Professionally Speaking Blog
Exec|Comm LLC helps you communicate with more impact by teaching you how to focus more on others and less on yourself. In learning this, you can more powerfully impact the world.
Professionally Speaking Blog
1w ago
Back in July 2023, I posted a 3-part series examining how speechwriters can use generative A.I. tools like ChatGPT. This week the news about a Chinese generative A.I. — DeepSeek R1 — caused stocks in the shares of many American AI companies to slump. Commentators noted that the Chinese A.I. could “do more with less ..read more
Professionally Speaking Blog
8M ago
Writing in the Weekend FT (subscription required), columnist Gillian Tett highlights the cultural differences between dinner party “table talk” on either side of the Atlantic. She observes that “American professionals tend to take it for granted that when they meet over dinner they will stage a communal debate.” …the idea is basically the 21st-century version ..read more
Professionally Speaking Blog
9M ago
The proliferation of tent cities and decrepit RVs in towns and cities across America has led some to see this as a potent symbol of the economic crisis, as affordable housing is out of reach of ever increasing numbers of low income people. Indeed, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reported On ..read more
Professionally Speaking Blog
10M ago
Following 15 years at Sun Microsystems and the sudden layoff that ended my work for a company that I fully expected to stay with until I reached retirement age, as described in my Working Life Part IV, I faced the challenge of making a living in Silicon Valley. Luckily, I had developed a network. Freelancing ..read more
Professionally Speaking Blog
1y ago
My letter to the Weekend FT was somewhat marred by what I thought was a misleading title written by an FTT sub-editor. In contrast, my 2019 letter disputing Arnold Schwarzenegger’s claim to be “the first populist that was elected” was given a brilliant title: A.I. Sub Working on tight deadlines, on a Friday night at ..read more
Professionally Speaking Blog
1y ago
As I’ve previously noted, the late author Leonard Shlain has written several insightful books that examine how literacy reconfigured the human brain and brought about profound changes in history, religion, and gender relations. I was especially impressed by his analysis of the impact of the alphabet. I wrote a letter to the Financial Times in ..read more
Professionally Speaking Blog
1y ago
Display of wealth through clothes arrived in Europe in the late thirteenth century when a person’s class affiliation was signaled by what they wore. Because dress was recognized as an expressive and a potent means of social distinction, it was often exploited by the upper classes to gain leverage over others. Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu argues ..read more
Professionally Speaking Blog
1y ago
My 3-part series on ways generative A.I. can be of value to speechwriters started with a simple example of generating ideas for a Best Man’s wedding speech, reviewed how it can help corporate speechwriters, and concluded with a deep dive into political speechwriting. In all cases, I emphasized that generative A.I. is a tool and ..read more
Professionally Speaking Blog
1y ago
Another week, another article on American economic exceptionalism. In the Weekend Financial Times (subscription required) statistician John Burn-Murdoch highlights two sides to the American dream — extreme wealth coexisting with extreme poverty. Core beliefs are involved. Data show that Americans see themselves as more upwardly mobile than people from other western countries (in reality the ..read more
Professionally Speaking Blog
1y ago
A not-so-surprising report in the New York Times highlights the fact that America spends more per capita than any other country on the planet on health care, for worse outcomes. According to these statistics, my peers born in 1952 have just over seven years left to enjoy life in the US of A. What kind ..read more