KB6NU's Ham Radio
Covers articles on Rules, Regulations, Enforcement and Arduino.
KB6NU's Ham Radio is the Author of the No Nonsense amateur radio study guides and The CW Geek's Guide to Having Fun With Morse Code.
KB6NU's Ham Radio
6d ago
W3LPL on HF propagation At an hour and a half, this video is kind of long, but if you’re interested in propagation, it’s worth watching. W2AEW on how to use a NanoVNA to measure a filter’s characteristics Alan, W2AEW, shows how to use a NanoVNA, which is one of the most useful tools for characterizing ..read more
KB6NU's Ham Radio
1w ago
One of the things that makes Parks on the Air (POTA) so successful is the way that they use their database to keep folks involved. It’s very easy for activators to upload their logs, and once uploaded, the website takes it from there, generating myriad awards for participants. There are awards for all kinds of ..read more
KB6NU's Ham Radio
2w ago
According to BleepingComputer.Com, “On Wednesday, ARRL revealed that it had indeed paid the attackers a [$1 million] ransom not to prevent stolen data from being leaked online but to obtain a decryption tool to restore systems impacted during the attack on the morning of May 15.” A member bulletin detailing the situation was sent to ..read more
KB6NU's Ham Radio
3w ago
I attended DEF CON 32 a week or so ago, and like many “hacker” conferences, attendees got an electronic badge. This year’s badge was built around the new Raspberry PI microcontroller, the RP2350. It actually works like a GameBoy, and you can add games like you would a GameBoy. Here are a couple of videos ..read more
KB6NU's Ham Radio
3w ago
Here are three interesting things I found on mastodon last night. If you’re a mastodon user, you can follow me at @kb6nu@mastodon.radio. If you primarily post about #hamradio, I’ll follow you back. Electronics at Work: 1943 In 1943, electronics was all about vacuum tubes. This video is a good introduction to how vacuum tubes work ..read more
KB6NU's Ham Radio
3w ago
Last week, I attended DEFCON, where I gave my “Ham Radio for Hackers” talk and mingled with a number hacker types. This talk seems to have struck a chord. It was featured on Hack-a-Day, and recently, Steve Stroh, N8GNJ, commented that I am “fast becoming the Amateur Radio Evangelist of techies / hackers / makers ..read more
KB6NU's Ham Radio
1M ago
I’m not a real fan of Las Vegas, but DEF CON is held in Las Vegas, so if I wanted to teach a one-day Tech class there, I just had to go. It was a fun, but tiring trip. Getting there I kinda made my travel arrangements last minute because the Ham Radio Village (HRV ..read more
KB6NU's Ham Radio
1M ago
Question T3C07 in the Technician Class question pool reads: What band is best suited for communicating via meteor scatter? 33 centimeters 6 meters 2 meters 70 centimeters The answer, of course, is B. 6 meters. I make a big deal out of this question when I teach my one-day Tech classes because I think meteor ..read more
KB6NU's Ham Radio
1M ago
As you may know, there will be an election shortly for ARRL Roanoke Division Director. The Roanoke Division includes Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. I would like you to consider supporting and voting for Jim Talens, N3JT. Jim has a unique blend of experience and training, including 22 years as an FCC ..read more
KB6NU's Ham Radio
1M ago
Last night, on Mastodon, I came across a post that just made me say, “Wow!” It contained a link to a post by Susan Kaye Quinn, who is a speculative fiction author with a PhD in environmental engineering, who writes hopepunk climate fiction & solarpunk. The post on Quinn’s webiste includes the following video on ..read more