Koolkat's Quilting Blog
A journal through quilts, UFOs and ideas and various trivia. Mission is to To provide excellent service and advice for our quilting customers, and a range of original quilt patterns and kits for the enjoyment of quilters. Run by Kathy Adams.
Koolkat's Quilting Blog
1y ago
How to get those quilts finished for Christmas!
During November KoolKat is offering a free binding service to solve the tedious job of finishing your quilt.
Not the machine quilting, that’s the easy part. We do most quilts within 24-48 hours of receiving them.
But then what happens?
Sometimes they are stored in the “round toit” cupboard.
We can fix that.
Send your quilt tops to us during November and we will send them fully finished- binding in place - ASOLUTELY FREE.
Just go to our website, fill out our order form including ticking ..read more
Koolkat's Quilting Blog
1y ago
KoolKat Quilting business opportunity
Do you see yourself owning and operating a home-based, established quilting business?
The owners of KoolKat Quilting, Kat and Geoff Adams are offering, for the first time, KoolKat Quilting, for sale. As you probably know, KoolKat has been operating since 2003 - 20 years!
The business includes 2 large fully computerised Statler Stitchers. These are the leading industrial quilting machines, capable of truly formidable turnover. There is a fully functioning website, a sizeable ..read more
Koolkat's Quilting Blog
2y ago
KoolKat’s 20th anniversary March Madness machine quilting half price offer.
KoolKat turns 20 this year, having started in Warwick in 2003.
To mark the event we are having a half price machine quilting offer until the end of March.
This is half of the standard pattern price normally $4.75 per square foot. This is for all patterns including the budget range.
The cost to you for the rest of March is just $2.37 per square foot.
If you have a cupboard full of quilts (say 6 or more) we will discount further if you wish to take this opportunity to get your quilts finished (ask us f ..read more
Koolkat's Quilting Blog
2y ago
After cancellation due to Covid, the long running annual Christmas in the Country market returns to Gatton.
It will be held at Peace Lutheran primary school on Saturday morning November 5 at 36 East Street, Gatton.
Kat's Kool Kreations will be there with a range of textile art and craft pieces including Kat's signature bags with beautiful embroidery decoration.
Look forward to seeing you there ..read more
Koolkat's Quilting Blog
2y ago
This is a cotton bedspread being made into a quilt with a simple meander pattern. The quilt was finished off with full binding in grey fabric.
  ..read more
Koolkat's Quilting Blog
2y ago
Two king size quilts from Robyn at St George - flower swirls and budget meander in use. The best way to see our current quilting projects is to follow us, KoolKat Quilting, on Facebook.   ..read more
Koolkat's Quilting Blog
2y ago
For over a decade, Kat Adams of KoolKat Quilting designed quilt patterns which we sold via several quilt shops and on line suppliers.
We have since ceased manufacturing and selling of KoolKat patterns and sold what remained of our printed stock to Keep Quilting in Victoria.
We were later asked to supply pdf files of our original patterns so that Keep Quilting could continue to print patterns from our files under a royalty agreement.
KoolKat is no longer printing any of our patterns and the responsibility for the quality of patterns purchased from Keep Quilting is that of Keep Quilting.
P ..read more
Koolkat's Quilting Blog
2y ago
Koolkat is now back in the studio after our annual road trip in our caravan. Thank you or your patience ..read more
Koolkat's Quilting Blog
2y ago
An interesting use of the Giraffe Hide e2e pattern chosen by Kerry from Warwick for her Caterpillar earthmoving machinery panel quilt ..read more