Elbowglitter Blog
I’m Megan. I’m unmarried, in my mid 30’s, and I’m a runner, triathlete, lawyer, and cat lady living in the Washington, DC area.
Elbowglitter Blog
10M ago
Well hello there. Long time no see.
I stopped writing this blog after my last virtual race in 2020 because I stopped running. Why? I was pregnant and while some people can run while pregnant, I felt like my uterus was going to fall out of my belly button with every step.
And then I had a baby. And lost all track of time.
I also had a lot of work to do for my body to recover from pregnancy. With torn hip labrums, pregnancy was especially hard on all of those muscles needed for running, so it took a while to get back to it. I don’t know that I’ll get back to triathlon anytime soon (more on that ..read more
Elbowglitter Blog
4y ago
Disclaimer: I received a free entry to this raceas part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro , and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!
When I first learned of the DC Wonder Woman 5K/10K Race Series, I was really bummed that the races weren’t located closer to me. They were all way too far west. One benefit to a global pandemic is that this year’s race went virtual, and that meant I could race. I was ALL IN for the Wonder Woman Swag. When I was a kid, I had the coolest Wonder Woman Underoos. While this swag doesn’t quite rise to that level, i ..read more
Elbowglitter Blog
4y ago
How have we already made it to August? The other day, my boss commented “Well, we’re into month four of quarantining,” and we had to remind her that August was the beginning of the fifth full month, not counting that we were home for part of March.
I’ve resigned myself to not racing this year, and really think early next year is going to end up being questionable as well. I’m currently registered for the Walt Disney World Marathon on my 40th birthday, but I really doubt it’s going to happen – and even if it does, if we’ll feel safe going and running. I don’t know how I feel about being in cro ..read more
Elbowglitter Blog
4y ago
Disclaimer: I received four tubes of SiS Go Hydro to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro , and check out BibRave.com to review, find, and write race reviews!
Happy Summer! The time of year where you go outside and are immediately coated in sweat. Is that just me? When I workout, indoors or outdoors, I’m a super sweaty mess, and in the past, I’ve struggled with proper hydration.
Hydration isn’t just about water intake, but as many of us know, it’s also about electrolytes. As great as it would be to be able to just get some water from the faucet during ..read more
Elbowglitter Blog
4y ago
June! We’ve made it through half of the year. And half of that has been spent at home. It feels like forever ago that we were traveling. Now it’s a big deal if we get to go to the grocery store.
So we decided to make June one to remember and got married!
I put a ring on it.
Eric and I had plans for a small family wedding, but as COVID-19 hit and we could see those plans potentially changing, we realized we should take this as an opportunity. When we were initially planning our wedding dates, I thought it would be meaningful to get married on June 12, Loving Day. But Loving Day 2020 was coming ..read more
Elbowglitter Blog
5y ago
I said this month that I would work on additional posts so that the blog didn’t just become mileage recaps and I did not do that.
In many ways, it feels like May flew by, mostly because I think that there was a lot of just staring at the news in horror. I’m still trying to formulate words about what has been going on in the news lately, but I also read something recently that said that white people should sit back and listen and absorb and not try to create content, and that seems very wise. I have created a huge reading list for myself and will be sharing that in some form.
As to training, my ..read more
Elbowglitter Blog
5y ago
Well, I have to admit, it’s a bit sad that two posts in a row are monthly mileage recaps. But there’s not a lot of racing going on right now, so I haven’t had as much to write about. Still training though, and weirdly loving dryland swim workouts. Maybe because it’s a lot of the same stuff I’m doing for PT, and it feels extra productive to accomplish two things at once.
Last weekend was supposed to be my first triathlon of the year, and I’m pretty sure even without a global pandemic, I wouldn’t have been racing it. It was below freezing Saturday morning! In May! Definitely no open water swim f ..read more
Elbowglitter Blog
5y ago
We’re 1/3 of the way through 2020, and let’s just say, I hope it’s all downhill from here. I don’t think anyone expected April to look like this, and it doesn’t seem like it’s changing anytime soon.
I hope everyone is continuing to socially distance. I’ve been doing a lot of indoor workouts, because my normal running routes are super crowded. On Friday-Sunday, one of the roads near my local trail is partially closed, which is great, but I have to go about a mile down the trail to get to the closed part. Still, it’s better than nothing, so I’m going to try to do my weekend running out there.
I ..read more
Elbowglitter Blog
5y ago
At least someone is enjoying that I’m stuck at home.
This is weird, huh.
I realized that I went a full two weeks without having been inside a building other than my house. I’m pretty sure I’ve done that… never. Probably as an infant. Don’t get me wrong, I’d been outside, just not into another building. I did go to the grocery store though, so the streak has been broken. And restarted.
I keep looking at my calendar and all the things I had for planned for this month and the next few months, and it feels so strange to have everything crossed out. I’m not disappointed, really. Sort of numb, I ..read more
Elbowglitter Blog
5y ago
“Disclaimer: I received three boxes of Built Bar to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review, find, and write race reviews!”
Though I’m well aware that eating on the run isn’t good for me, I often find myself doing so, thanks to work, training, and various volunteer gigs. And, well, life. So I was excited to try out Built Bar protein bars. I liked the fact that they’re lower calorie (so good for breakfast or a snack, not really a meal replacement) and they allegedly weren’t chalky like a lot of protein bar ..read more