Early Retirement Extreme
Learn how to become financially independent through frugality, self-sufficiency, sustainable behavior, investing, DIY ethics and voluntary simplicity! Jacob became financially independent at 30 and retired at 33 and he writes a blog about how to retire extremely early.
Early Retirement Extreme
1y ago
I’m currently cooking dinner using ALL of the leftovers in the fridge (+ a few additional ingredients).
I pressure cooked some chick peas.
I also pressure cooked some rice and added it to some rice leftovers from the tortilla night the other day.
I chopped up an onion + half an onion from the other other day.
I’m currently frying the onion.
I will add some chopped cabbage which I will fry as well.
I will then cut up the rest of a piece of chicken from yesterday.
Add some Indian hot curry paste and the chicken.
Then add some scrambled egg from the other day.
Add the rice and some soy.
Serve wi ..read more
Early Retirement Extreme
2y ago
I wrote this tounge in cheek essay for an ezine around 2005 or so. Enjoy!
Knowledge is irrelevant to the mystic. The true mystic strives for something greater than knowledge. Knowledge is but the logic connection of information about random facts, but logic is beyond the mystic, who even at an early age sets out on a life-long journey seeking a deeper and more personal understanding of his internal universe. It usually starts with fantasy novels.
Mystics revel in their deep understanding, because it avoids the unpleasantries of thinking about the real world; yet despite a life long journey of ..read more
Early Retirement Extreme
2y ago
I just finished reading this book and I would say that if you’re a student planning to go to college or a parent planning to fund your child’s college education, it would be worth reading at least the first and the last chapter. If you ever intend to become a college professor or a high school teacher with the intention of educating a new generation of students, read the entire thing! It just might save you a decade of frustration.
(I wish I had read this book 10 years ago.)
Copyright © 2007-2021 earlyretirementextreme.com
This feed is for personal, non-commercial use only.
The use of this fee ..read more
Early Retirement Extreme
2y ago
This recipe is grand because it can be cooked in the morning and eaten in the evening.
Start in the evening by soaking some black eyed peas and some navy beans. These can be pressure cooked in the morning while DW takes a shower(*) and you cut up some green onions (I found a few in the fridge), a normal big onion (basket over the counter), jalapeno peppers (didn’t have any, so I improvised and took some out of the vinegar/killer pepper spicy bottle), a handful of corn (from the freezer). Mix all this together will a big can of diced tomatoes and slow cook on low for 8 hours. Spices to add are ..read more
Early Retirement Extreme
2y ago
I have used the same pair of boots almost every day since my early 20s. I’ll be 35 in a few months. Like with most “extreme” stats, a pair of boots which are 13+ years old blow the normal expectation values out of the water; much like being able to retire in five years… or having more than 2 page views per blog visit
I don’t know how many reheelings (resoling the heel only) I have had done on them. I lost count around 8. I know the full sole has been replaced once because I found an excellent cobbler in the city I live in. Vibram Skywalk. Don’t get anything less.
The boots are Hanwag’s Grunt ..read more
Early Retirement Extreme
2y ago
First some nomenclature: A century is 100 miles on a bicycle. It is something serious cyclists would maybe call a long ride, but which weekend warriors have elevated to event status as a testament to the fact that in our culture doing things with other people somehow validates crazy behavior.
In case you want to join me or cheer for your favorite blogger, we’re talking about the Delta Century in the foreclosure capital of the world, Stockton, CA.
Forsooth, I could probably ride the 100 miles myself and thus save the $40 registration fee, but then I would be crazy, right? Therefore frugal ..read more
Early Retirement Extreme
2y ago
This is one for the history nerds because this is actually the very first blog post I wrote on the ERE blog back on December 4th, 2007. As you can see, I started out presuming the correctness of the 4% rule. By the time I published the ERE book in 2010, I had become more cognizant of its limitations. It’s still useful as a rule of thumb though.
Financial planners generally agree that a 4 percent retirement withdrawal rate (a study has been done!) is safe for the long-term as it takes into account inflation, economic growth, and so on.
This means that you need 25 times (1.00/0.04 = 25) your ann ..read more
Early Retirement Extreme
2y ago
I’m just putting this up here because I have not seen this trick elsewhere. The problem here is mainly in getting the cable tension correct so the shifter can pull the derailer over all the cogs in the rear cassette. Too loose and you won’t be able to reach the low gears. Too high, vice versa.
First loosen the nut holding the gear cable. The derailer should swing towards your highest gear (small cog).
Adjust the (H)screw so that the derailer is limited from throwing the chain into the hub.. If it doesn’t have a name, just look at the mechanics to see which one it is.
Turn the cable tension ad ..read more
Early Retirement Extreme
2y ago
In the past I have made random comments about living out of a suitcase. I have done so in the past and it is entirely possible — in fact I arrived in the US with just a suitcase — to fit in the necessary clothes, cookware, and electronics in a large suitcase. At some point someone asked me what one should bring along and I promptly filed the question on my ever-growing to-do-list (item #29) of blog topics and then forgot about it. When the simple dollar used the suitcase to illustrate a point about the amount of stuff we carry around, I remembered the original question, so here goes.
Living ou ..read more
Early Retirement Extreme
2y ago
The problem of inadequate ranking systems which are easy to game seems to be a “social problem” which pertains to more than just alexa rankings. Basically, if you sell a product, you have to find some balance between promoting it or selling more and increasing quality (see this post for a book review which discusses these problems). In academia this involves striking a balance between doing research and going to conferences. For the student it involves striking a balance between studying for the test and getting educated. For the company it involves striking a balance between marketing and mak ..read more