Worker offered “promotion” without additional compensation, finds a new job and takes half the team with him: 'Another company offered him the same management role—with actual compensation'
by Brad Dickson
4h ago
Life is a series of calculated risks—of varying levels of calculation. Some things you'll deliberate over for months, carefully coming to the answer and risk level that is best for you. Others will be hair-brained spur of the moment without any thought at all, sometimes to grave consequence. Owning a business is a bit like that, and that's not to say that owning a business is necessarily like life itself. (Though talking to some business owners would have you believing so.) No one wants to take any risks they don't have to, especially when money is directly involved and promising your employe more
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60+ year-old couple disagree over Valentine's Day etiquette: 'Valentine's Day is... not for your coworkers'
by Remy Millisky
6h ago
How do you react when your spouse tells you to "quit being so dramatic"? For many people, being told that phrase immediately sets them off. But this person actually is being rather dramatic, for rather confusing reasons, over an office Valentine's Day party.  Some offices celebrate every holiday with snacks or games, while other workplaces choose not to focus on holidays. It can be a nice break for the employees to snack on cupcakes or win a little prize. Everyone knows it's just a little break to have fun for like 15 minutes before heading back to your laptop to write emails.  This more
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'[I] was given no respect at this job. So I gave no respect in return': Employee quits without notice in petty email to boss, leaving company scrambling
by Ben Weiss
7h ago
Quitting via email is not exactly the professional thing to do. That being said, it's certainly the kind of behavior many employees wish they could get away with when announcing their sudden departure at a company. Sure, it's common practice to give two weeks' notice and to help tie loose ends and get materials organized and ready for whoever is unlucky enough to be your replacement. Still, if we were to indulge in the fantasy of quitting on the spot, it's a lot more enjoyable to imagine how completely lost everyone would suddenly be without you. Keep scrolling below for this employee's iconi more
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Step-father asks 13 and 16-year-old step-daughters to change their last names, mom "lectures" teens over decision: 'My answer didn't change'
by Remy Millisky
7h ago
These parents think their teen girls are being stubborn, while the teens are standing their ground and refusing to budge.  Changing your last name is kind of a big deal. You have to go to court with paperwork in order to get it approved, and then you have to change all your documents to reflect this change. It's not a decision someone makes lightly!  Anecdotally, a lot of people I know say that they and their spouse will choose whoever has the cooler last name. Instead of the traditional way of the newlywed couple taking the husband's last name, modern couples are picking whichever more
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Teenage sister gets back at brother's ex-girlfriend after she dumps him, using 100 rolls of TP: 'Don't mess with my brother'
by Ben Weiss
7h ago
Siblings who have each other's back are an unstoppable force. If this story serves as an indication of anything, it's the power of the two siblings' bond at the heart of this tale.  Of course, not every set of siblings gets along swimmingly, but the truth of the matter is that no one else can tap into the inner workings of your mind. Your sibling was there in your earliest days, during your adolescent years, and beyond. They have seen you argue with your parents, excel or struggle socially at school, and discover your wants and needs. All this to say, if you do find yourself cornered by more
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Underpaid engineer cashes in on a $5k work bonus and calls it quits on job when they land a better $54/hr role: ‘I had gone above and beyond my duties’
by Lana DeGaetano
9h ago
In the workforce, we can all hope, in good faith, that we'll be well-compensated for the work we do at our companies, establishments, and the like. Though we can fill our half-empty cup completely full with hopes and dreams of a six-figure salary, that's not in the cards for most of us. There are many factors at play here, but the main issue is, drumroll please… Companies budgeting for their higher-ups and not for employees lower on the corporate hierarchy! Of course, with more power comes more responsibility (supposedly,) which in turn comes with a higher payout. But what about the employees more
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16-year-old moves out of family home after finding herself the scapegoat and being blamed by her 15-year-old for a school-wide cheating scandal: 'My stepmother told me if I didn't apologize I could forget my dad helping me pay for college'
by Brad Dickson
11h ago
Being tried for something you didn't do or weren't at fault for in the kangaroo courtroom of your parents' accusations is an injustice that echoes to all of us as a shared teenage experience. That hopeless feeling as you try to explain or argue your way out of something they've already made their mind on is about as frustrating as the adolescent experience can get.  And that, even then, is when you have parents who are well intended and on the whole looking out somewhat selflessly for your best interests—loving parents with the best for their children in mind. There is of course, another more
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20+ Out of touch people who acted entitled: 'Just buy the place you're renting'
by Remy Millisky
12h ago
Every friend group has that one person who's a bit out of touch. They're the friend who has no problem plunking down their credit card to spend thousands of dollars on new clothes and shoes. This friend is always driving a brand new car, somehow. You try to talk to them about your average Joe type of problems, like working late hours or struggling to make ends meet, and their eyes just kind of glaze over. You still love that friend, but at the same time, it can be quite off-putting to watch as your pal is blissfully unaware of the struggles everyone else is dealing with.  These people be more
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Two managers trash-talk employee forgetting they’re in a group chat, panic and scramble to delete their patronizing comments after being called out: ‘my self-esteem at work has decreased massively due to these women’
by Etai Eshet
12h ago
Look, not all of us need to be hacker-level tech savvy, but surely understanding the basics of how not to cut the social branch you're sitting on is a skill worth picking up. Yet somehow, time and time again, we're reminded that even seasoned professionals can blunder their way into humiliation like it's their side hustle. It's almost impressive. It's the kind of thing you see all the time—screenshotting a cringe post on Instagram and accidentally sending it to the person you were mocking? Delightful. Texting your sibling complaining about her unsolicited advice, only to realize you sent it t more
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Server gets $2500 tip from kind customer, only for manager to refuse to process it, server accuses restaurant of stealing: 'Corporate will likely void it instead of giving it to me'
by Bar Mor Hazut
13h ago
It has been well established that the tipping culture is a mess. No server should rely on tips to get through the month while they are already getting a paycheck from their workplace, and no customer should be expected to add a 20% tip on every little thing they buy. We know servers are underpaid and deserve more, but improving their situation should not rely on the customer, it is the responsibility of the corporation that employs those servers and provides their paychecks. However, every server once in a while encounters a kind customer who understands their struggles. If they are in a good more
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