Gurney Journey
Gurney Journey, established in 2007 by renowned artist and author James Gurney, is a widely respected blog that offers valuable insights into illustration, plein-air painting, sketching, and the creative process. James Gurney, best known for his "Dinotopia" book series, created the blog as a visual journal to document his artistic adventures and discoveries. The blog provides practical..
Gurney Journey
2w ago
Nathalia says: "I wish you could have captured a quick, cheap digital image of all of the drawing you made and SOLD. Just to have a record. Ya know?"
Hi, Nathalia, this is the closest we've got: a photo of some of the sketches we did around 1980-1981. Most of them ended up on the cutting room floor. We probably had three sketches for every one that made it in the book, and many that have never been seen.
We had no way to sell them at the time, and I'm glad we didn't because it allowed us to rescan them for a much better printing of the new book compared to the first edition ..read more
Gurney Journey
3w ago
I’m grateful to Zoungy Kligge for the insightful review of The Artist’s Guide to Sketching by me and Thomas Kinkade.
Zoungy’s coverage includes side by sides of how the art looked in the 1982 edition compared to the way it looks in the new expanded and remastered edition. Here’s a link to his full review on Substack.
Las Vegas After a Fire by Thomas Kinkade, watercolor
If you are waiting for a pre-ordered copy, thanks for your patience. We’re working our way through a huge stack, signing each copy and including a few extra goodies in every shipment. You should receive a notification s ..read more
Gurney Journey
1M ago
R. Ives Gammell, one of the keepers of the academic flames, makes an interesting point about art teaching:
“A painter’s training does not consist primarily in instruction as to the handling of his materials. Such knowledge is extremely important, of course, but it is not the main thing. The essential purpose of a painter’s training should be to equip him with the means of solving any problem suggested to him by his creative impulse.”
Do you agree? What should art schools teach, and what should they not teach? Let me know in the comments.
On Substack; Gammell on Art Teaching ..read more
Gurney Journey
1M ago
New YouTube video covers:
1. Pathways of light reflected on water,
2. Hotspot priming
3. Contre-jour lighting.
4. The poetic traditions of glitter paths and moonpaths ..read more
Gurney Journey
2M ago
I enjoyed my conversations with Michael Clawson, host of the American Art Collective Podcast...
and B. Eric Rhoads, founder of Plein Air Magazine and host of the Plein-Air Podcast ..read more
Gurney Journey
2M ago
A brain circuit in primates that rapidly detects faces has been discovered.
This circuit, involving the superior colliculus, explains how we quickly spot and focus on faces, which could be relevant for portrait artists, character designers, or anyone who draws or paints people.
According to a news release from the NIH, "The newly discovered circuit first engages an evolutionarily ancient part of the brain called the superior colliculus, which can then trigger the eyes and head to turn for a better look. This better view enables different brain areas in the temporal cortex t ..read more
Gurney Journey
2M ago
Thanks to YouTuber Jan Matěják for featuring my book Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter in your shortlisted recommendations.
He says: "This one is hands-down the most valuable in my entire collection."
You can get signed copies of Color and Light at our online store. It’s also our bestseller.
Problem Solving for Oil Painters by Gregg Kreutz
The Art of Still Life by Todd Casey ..read more
Gurney Journey
2M ago
Here are two gouache plein air sketches painted with tiny triads.
Left: titanium white, yellow ochre, burnt sienna, and Prussian blue.
Right: white, cadmium yellow deep, raw sienna, and brilliant purple ..read more
Gurney Journey
2M ago
For the rest of the year, EVERY order shipped from my online bookstore comes with 4 FREE stickers ..read more
Gurney Journey
3M ago
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A post shared by James Gurney (@jamesgurneyart ..read more