Practical Advice on SaaS Marketing Blog
I'm Peter Cohen, principal of SaaS Marketing Strategy Advisors, and the author of the "Practical Advice on SaaS Marketing" blog. Before I started my own firm and this blog, I'd spent many years in marketing positions with Lotus, IBM, and other companies.
Practical Advice on SaaS Marketing Blog
4y ago
One thing I’ve learned in talking with customers: People have a high threshold for pain. It’s really difficult to get them to move away from whatever system they’re using to handle some task in their organization – no matter how bad that system is - and adopt a new one.
When I talk with customers that have recently purchased a new software-as-a-service (SaaS)
solution for their organization, I always ask “What system did you have before, and why did you decide to change.”
I nearly always hear back that the system they used before had to be bad - really, really bad - before they ..read more
Practical Advice on SaaS Marketing Blog
4y ago
I get this question a lot.
But even though I’ve been working with software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies for more than 15 years, I still don’t have an answer.
Or at least I don’t have a simple answer.
To answer that question – how much should we spend on marketing - first you need to answer a second question – how much revenue are you generating from your marketing. The two questions go together. Just asking the first, by itself, isn’t very helpful.
To know how much you should be putting into marketing, you need to know how much you’ll be getting out of it.
The SaaS metrics ..read more
Practical Advice on SaaS Marketing Blog
5y ago
A company may have lots of ways to know what’s going on inside their organization. But it’s more
difficult to know what’s going on outside. How are they doing relative to other companies. What are others doing that they can learn from? What mistakes are others making that they can avoid?
During the height of the Covid-19 crisis, one of my clients asked a few dozen customers what they were doing to adjust to the new business conditions. Besides helping some struggling customers and providing reassurance, it also let them gather a few useful insights.
Then ..read more
Practical Advice on SaaS Marketing Blog
5y ago
Nobody seems happy with their website.
In talking with lots of Marketing managers over many years, I’ve found that they tend to fall into one of only two camps:
People that are currently redoing their website, or
People that are planning to redo their website.
In other words, nobody’s really happy with their existing website.
Over the last year, I’ve worked with 4 different clients on a complete overhaul of their websites. And I’ve recommended suggestions for website improvements for almost every other client.
Too many choices
One of the most challenging parts of ov ..read more
Practical Advice on SaaS Marketing Blog
5y ago
I’m a believer in blogging. I’ve been writing a monthly post for more than 10 years, and people do find me through my blog.
Based on the numbers, I know lots of others have a similar faith in blogs. I’m not sure of the official
count, but my guess on the total number of blogs out there is about a billion.
Blogs are a standard part of the marketer’s repertoire, and for good reason. Done well, they can help companies attract visibility and gain credibility. If they’re publishing useful information, people that care about the topic should pay attention, and they may con ..read more
Practical Advice on SaaS Marketing Blog
5y ago
I’ll be honest. Never did I think I’d ever write an article with a headline like that.
Most of the time I’m writing about situations I’ve seen before – sometimes many times before. This is not one of those times.
But I have learned a lot over the last few weeks. Perhaps we’ll be through the worst of this crisis by the time you read this, but I think some lessons have value beyond the short term.
Prospects have other priorities
Right now, many prospective customers are trying to manage their way through urgent challenges,
doing what they can to keep their businesses afloat ..read more
Practical Advice on SaaS Marketing Blog
5y ago
--> So, you’ve built a great product. Bravo!
Better yet if you’ve figured out how to market it. You’re getting it in front of prospective customers and they quickly see how it can be helpful.
But just showing the product’s benefits and advantages isn’t enough. Prospects need to see more than that.
Before they make a purchase decision, they want to see a smooth path to implementing your They want a painless way to get from where they are now to where you’re promising to take them.
They especially want to know that things won’t go wrong during the transition ..read more
Practical Advice on SaaS Marketing Blog
5y ago
I’m probably reading the same researchyou are about upselling. The clear conclusion is that selling more stuff to existing customers is important for software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies.
The most successful SaaS companies are generating more than half of their new bookings from Plus, they’re achieving “net negative churn,” meaning the loss of customers is more than offset by selling more to existing customers. (See KBCM 2019 survey of SaaS companies.)
upsells and expansions.
And this “land & expand” strategy can be a lot less expensive than selling to new customers ..read more
Practical Advice on SaaS Marketing Blog
5y ago
There are lots of memorable taglines for consumer products:
Just do it. (Nike)
Got milk. (California Milk Producers)
Betcha can’t eat just one. (Lays)
But business and technology products have had a fair share of effective taglines as well:
Imagination at work (GE)
Think different (Apple)
The early salesforce tagline wasn’t even words; just a logo saying “software” with a slash through it.
Each of those short phrases does a lot of work. They convey something vital about the product or the company. They come out of a deep understanding of the product or the company an ..read more
Practical Advice on SaaS Marketing Blog
5y ago
--> There are lots of memorable taglines for consumer products:
Just do it. (Nike)
Got milk. (California Milk Producers)
Betcha can’t eat just one. (Lays)
But business and technology products have had a fair share of effective taglines as well:
Imagination at work (GE)
Think different (Apple)
The early salesforce tagline wasn’t even words; just a logo saying “software” with a slash through it.
Each of those short phrases does a lot of work. They convey something vital about the product or the company. They come out of a deep understanding of the product or th ..read more