Announcing iOS Google Mobile Ads SDK Version 12.0.0
Google Ads Developer Blog
by Google Ads Developer Advisor
1w ago
Version 12.0.0 of the Google Mobile Ads SDK is now available. We recommend upgrading as soon as possible to get our latest features and performance improvements. Updated Swift APIs We’ve updated the Google Mobile Ads SDK to define an NS_SWIFT_NAME for every API to follow the naming conventions from Apple’s Swift API Design Guidelines. For example, we have: Removed the GAD prefix across names for all types. Renamed the GAM prefix to AdManager. Renamed the GADM prefix to Mediation. For the full list of Swift API name changes, see Swift naming support. Swift 6 Concurrency Swift 6 concurrency su more
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Join the Google Ads API Research Group
Google Ads Developer Blog
by Google Ads Developer Advisor
2w ago
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Google Ads API Research Group. As a Developer Relations team, we want to ensure your voice is not only heard, but that your suggestions are incorporated into product decisions. Our goal is to turn your feedback into real improvements to the Google Ads API developer experience. As a member of the research group, we'll invite you to participate in user research opportunities, such as surveys and usability studies. These opportunities let you voice your opinions and ideas about the Google Ads API, inform product design and prioritization, and ultimatel more
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Google Ads API and Google Ads scripts search term insight report update starting March 3, 2025
Google Ads Developer Blog
by Google Ads Developer Advisor
2w ago
Starting on March 3, 2025, the Google Ads API and Google Ads scripts search term insight reports will return all search subcategories as empty. The Google Ads UI already removed this field, and the API is also rolling out this change to be consistent across Google Ads. What do I need to do? Starting March 3, 2025, it is expected that all values for segments.search_subcategory will be empty. If you query segments.search_subcategory in the campaign_search_term_insight or customer_search_term_insight reports, then: Check that your code can handle an empty value in segments.search_subcategory. An more
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Control ads identifier usage with IMA DAI SDK by setting your network code
Google Ads Developer Blog
by Google Ads Developer Advisor
3w ago
The IMA DAI SDK now supports passing the network code parameter when creating a full-service stream request. This change is specifically for IMA DAI integrations using either LiveStreamRequest or VODStreamRequest classes. Adding the network code is a one-time change that enables IMA DAI to respect your Ad Manager settings. We recommend you provide the network code for IMA to apply your Ad Manager settings to the stream request. For example, if you turn off programmatic limited ads in Ad Manager, use the Google Ad Manager network code parameter to ensure local storage is also disabled for limit more
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Extending the deprecation period for the Authorized Buyers Real-time Bidding protocol
Google Ads Developer Blog
by Google Ads Developer Advisor
3w ago
As part of our goal of aligning more closely with industry standards, we previously announced the sunset of the Authorized Buyers Real-time bidding protocol on February 15th, 2025. After the deprecation period, OpenRTB will be the only supported protocol for Authorized Buyers, Open Bidding, and SDK Bidding. Since the announcement, we have worked closely with migrating partners to provide guidance and technical assistance, as well as an A/B experimentation framework. We have seen a lot of enthusiasm and progress from many partners migrating to OpenRTB, as well as significant improvements in bid more
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Google Ads API v16 sunset reminder
Google Ads Developer Blog
by Google Ads Developer Advisor
1M ago
Google Ads API v16 will sunset on February 5, 2025. After this date, all v16 API requests will begin to fail. Migrate to a newer version prior to February 5, 2025 to ensure your API access is unaffected. Here are some resources to help you with the migration: Upgrade to the newest version Release notes You can view a list of methods and services your project has recently called using the Google Cloud Console: Open the APIs & Services in the Google Cloud Console. Click Google Ads API in the table. On the METRICS subtab, you should see your recent requests plotted on each graph. You can more
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Use ad inspector to debug your mobile applications
Google Ads Developer Blog
by Google Ads Developer Advisor
2M ago
Ad inspector is an in-app overlay that enables authorized devices to perform real-time analysis of Google Mobile Ads SDK test ad requests directly within your mobile app. It is included with the Google Mobile Ads SDK and you can enable it with no coding required. Ad inspector empowers you to thoroughly test all your ad sources before releasing those changes to your users so you can verify everything is working properly. To help you understand and utilize ad inspector effectively, we published a 7-part ad inspector video series on our Google AdMob YouTube channel. Each video focuses on a speci more
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Upcoming changes to enable brand guidelines in Performance Max
Google Ads Developer Blog
by Google Ads Developer Advisor
2M ago
Starting on January 20, 2025, new Performance Max (PMax) campaigns created with the UI will have brand guidelines enabled and require business name and logo brand assets to be linked at the campaign level rather than the asset group level. Brand guidelines is a new feature that allows you to control how your brand is represented in your Performance Max campaign automated assets or formats. What this means for API users New PMax campaigns created in the UI with brand guidelines enabled will automatically link BUSINESS_NAME, LOGO, and LANDSCAPE_LOGO via the CampaignAsset resource rather than by more
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December 2024 update to Display & Video 360 API
Google Ads Developer Blog
by Google Ads Developer Advisor
2M ago
Today, we’re announcing the December 2024 update to the Display & Video 360 API. This update includes the following: Support for additional exchanges. An increased maximum page size of 5000 for firstAndThirdAudiencePartyAudiences.list requests. To optimize quota usage, manually set the pageSize parameter of list requests to the maximum value. More details about this update can be found in the Display & Video 360 API release notes. Before using these new features, make sure to update your client library to the latest version. If you need help with these new features, please contact us more
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Improved support for service accounts in the Google Ads API
Google Ads Developer Blog
by Google Ads Developer Advisor
2M ago
Google Ads has rolled out a new feature that allows Google Ads account administrators to grant access to a service account. Once the access has been granted, you can use the service account credentials to make API calls to that Google Ads account and other accounts in that hierarchy, if applicable. Refer to the service account guide to learn more about this option. This new approach simplifies the Google Ads API authentication process in two important ways: If your application works entirely offline without any user interaction, then you no longer need to generate a refresh token. This means more
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