What Happened to the Bible?
DiscipleBlog.com | Thoughts on discipling kids today.
by DiscipleLand Staff
11M ago
Let me ask you a few questions related to children at your church and the Bible. After each, please pause and reflect on the answer. RE: Children and the Bible Do your children bring their Bibles to church? Do your children USE their Bibles at church? Are Bibles needed by your children during your programs? Do you have Bibles available for children who don’t bring or have one? When is the last time you saw a child reading their Bible on their own? Do your lower elementary children know the books of the Bible by memory? Can your upper elementary ..read more
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5 Small-Church Children’s Ministry Strategies
DiscipleBlog.com | Thoughts on discipling kids today.
by DiscipleLand Staff
1y ago
Small Church, BIG Challenge God uses churches of all sizes to accomplish His purposes. There is a lot of information for and about larger churches, yet 90 percent of churches have less than 350 attendees and the median conservative Protestant church in the U.S. has 117 regular participants in worship on Sunday mornings. So what do you do when only two kids show up on Sunday, and they’re 4 and 12? In this week’s newsletter, Greg Baird encourages us to start by thinking S.M.A.L.L.: __ Janice hurried through the building checking each of the three classrooms. She’d invested several hours ..read more
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Five Reasons to Be Prudent About AI
DiscipleBlog.com | Thoughts on discipling kids today.
by DiscipleLand Staff
1y ago
“The naïve believes everything, but the sensible man considers his steps.” – Proverbs 14:15 When writing came along to the ancient world, Plato lamented that people would no longer commit things to memory or engage with each other. Chinese philosophers warned against the danger of a new technology called “books.” With each new invention, there are growing pains while society learns to adjust and humanity works out how to glorify God with the new technology. Today ChatGPT and other large language model AI’s have quickly become an overnight sensation. Those that promote and defend this kind of A ..read more
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Empower Your Volunteers!
DiscipleBlog.com | Thoughts on discipling kids today.
by DiscipleLand Staff
1y ago
Empowering volunteers is a critical, yet challenging process. Failure to empower others inevitably leads to the “do it yourself” mode. This culminates in volunteer under-utilization and leadership exhaustion! The solution is simple. To create a culture where volunteers are enabled to solve problems without requiring constant supervision, they need intentional, hands-on training. Volunteers who internalize the mission, heart, and policies of the church can make decisions based on those values. Your Empowerment Strategy: the “Three E’s”“Three E’s”—Engagement, Equipping, and Empowerment—will help ..read more
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Five Reasons to Be Prudent About AI
DiscipleBlog.com | Thoughts on discipling kids today.
by DiscipleLand Staff
1y ago
“The naïve believes everything, but the sensible man considers his steps.” – Proverbs 14:15 When writing came along to the ancient world, Plato lamented that people would no longer commit things to memory or engage with each other. Chinese philosophers warned against the danger of a new technology called “books.” With each new invention, there are growing pains while society learns to adjust and humanity works out how to glorify God with the new technology. Today ChatGPT and other large language model AI’s have quickly become an overnight sensation. Those that promote and defend this kind of A ..read more
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ABCs of Family Discipleship – Abide in Christ
DiscipleBlog.com | Thoughts on discipling kids today.
by DiscipleLand Staff
1y ago
Remain in me, and I will remain in you.For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine,and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. (John 15:4, NLT) Discipleship Truth: Abiding in Christ is simply remaining in constant communion with Jesus. That concept is very basic, but it can also be quite challenging. Apart from staying connected to Jesus, all human efforts to become godly are useless and ineffective (John 15:5-6). Believers who abide in Christ also bear fruit—the proof of discipleship (15:8). As Christians allow Jesus to direct their lives, He provides daily energy ..read more
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Presenting the Gospel to Children
DiscipleBlog.com | Thoughts on discipling kids today.
by DiscipleLand Staff
2y ago
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14, NIV). How Kids ThinkSome people say, “Children need to grasp the Gospel’s deep significance before they should be given an opportunity to respond.” This thinking marginalizes the power of the Good News. As a result, those kids miss out on the privilege of receiving new life and enjoying Jesus’ companionship during the difficult challenges before them. Approximately half of the people in America who come to faith in Christ respond to the Gospel before ..read more
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The Fragrance of Easter: Free Download
DiscipleBlog.com | Thoughts on discipling kids today.
by DiscipleLand Staff
2y ago
Free Easter Resource: The Fragrance of Easter by Mark Steiner Mary of Bethany anointed Jesus. She is one of only a few who ministered to Jesus directly. In a moving gesture that demonstrated her deep devotion and gratitude, Mary opened her alabaster jar and … Click Here For An Immediate Download ..read more
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Empower Your Volunteers!
DiscipleBlog.com | Thoughts on discipling kids today.
by DiscipleLand Staff
3y ago
Empowering volunteers is a critical, yet challenging process. Failure to empower others inevitably leads to the “do it yourself” mode. This culminates in volunteer under-utilization and leadership exhaustion! The solution is simple. To create a culture where volunteers are enabled to solve problems without requiring constant supervision, they need intentional, hands-on training. Volunteers who internalize the mission, heart, and policies of the church can make decisions based on those values. Your Empowerment Strategy: the “Three E’s”“Three E’s”—Engagement, Equipping, and Empowerment—will help ..read more
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Cultivate a Spiritual Climate in Your Nursery
DiscipleBlog.com | Thoughts on discipling kids today.
by DiscipleLand Staff
3y ago
Trish and Javier were amazed when their toddler recited her simple Bible verse and sang the new song about Jesus. Other church nurseries they had visited had been safe and warm, but offered scarcely any spiritual input! Two-year-old Kaeli was like a sponge at home—always eager to learn new things. Trish and Javier knew she could grasp simple spiritual truths at the church nursery, too. Grateful for the very basic Bible instruction for Kaeli, Javier and Trish looked forward to coming back the following Sunday. Of course, the church nursery must be a caring, nurturing place that addresses the ph ..read more
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