The Fitnessista
The Fitnessista is a healthy lifestyle blog emphasizing quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures as a wife and mom. Gina Harney is a certified personal trainer, fitness instructor, and weight loss specialist and shares her knowledge in terms of healthy recipes and a variety of workouts. Wade through her blog to know more about their recipes, tips, tricks, diet plans, products, and more.
The Fitnessista
1d ago
Sharing my review of Oliveda’s new makeup Skin Tint (a lightweight foundation that’s great for your skin!) Hi friends, how’s the day going? I hope you’re having a wonderful one. I’m onboarding new 1:1 clients – my new program launches later this month and a couple of friends have already signed up! – and am…
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The Fitnessista
1d ago
Sharing some of my top tips on how to stay fit as a busy parent. Hi friends! How’s the morning going? I hope you’re having a lovely day so far. I’m teaching a barre class this morning and cranking out some work stuff the rest of the day. I started teaching at a different studio…
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The Fitnessista
5d ago
Hi friends! How are you? I hope that you had a wonderful week! It’s been a great one over here because the Pilot is RETIRED! It was an incredible weekend packed with family and friend fun. When the professional pics arrive, I’ll post a full recap! Just waiting for the last finishing touches ? I’m…
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The Fitnessista
6d ago
Now that I’ve been using and loving EquiLife products for the past few years, I thought I’d share some of my top picks! Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful week. Today started bright and early with an F45 class, I enjoyed brunch with friends, and am writing this post in…
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The Fitnessista
1w ago
Sharing tips with healthy habits you can lose to lose weight (if that’s your goal) without tracking calories. Hi friends! How are you? I hope that you’re having a wonderful day so far. We’re here enjoying the Pilot’s Air Force retired life – I’ll share a full recap and some thoughts soon- and the lovely…
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The Fitnessista
2w ago
Sharing a new podcast episode with Dr. Scott Vrzal with the meaning behind your headaches and what you can do about it. We talk about: – What headaches mean and what to do about it – The 7 specific patterns for headaches – How gut health ties into all of this – His strategies for…
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The Fitnessista
2w ago
Sharing some tips if you want to incorporate a weighed vest in your routine! Hi friends! How’s the week treating ya? We’re in the 874th day of January and I’m ready to move on lol. With the fam being sick, it’s thrown off all of our routines, but thankfully they’re feeling better and back into…
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The Fitnessista
2w ago
Hi friends! Happy Friday! How was the week? I hope it was amazing. Ours started off in Orlando and ended up back in the TUS with a sick Pilot, and me scrambling around lol. This weekend, I’m looking forward to the symphony, time with friends, a hike, and a trip to Phoenix for Liv’s first…
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The Fitnessista
2w ago
Sharing some ideas on how to promote gut health after being sick. Please keep in mind that this isn’t medical advice, and talk with your doctor before making any health or nutrition changes. Hi friends! How’s the week going? I hope you’re having an amazing one. It’s been a bit wacky over here. The Pilot…
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The Fitnessista
3w ago
Sharing some of the details on how I overcame my autoimmune struggles, brought balance to my body, and am now symptom-free. Download the free ebook here. Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful morning so far. I have a day stacked with client calls and am looking forward to some adventures…
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