Random Walk in MATLAB for any Number of Dimensions
Matlab Geeks
by Vipul Lugade
4y ago
Previously, we showed how to perform a random walk in one dimension and in two dimensions using MATLAB’s rand function. Now let’s look at the general case, where the user can specify d > 1 dimensions and n >= 1 ..read more
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Two Dimensional Random Walk in MATLAB
Matlab Geeks
by Vipul Lugade
4y ago
Previously we described what a random walk is and demonstrated some simple code to perform this walk in one dimensional space. Today we will provide some simple code for how to perform such a walk in two-dimensional space. In the ..read more
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One dimensional random walk in MATLAB
Matlab Geeks
by Vipul Lugade
4y ago
We’re going to do a series of posts on Matlabgeeks to demonstrate how MATLAB is a wonderful option for running simulations. As a precursor to this, let’s look at a stochastic process known as a random walk. Briefly, such a ..read more
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Check if a point is within a polygon – general case
Matlab Geeks
by Vipul Lugade
4y ago
Previously we had shown how to check if a two dimensional point is within a convex polygon. Now let’s look at the general case, where the polygon can be either convex or non-convex. To do so, we’ll use the ray ..read more
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Check if a point is on a line segment
Matlab Geeks
by Vipul Lugade
4y ago
As we continue to look at different computational geometry problems, one simple, yet important test is to see whether a given point lies on a line segment. Similar to our previous posts, we will be utilizing the cross product and ..read more
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Find intersection of two lines in MATLAB
Matlab Geeks
by Vipul Lugade
4y ago
One computational geometry question that we will want to address is how to determine the intersection of two line segments. This will allow for further solutions for more complex questions, including a general solution regarding whether a point is inside ..read more
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Equations for lines
Matlab Geeks
by Vipul Lugade
4y ago
In order to continue our discussion regarding polygons, points and other computational geometry code in MATLAB, we need to explain a few concepts.  This includes how we will describe points, vectors and lines. A point is used to describe a ..read more
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Determine if a point is located within a convex polygon
Matlab Geeks
by Vipul Lugade
4y ago
It’s been a long time, but we are back again. We previously had discussed how to generate polygons by tracing a circle around a given center and placing vertices at randomly spaced angles and radii. Furthermore, we explained how to ..read more
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Random Walk in MATLAB for any Number of Dimensions
Matlab Geeks
by Vipul Lugade
4y ago
Previously, we showed how to perform a random walk in one dimension and in two dimensions using MATLAB’s rand function. Now let’s look at the general case, where the user can specify d > 1 dimensions and n >= 1 ..read more
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Two Dimensional Random Walk in MATLAB
Matlab Geeks
by Vipul Lugade
4y ago
Previously we described what a random walk is and demonstrated some simple code to perform this walk in one dimensional space. Today we will provide some simple code for how to perform such a walk in two-dimensional space. In the ..read more
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