Mooji brings the possibility of Self-realization into the here and now. He drifted in a state of spontaneous meditation oblivious to the outer world he formally knew. During these years, he lived almost penniless but was constantly absorbed in inner joy, contentment and natural meditation. His communication is simple, direct and immediate. An invitation to move from person to presence -- and..
1w ago
This season’s Sahaja Glimpse offers a warm invitation into the daily life of Moojibaba and the sangha in Monte Sahaja. This collage of scenes from the past several months shows the richness of a simple, joyful life which is dedicated to awakening, and in service to all those who share that call. Portugal January 2025 - Music in Order of Appearance: Lowe Mi By Sevana https://open.spotify.com/track/23sdZgBlHvaHJcfOLu2PgZ?si=275d00e3febe4f79 Ao Vento by Gotama https://gotama-music.bandcamp.com/track/ao-vento-to-the-wind Inner Sanctuary by Gotama https://gotama-music.bandcamp.com/track/inner-sanct ..read more
1M ago
Moojibaba takes a student through a clear, step-by-step guidance into the core of Self-Inquiry. A practical, ever-relevant response to the question “how to observe with detachment?” “The feeling ‘I’ in you: ‘I see, I think, I did, I know’, who is the ‘I’ that knows? Is it personal or impersonal? This is the most important discovery, because until you really realize this and know this, you take yourself to be an object, perceiving other objects.” Monte Sahaja, Portugal 15 November 2024 ~ More talks like this are available on Sahaja Express: https://mooji.org/sahaja-express If you would like to ..read more
2M ago
In this heartfelt exchange, a student shares the transformation he has experienced through Satsang, but still seeks help with anger that occasionally arises in daily life. Moojibaba responds clearly and practically, highlighting the identity of the one who is apparently struggling with this issue. Through the guidance of observing with detachment, the anger is used as an opportunity to recognise our true nature as the uninvolved witness. “What keeps the anger alive? The sense of ‘me’ is the fuel for this anger. Can the ‘me’ also be included in the seeing? Can you recede to the space that is be ..read more
3M ago
The transformative Satsang that follows is truly a direct darshan of the Self. Moojibaba sits with a small group and rather than taking many questions, he seizes upon a single, key pointer that every seeker must recognise, and continuously expands and expounds upon it until the entire room is marinating in clear seeing. It is recommended to listen deeply and follow Moojibaba step-by-step, as he guides us into the strikingly simple and profound recognition of our true nature. “There is a very subtle point that we must clear up today because it’s been missed. It was just said, ‘I see that it’s t ..read more
3M ago
In a climate of urgency and earnestness, Moojibaba invites us to recognise that which is beyond the phenomenal mind, person and world. From here, we can see the unreality of everything that appears, including the limited identity that we usually take ourselves to be. We are encouraged to use all situations that life brings to recede to the pure place of being and confirm that we are the untouched witness. “We are here for this: to clarify, to verify inside yourself that which can never go—that which alone is Eternal and perfect. I have the delight in my heart to tell you: it is you. But now it ..read more
3M ago
In response to some of his students, Moojibaba lovingly challenges everyone to make use of this clear inquiry which when followed earnestly, has the power to reveal our true nature as pure consciousness. "The fact is already here—everything is perceivable. That which is perceiving—can that itself be perceived? And if so, by what?" This deeply introspective guidance is at the heart of Moojibaba's pointings and the very climate of Monte Sahaja at the moment. Monte Sahaja, Portugal 15 October 2024 ~ This is an excerpt from a longer talk that is available on Sahaja Express: https://mooji.org/se/sa ..read more
4M ago
Moojibaba invites us into one of the most radical exercises to transcend the force of the mind: the I-watching exercise. By not following the constant stream of mind activity and returning to the space of witnessing, we begin to see through the layers of identity and revert to our true being—the essence of God within. 'Each time the mind arises, don't let it grow, don't water it; instead, bring it back into the emptiness from where the seeing of it is coming. The outcome of this is the Oneness of Reality. You are this Reality. What you are doing here is making a shortcut to freedom. This is a ..read more
4M ago
This inquiry is a profound investigation into what is true beyond all appearances. Moojibaba emphasises the need for a mature seeker of Truth to be willing to let go of attachment to personal identity, and discover that which is beyond the relative world. With compassion and clarity, he guides us to see that much of what we consider to be our 'self'—our thoughts, feelings and even the person we think we are—are impermanent and unreliable. The seeming solidity of our personal identity is questioned, revealing that it is ultimately perceived by something far more stable, pure, and timeless. ‘Not ..read more
5M ago
During this morning with Moojibaba, we experience spontaneous existence as it unfolds in the presence of the Master. Throughout all of the encounters that take place, we witness and experience the grace of Self-knowledge: where knowing and being are one. “We are meant to find the Unity first, and then it manifests through the diversity. But we are attracted to the diversity, and we lose sight of the Unity. Open to the possibility that God Consciousness is unlimited. Open to the possibility of welcoming the unlimited in yourself. You already carry the seed—you are the seed ..read more