Pioneer Group’s life sciences campuses host biggest Ada Lovelace Day event to date
Drug Discovery Today Magazine
4M ago
Pioneer Group, the specialist life science infrastructure and venture-building company, welcomed 425 school children from 29 schools to eight of its sites across the UK last week to mark Ada Lovelace Day, an international celebration of the achievements of women in STEM more
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Three new life science start-ups thrive at Discovery Park
Drug Discovery Today Magazine
4M ago
Sandwich, Kent, UK. 24th September 2024 A group of former Pfizer employees have successfully created their own businesses based at and supported by Discovery Park, a thriving life sciences community in Kent more
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UK antibiotic subscription model key to supporting antibiotic investment
Drug Discovery Today Magazine
4M ago
Investors need confidence and predictability if they are to invest in the fight against antibiotic resistance, finds a new report more
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VU Researchers Publish Study on the Mechanism of CRISPR-Cas “Protein Scissors” in Molecular Cell
Drug Discovery Today Magazine
4M ago
Researchers from the Institute of Biotechnology at the Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University – Dalia Smalakyte, Audrone Rukšenaite, Dr Giedrius Sasnauskas, Dr Giedre Tamulaitiene, and Dr Gintautas Tamulaitis – have revealed the structure of the CRISPR-Cas "protein scissors" found in bacteria and provided mechanistic details on how they function more
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Young Vilnius University Scientist I. Mogila Received Birnstiel Award for Breakthrough in CRISPR-Cas10 Research
Drug Discovery Today Magazine
4M ago
Irmantas Mogila, a young scientist from Vilnius University (VU) Life Sciences Center (LSC), has joined the ranks of the most talented early-career life science researchers. He was given the prestigious international Birnstiel Award for his outstanding research results in the field of molecular biology more
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Innovative Trials CEO named top Woman in Pharma at the Pharma Industry Awards UK
Drug Discovery Today Magazine
4M ago
Kate Shaw, founder and CEO of Innovative Trials, a global clinical trial patient recruitment and retention company, has been crowned a top ‘Woman in Pharma’ at the Pharma Industry Awards UK. She was given the award at a ceremony in Birmingham on Wednesday 18th September more
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New therapy that targets and destroys tau tangles is a promising future Alzheimer’s disease treatment
Drug Discovery Today Magazine
4M ago
Scientists have developed new potential therapies that selectively remove aggregated tau proteins, which are associated with Alzheimer’s disease, and improve symptoms of neurodegeneration in mice more
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Register now for Lab Innovations 2024
Drug Discovery Today Magazine
5M ago
Secure your ticket to visit the biggest lab industry trade show in the UK more
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Domainex secures a prestigious King's Award for Enterprise
Drug Discovery Today Magazine
5M ago
Domainex is honoured to announce it has received a King’s Award for Enterprise: International Trade 2023 more
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Science show’s speakers bring star power to the lab
Drug Discovery Today Magazine
10M ago
The SLS Show and Conference will feature huge names in science media more
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