My End of the Year Post!
My Gentle Threads. . .
by Donna Wynn (Yogiknitgirl)
4y ago
The Christmas Season is fast approaching. Less than a week to go and I'm still scampering to finish it all! The tree is decorated, most of the presents are wrapped, the Christmas cards were mailed and yet I feel so unfinished! Let's not even mention NO holiday baking yet! The holiday season can zap us of all positive energies if we allow it to. I'm afraid I got in that rut a few days back. The quiet time disappeared, the list kept growing longer and there was always  "one more thing to do" I am a creature of habit, a fault of mine I know ... I need my quiet time, my creative time a more
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A Season of Gratitude
My Gentle Threads. . .
by Donna Wynn (Yogiknitgirl)
4y ago
(Created by my daughter n law Lauren) I've just returned from a wonderful stay in the Outer Banks of North Carolina with my family for the Thanksgiving Holiday. How fun it is to all be under the same roof, loving each other, playing, laughing, sharing and exploring together. Many of you know, I have four precious grandchildren, Annabelle 4 Grayson 3 Dylan 2 Zoey 6 months So needless to say, our lives are filled right now! Getting away from our normal routines allows us to re-focus on what is important. Letting go of junk in our minds and hearts, can be a freeing experience. I had gott more
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Journaled Thoughts . . .
My Gentle Threads. . .
by Donna Wynn (Yogiknitgirl)
4y ago
I am a Journaler ... how I love this tender and safe place I am a Writer ... recording my thoughts and dreams I am a Poet ... sharing my words with others I am a Seeker ... always searching for growth and deeper understanding I am a Dreamer ... thinking of "What If's" Writing comes so naturally to me, it's as natural as breathing. I love to go back through my journals and re-read my thoughts from time to time. It says a lot about me and where I was in that moment in time. Words are powerful Words are sincere Here's my most recent journal entry, writing about what I love so very much more
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I wish you ...
My Gentle Threads. . .
by Donna Wynn (Yogiknitgirl)
4y ago
Fall is truly here and all of the colors of nature are in their finest display. I hope you are enjoying this time of year, cause I sure am! Fall is always a time of year where I slow myself down a bit, sip that cup of hot tea a little longer, read some good books, breathe in fresh air, rock in my rocking chairs in the evening, pay attention to the sounds of nature around me. I love this time of year so much. I look around at all the nature around me, and it astounds me to see Nature's palette of colors. Here in Virginia Beach, the leaves are just beginning to turn colors, and fall to the gr more
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Sometimes . . .
My Gentle Threads. . .
by Donna Wynn (Yogiknitgirl)
4y ago
Sometimes . . . I just want to shut myself off from the world Stay in my pajamas ... all the day long Take a nap in the middle of the afternoon Not talk to anyone for hours and hours Read a scrumptious book from cover to cover Stitch for hours uninterrupted and watch what unfolds on the linen piece Sit at my beloved Tapestry Loom and weave and weave and weave while watching the image come alive onto the warp Sometimes I just don't want to think Sometimes all I want is to just sit  quietly alone Breathing in all the thoughts that pass me by (For they are all life nugget more
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Weaving Is . . . . . . .
My Gentle Threads. . .
by Donna Wynn (Yogiknitgirl)
4y ago
A New Woven Beginning I was recently asked by a friend, "How do you find time to do all that you do?" I honestly answered her by saying, "I find the time to do what fulfills me!" Whether it is spending time with my family, my FOUR grandchildren, working as an Optician, Tapestry weaving, creating my art or journal writing, finding time to be with friends or just taking care of home, hubby and puppy. Life is extremely full these days. I certainly am leaving the TV off as much as possible, and try not to get distracted by social media. Listening to good music is a must! Honestly, that is a ver more
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The importance of writing ... putting thoughts to page.
My Gentle Threads. . .
by Donna Wynn (Yogiknitgirl)
4y ago
My Traveler notebook When I ask myself "Why do I Write?" The answer always seems to be, "Because it is a part of me" I can remember as a little girl having diaries, and writing in them, filling them with drawings and little stories or whatever treasure I wanted to remember. I also thought that little tiny key that locked it, kept my thoughts a secret and no one else would ever read it! That was pretty true for me, I don't have any memories of my brother or sister, or even my parents reading my personal thoughts and teasing me!  I was lucky! Writing to me each day is like food for the more
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Stepping Gently
My Gentle Threads. . .
by Donna Wynn (Yogiknitgirl)
4y ago
 A window view in Washington, NC Summer is such an amazing time, there is so much to do, a relaxed feeling each day, beautiful sunshine, vacations and mini getaways, hot temperatures and an awakening of the spirit. People seem happier and more relaxed to me! There are gatherings with family, vacations and times to slow down from the norm. More books are read for sure and  many more naps in hammocks, right? Even my Josie Grace finds time to chill It is already mid August and I find myself wanting to step gently for the rest of the summer. My tapestry camp is over (and I looked s more
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Tapestry Camp ... How I spent my summer vacation
My Gentle Threads. . .
by Donna Wynn (Yogiknitgirl)
4y ago
Our greeting when we reached the top! How lucky I was to spend five days this past week, July 22-26, 2017 at Tapestry Weaving Camp with Rebecca Mezoff, an amazing tapestry artist and teacher! It was held at the Colorado State University, Mountain Campus, in Pingree Park. (Elevation 9000 feet!!!!) I left home at 4:00 am on a Saturday, and returned at 2:00 am on Thursday morning. It was so worth the travel journey to get there! You see studying with my online teacher in person  has been on my bucket list for quite some time, and the journey I walked before the workshop, well ... let's ju more
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Taking a Summer Hiatus
My Gentle Threads. . .
by Donna Wynn (Yogiknitgirl)
4y ago
Him and Me Always! Here it is July and it's already three quarters over! I honestly don't even know where it went! It has certainly been a summer of adjustment and sorrow after losing my precious father-n-law. As you know, I pride myself on living the creative life, however, not much creativity has been happening around my studio lately. I miss just playing around with my paints and yarns. I can't even tell you the last time I art journaled or just read a book. All is good! I will be headed to Colorado in just a few days to a Tapestry Weaving Workshop with my online teacher and mentor Rebe more
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