The Kavanaugh Report
Hi! I'm Nicole, wife to Morgan, mother to 3, and Montessori enthusiast! I started this blog way back in 2009 as a way to keep up with family and friends. It eventually morphed into sharing some toddler friendly activities as we raised our first son, Henry.
The Kavanaugh Report
2w ago
There are so many incredible practical life opportunities available for toddlers. And one of the most interesting parts about having so many children has been seeing what each of my children gravitate towards. Some of been interested in cleaning tasks, some building tasks, and other's kitchen work. They really all have been quite unique. One fun practical work that Penelope has really gravitated ..read more
The Kavanaugh Report
1M ago
As Montessori parents, it's important to understand that we are the prepared adult within our homes. The prepared adult has a lot of responsibility in preparing the environment, setting limits, modeling for the children, and so much more. It's a role that felt pretty daunting to me at first. How was I supposed to be all of these extra things and also the primary caregiver for my children? And it ..read more
The Kavanaugh Report
2M ago
There's something a little overwhelming about buying stocking stuffers for me. I want something that isn't just little junk that is going to fall apart, I want it to meet my children's interests, and be something that they are actually going to use. But, it also needs to be small and affordable. And there needs to be more than one - ahh! I have some go-to ideas that I fall back on for ..read more
The Kavanaugh Report
2M ago
Oh I just love Montessori toddlerhood. There is so much goodness in watching your child perfect all the skills that they have learned up until this point. Walking through life with so much confidence, having such strong convictions, and just so much energy. Penelope is coming down to her final months as a 2-year-old. As excited as I am to watch my baby move on into the next phase in ..read more
The Kavanaugh Report
2M ago
There is a pervasive myth in Montessori circles, especially online, that children start to read very early. That Montessori somehow seamlessly launches children into reading in their preschool years with very little effort. And, while that might be true for a selection of Montessori preschoolers, it has not been true for my children. Reading has been a longer journey* for most of them, it's ..read more
The Kavanaugh Report
2M ago
Creating an environment where my young children have access to a variety of materials is important to me as a Montessori parent. But, as a parent with five kids, access to paint has been a harder one for me to implement. While I know there are so many great benefits to painting at an easel - creative expression, opportunities for crossing the midline, cause and effect - the potential mess ..read more
The Kavanaugh Report
2M ago
I can't believe another year has passed and we are back to Montessori Christmas gift lists again! I just love putting these lists together and really using my observation skills to figure out what is the best gifts for each of my children. If you see your children in these lists, please use them as inspiration and share with family and friends! Just a reminder, this list only includes my ..read more
The Kavanaugh Report
2M ago
It feels like an impossible task to feature all the best Montessori friendly small shops that exist in the world, because it really is. There are so many amazing shops that showcase truly unique and fun Montessori friendly materials for kids at home. In this small shop gift guide, I'm sharing some of my favorite finds from 2024, from both shops I've loved for years, and some places that are new ..read more
The Kavanaugh Report
3M ago
As a Montessori parent, my goal is to support my children's developmental needs here at home. While my children attend Montessori schools, so the bulk of their exposure to traditional Montessori materials is at school, I try to support that learning here at home in Montessori friendly ways. Generally, that means in ways that connect their interests to the things that they are interested in ..read more
The Kavanaugh Report
3M ago
My kids go through phases of being really into block play and then phases of not. Right now, we seem to be in a block heavy phase again. I love watching them create with blocks, explore different ways to build, combine, and imagine with them. They are a great way to add pretend play to a Montessori home that is child-led and open ended. Now, I'm no expert when it comes to block play. For ..read more