Unraveled - Ravelry Blog
Ravelry is a place for knitters, crocheters, designers, spinners, weavers and dyers to keep track of their yarn, tools, project and pattern information, and look to others for ideas and inspiration. Ravelry is a great place for you to keep notes about your projects, see what other people are making, find the perfect pattern and connect with people who love to play with yarn from all over the..
Unraveled - Ravelry Blog
3M ago
When you purchase a pattern through Ravelry while you are logged in, the pattern pdf will automatically and seamlessly be saved to your Ravelry library. If you purchase a pattern while you are logged out, we know you'll still want to save it in your Ravelry library for ..read more
Unraveled - Ravelry Blog
3M ago
Three generations of Framed: KnitMeres (Meredith) made the sweaters for herself and her adorable daughter, and her mother Ann knit her own lovely cardigan version. Meredith shared that this photo was taken just 5 minutes after walking into the festival and running into the designer, Andrea!
The third weekend in ..read more
Unraveled - Ravelry Blog
4M ago
JetSetMill is glowing in her vibrant Jökull in Orange
Sweater Weather Season (the favorite season for many yarn lovers) is gearing up for lots of our northern hemisphere Ravelers, and it's no surprise that so far this month our community has already marked as finished almost ..read more
Unraveled - Ravelry Blog
9M ago
gaievans's Mediterranean Twill
Browsing weaving projects on Ravelry always inspires me. Although I have very little experience with weaving, seeing the beautiful projects from seasoned weavers always always makes me hope to spend more time creating with my loom. For today’s Eye Candy, I'm sharing a few of my favorite recently completed weaving projects.
From left to right: jsandell's Rainbow Diamond and Feather Towels, Norwichweaver's John Madison table runners, and DomerJen's Friendship Towels - Run 8.
These woven sets of towels are singastory's Springtime Stripe canvas Weave towels ..read more
Unraveled - Ravelry Blog
11M ago
KamiG2 (who just began crocheting in October 2023!) and her cheerful Heart Granny Square Sweater
Many Ravelers around the world have been making bright and colorful sweaters lately - today we are sharing a few recently completed ones:
shreyaknits's Pressed Flowers Cardigan, putyourflareon's Instant Crush, and lilahula's Candy Cane
Ishreyaknits's Pressed Flowers Cardigan, putyourflareon's Instant Crush, and lilahula's Candy Cane all showcase such gorgeous juicy hues.
Pamonito's Briornate Sweater test knit, griff28's Cropped Happy Birthday, and Nibeag's Beirut
Pamonito's Briornate Swea ..read more
Unraveled - Ravelry Blog
1y ago
coocrochet's 5th heart
With Valentine's Day coming soon, heart-themed projects are popping up all around Ravelry! Here are some recently finished projects that caught my eye:
jlo67356's Pink Heart Drawstring Pouch, HailKytten's Vintage Heart Tattoo overlay mosaic square, and knittily's Cold hearts test adult tall
GamingGranny13's Peg's Valentine, tamarairene's Conversation Heart Box, and tammy1966's Two Hearts in a Pod
Here's to making things with love ..read more
Unraveled - Ravelry Blog
1y ago
laurene1970's Chardonnay Wine Bottle Cozy
One thing I truly love about knitters and crocheters: if something exists, we've probably found a way to make a cozy for it. From pretty to practical to whimsical, here are some recently completed cozy projects:
katieherrod's Maxine Hot Water Bottle Cover Test Knit, KnottyinNature's Skeljakrukka / Jar covers, and missminda's Copper Mug Hug.
StarburstAcres's Piña Teapot Cozy, lindie's Mistake Rib Tea Cosy (DK), magentarot's Kannenmütze.
dcanna's Steering Wheel Cover, SuperEmily's Lego brick tissue box cover, and frannap's Akasha Keeps It ..read more
Unraveled - Ravelry Blog
1y ago
sandwitchcrochet's Halloween candle
As soon as Halloween passes, I love browsing projects to marvel in the creativity of Ravelers! From costumes to clothing to decor, the holiday inspires all kinds of fun projects every year. Here are some of this year's FO's to enjoy!
Millygray's 2023 Halloween hat and redjeep's luna cat pumpkin
alkasmelsah's Count Dracula the penguin, Alekzisonfire's Batty for Halloween socks, and TheLaughingLamb's Just One Bite
xhxixdxdxexnx's Berry the Bat, caseyoknits's Halloween Pumpkin Sweater, and freshisle's Boo the Ghost
merry-bird's Brain Slug, on an e ..read more
Unraveled - Ravelry Blog
1y ago
When we had the idea to do a call for a round-up of craft-alongs, we posted about it pretty spontaneously and hoped we'd get a few submissions to share with the community at large. As often happens, Ravelers exceeded our expectations and we've had the best time checking out all the planned craft-alongs going on in Ravelry groups this October!
There are nearly 50 craft-alongs in this post (!!), and we've broken them up below into three sections based on the type of Ravelry group to help you hone in on your interests more easily: social groups (groups not affiliated with a fiber business), yarn ..read more
Unraveled - Ravelry Blog
1y ago
Your Victory Jumper cover image from Home Notes, June 1945
Are you hosting a craft-along in your Ravelry group next month? Would you like to to get the word out and invite more crafters? We want to help!
If you moderate a Ravelry group that is hosting a craft-along starting in October, please email me at blog@ravelry.com by Wednesday, September 20 with:
a link to your Ravelry group where the craft-along is being hosted
a brief description of the craft-along (let me know the craft, theme/project/pattern, start and end dates, and any other important details!)
if you have a specific page or thre ..read more