IVF is not a relapse risk
The MS-Blog
by MouseDoctor
1h ago
This is one of the WTF papers were you read the title and think why is this even a question. This a study about the risk of relapse after in vitro fertilization and I guess we need data to say that this proceedure is safe. So her you go No this is not a self ..read more
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Melatonin anyone?
The MS-Blog
by Neuro Doc Gnanapavan
2d ago
I’m sure MD is going to say that anything can work in an animal model, but this did garner some of my interest. I would generally place melatonin in the nutraceutical category. The natural melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain and largely regulates the sleep-wake cycle in the human ..read more
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Two papers….Same data
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by MouseDoctor
3d ago
I like to data mine but what is the chanch of the same study being done at the same time in two different Chinese Hospitals? Chen H. Real-world pharmacovigilance of ofatumumab in multiple sclerosis: a comprehensive FAERS data analysis. Front Pharmacol. 2025; 15:1521726. Background: Ofatumumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody targeting CD20, is approved for the ..read more
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Meta analysis of a dead Duck
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by MouseDoctor
4d ago
This is a great example of a pointless meta analysis….This looks at the efficacy of laquinimod and whilst it says that it is potentially beneficial and so may get picked up by your favourite news rag…..this is in my opinion going go nowhere fast. Laquinimod was tested to see it was of any advanatage in ..read more
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We went fishing. What did we catch.
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by MouseDoctor
4d ago
How things change. In the yesteryear fishing trips were considered to be a no no and you needed a clear hypothesis to experimentally test, but now we are in a world of big data and informatics where fishing is the norm we are all desperate to get the funding for genomics which is a giant ..read more
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Under starters Orders and with a Long Wait they’ll still be Off
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by MouseDoctor
1w ago
There are the depleters and the migration inhibitors. Stop a depleter and disease may not come back and this is the basis of immune reconstitution therapies like alemtuzumab and cladribine….With migration inhibitors the disease causing cells have not been removed and can come back with a vengence and this is the basis for rebound. So ..read more
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Inflammation and depression in MS
The MS-Blog
by Neuro Doc Gnanapavan
1w ago
Depression, whether lifestyle-related or environmental, is increasingly pervasive in this millennium. Looking for organic causes for this and ergo developing medications to counteract it is also nothing new. Like the over-the-counter paracetamol sales, the sale of prescription antidepressants is on the up. Would targeting specifics of a disease improve outcomes in so far as depression ..read more
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More CD20 stuff
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by MouseDoctor
1w ago
I try to learn and understand the biology and have decided to write a review on the different CD20 antibodies and so the question is…. is there a difference between the different CD20 depleting antibodies? We have ocrelizumab, ofatumumab and ublituximab approved for MS in the UK and rituximab is commonly used in MS. But ..read more
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The MS-Blog
by MouseDoctor
1w ago
I was asked “Has your view on what caused MS and what is wrong with immunity of pwMS changed over past 12 month?” to that my reply was not really but with ACTRIMS 2025 change all this……….There was a paper that caught my eye…. CE1.2 A Pre-Relapse Immune Signature Implicates EBV Reactivation in Multiple Sclerosis ..read more
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Geh zurück zur Schule!
The MS-Blog
by MouseDoctor
1w ago
ProfK will have a laugh at my German as it seems our German Neuro “Freunds und Freundins” may need to go back to School. It seems that following a survey a number of neuros did not know the McDonald Criteria for Diagnosis of MS…and without a proper diagnosis it is difficult to treat. The criteria ..read more
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