hi Peeps and FURiends. It has been a long time since I have graced these pages. It isn't for lack of trying. I truly miss you ALL when I am not on Blogger.
So I want to get this out of the way before any of you FREAK! Yes, that is Rigatone. He is 7 months old now and about 30 pounds. BUT he is more of a small Beagle size and NOT Great Dane, as he looks in this photo. AND no, Molly and I are NOT teacup pups. We are still the same average size pups in the Toy Breed. Now, it is true that Rigatone is 3 times heavier than Molly and 2 times heavier than me. But he is not gargantuan.
This ..read more
A Bowl of Noodles
5y ago
Hello FURiends
I know. It has been a long long time. But remember - I am ALWAYS thinking of you all.
It’s summer and you know what that means. . . Lulu is here! She is just spending the night this time - a test because she has never met Rigatone. In a couple of weeks, she will probably stay a week while my Aunt T and Lulu’s peeps are out of town.
The first meeting, a couple of hours ago, was crazy. Lots of barking and excitement and running. But now it’s all good. I think she and Rigatone will be fine. And you know Molly and I loves loves loves Ms Lulu ..read more
A Bowl of Noodles
5y ago
Here I AM!!!! I have NOT disappeared nor gone AWAY. I AM HERE!
Whew! I am glad I got that off my chest. Ever since Mommy went to work in an office, I have been stuck in LIMBOland with this blog. She just doesn't have the bandwidth (her term, not mine) to get my posts published in a reasonable time. She hopes she can find that magical rhythm again soon.
So life is NOT really normal but we keep plugging away at being happy, healthy and hole. Yeah, that should be whole. . . I played with the language because I couldn't think of a reasonable word with an H. We have Mommy #1 and Cousin C home ..read more
A Bowl of Noodles
5y ago
Hi Peeps and PUPS! It’s been a long long long time - I KNOW. It all started at Midnight December 31 when it became 2020. Life has NOT been the same, I tell you! It’s just gotten weirder and weirder in some awful and not so awful ways.
First of all - well . . . This happened
You all know about my new BRO, Rigatone. I like him and all but man oh MAN! The boy energy coupled with the puppy energy! Sometimes I just don’t know which way is up. Molly’s having NONE of it and spends a lot of time upstairs DARING him to cross her path. Which he does so then she chases him and yells at him. And he ..read more
A Bowl of Noodles
5y ago
We’re all so HAPPY that we have another BIRTHDAY to celebrate for Sunshine! She has been struggling this year (haven’t we ALL?) and looks every bit her many years. But she still feisty and mouthy and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Sunshine ..read more
A Bowl of Noodles
5y ago
This is a Live Shot which may not work as a video
This is a live shot which may not work at all but is prettyThe OCEAN is so calming. I wish I was there right now, but I understand the need to stay home
YOU need to CALM DOWN humans!!! What is the big deal about SHELTER in PLACE? So you stay home and watch TV! Isn't that what you all aspire to do anyhow? I've seen you on the weekends - jammies all day, beverage at your side and a table of snacks. The only exercise you get is lifting the remote control and letting me out to do my bidness. What's the big deal now? Just because it is mandated ..read more
A Bowl of Noodles
5y ago
Hi FURiends. It’s been a crazy week here at Casa de Noodles. So much is happening and not happening. But one thing is for sure - it is NOT dull. I am reminded every day that life with a puppy is challenging. We aren’t just talking the biting and barking and chewing; although those things are definitely happening. And I am trying so hard not to react harshly to the little guy although sometimes I cannot help it. I find myself getting fonder and fonder of him each day.
I gotta say, though, WHEN CAN WE STOP the WALL-TO-WALL pee pee pads? You cannot walk a step in this house without step ..read more
A Bowl of Noodles
5y ago
This AWESOME bed is from Mommy #1's friend Auntie A. When I am in it, it is A BOWL of Noodles - BOL!!! I am kinda out of practice so bear with ME.
Mommy loves to READ. And I love to BE on Mommy's lap when she READS. (I am actually talking about Mommy #2 but this is true of BOTH of my Mommys). By osmosis, I believe this makes me a reader, of sorts.
Mommy has a lot of FRIENDS. She has this one friend who always dreamed of being a writer and one day, SHE DID IT!!! So far her books are all self-published; but some day she hopes a PUBLISHER will pick her up. Then she might make a living on this ..read more