Entertaining DIY Activity for Infants & Toddlers
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Tips
by Anne Zachry
2w ago
x   This DIY actvity is an inexpensive way to entertain your infant or toddler while they work on their visual motor and bilateral skills! It's a nice way to work on grasping, placing, and releasing in a controlled manner. All you need are popsicle sticks and a clean to-go coffee cup and lid. '   After a bit of practice, this little one progressed to holding the cup with one hand and placing the popsicle sticks with the other hand. Well done ..read more
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Busy Board for Baby: Another Great Developmental Toy!
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Tips
by Anne Zachry
2M ago
This Kitchen Busy Board is a fun interactive toy that will definitely entertain your little one! It plays music, lights up, and has lots for opportunities for your baby to improve their fine motor skills. You can also teach your child the concepts of open, close, in, and out while the two of you play with the busy board. Playing with the Busy Board will also promote your baby's problem solving skills! This would make the perfect birthday or Christmas gift for your little one, so check it out ..read more
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Developmental Baby Toys: Easy Grip Ball Activity...Another Favorite!
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Tips
by Anne Zachry
3M ago
  I'm excited to tell you about a fun activity to carry out with your baby using an Grasp Classic Ball and some cloth or organza tissue squares. All you have to do is stuff the cloth squares inside of the ball, and show your baby how to pull them out. This activity will help teach your little one about the concepts of "in" and "out." It is also a great activity to help them use both hands together and to work on their pincer grasp. You can also name the colors of the cloth squares as they pull each one out of the ball. Eventually, your baby will gain the skills to stuff the squares back ..read more
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Developmental Baby Toys: Another of My Favorite Things!
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Tips
by Anne Zachry
4M ago
Here is another developmental baby toy that I highly recommend. This musical baby pop-up toy is fairly inexpensive, and it promotes a variety of skills, including problem solving, understanding cause-and-effect, and eye-hand coordination. I also love that it lights up and plays music! Playing with this pop-up toy is a great way to teach your baby the concepts of "open" and "close." You can talk about colors with you little one by pointing and telling them to push the "red" button. This particular pop-up toy include a variety of animals, so parents can teach their babies about those animals a ..read more
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Developmental Baby Toys: A Few of My Favorite Things!
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Tips
by Anne Zachry
4M ago
In this post and several future posts, I'm going to share a few of my favorite baby toys that are great for promoting your child's development! The toys that I will be featuring are wonderful for the development of a variety of skills, including cognitive, and fine and gross motor skills.  This Country Critters Wooden Activity Play Cube will keep your baby busy! Each side includes a different activity center with wooden balls, a shape sorter, and much, much, more. My favorite thing about it is that is is sturdy enough for a baby to pull up on and cruise around the edges.  The activ ..read more
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Fun with a Variety of Sensory Activities!
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Tips
by Anne Zachry
6M ago
  Check out these easy recipes for a variety of fun sensory activities. The dough or sand can be used to create a sensory bin. Just add additional items for tactile exploration such as pom poms, marbles, different types of pasta noodles, and a scoop! Sensory Bottle: Use an empty water bottle with the label removed. Add water, vegetable oil, glitter, and food coloring. You can also drop an Alka-Seltzer tablet in to create bubbles!   Cloud Dough: Mix together 1/3 cup of lotion, 2/3 cup of cornstarch, and a couple of drops of food coloring.   Salt Dough: Mix together1 cup of all-p ..read more
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Create a Kinetic Sand Sensory Bin!!!
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Tips
by Anne Zachry
7M ago
A kinetic sand sensory bin is great for sensory exploration and learning. It is a wonderful way to stimulate multiple senses at once, and children can also learn how to tolerate new and different textures when playing and exploring in the sensory bin. Supplies Needed: A medium to large plastic bin Kinetic sand Large buttons Pom-poms Large marbles Blocks LEGO pieces Plastic animals or insects Plastic letters, shapes, and/or numbers Tools such as tongs, large tweezers, a plastic spoon, or a small plastic shovel can be used to dig, stir, scoop, and pull pieces out. or the child can just explore ..read more
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Free Match the Shapes Worksheets!
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Tips
by Anne Zachry
8M ago
Here are a couple of shape matching worksheets that can be used to learn the properties of different shapes. This activity is fun for children who are working on recognizing, naming, and remembering shapes! Your child can color the matching shapes the same color. This is a great way to practice coloring within the lines. They can also simply draw a line to connect the matching shapes ..read more
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Activities to Encourage the use of Pressure When Writing
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Tips
by Anne Zachry
10M ago
Sometimes children don’t use enough pressure when coloring or writing. This may be because of weakness in the hand muscles or because they don’t have a good “feel” for. The writing utensil in their hand. Here are some suggestions to help a child use more pressure when writing. Squeezing a stress ball is good for strengthening the muscles in the fingers and hands. Carbon tracing paper can be purchased at a dollar store or on Amazon. Having your child use carbon paper when writing will help them become more aware of how much pressure they are putting on the pencil or crayon. Squeezing and mani ..read more
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Feed the Car: A fun In-Hand Manipulation Activity!
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Tips
by Anne Zachry
11M ago
"Feed the Car" is a fun and easy DIY in-hand manipulation activity and game for children. Playing this game is a great way to work on counting, pincer grasp, in-hand manipulation skills, bilateral skills, and crossing midline  Materials Needed: Toilet paper rolls Pompoms, beads Tweezers/Clothes pin Construction paper Printed/laminated cars Wrap the toilet paper rolls in construction paper and glue or tape in place. Print some fun animated car images, cut them out, and laminate them. Cut out an area that will serve as the "mouth" on each car, and and glue the image to each toilet paper r ..read more
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