The Hungry Runner Girl
My name is Janae and I love to run. Follow along as I share my running experiences, family adventures, love for food, my family, the highs and lows of life, and tell you each and every random thought that I have.
The Hungry Runner Girl
1h ago
(Leggings)Early run and my long sleeve was too warm so I ran in a sports bra in the dark in February? Took me a minute to find Skye. Yoga while Beck took a bath. Add pickled onions to...
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The Hungry Runner Girl
1d ago
(shorts, tank)We steer clear of the canyon most of the winter because it is usually very windy and frigid but yesterday was nice enough to run in my favorite spot. 15 mile @ 8:03 pace and I’m not...
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The Hungry Runner Girl
2d ago
Can you believe that I’ve actually stuck to cross-training each week?! <-That is how bad my disc bulge scared me. And below is the main reason this bathroom set-up works very well currently: it’s so easy for Beck...
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The Hungry Runner Girl
3d ago
(tank, shorts ((both of us were wearing them)), shoes) A simple runner’s joy comes from when you are putting on your shoes, and you realize they match your top almost perfectly. Anyone else love when this happens? PS...
The post I’d like to present to you + a simple runner’s joy. first appeared on The Hungry Runner Girl ..read more
The Hungry Runner Girl
4d ago
(vest that I’m in love with, shorts, shoes) My Monday morning started with a run free of gloves, beanies, sleeves, layers, and leg cages (my friend Victoria calls leggings/pants leg cages;)… My birthday month could not be off...
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The Hungry Runner Girl
5d ago
Let’s start things off with a hello from Keira (does it get any better that she moved to Utah?!?)! We got to chat for a while after her long run on Saturday, and I am so excited for...
The post Desert Island, weekend things, a fartlek hill progression Run. first appeared on The Hungry Runner Girl ..read more
The Hungry Runner Girl
1w ago
(bra) A sweaty Peloton morning! Do we need Robin’s sparkly biking shoes (I tried to get a good picture of them but failed). Caffeine and drop off. Brooke’s reaction when she realized it’s the last day of January...
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The Hungry Runner Girl
1w ago
Yesterday, I got 15 miles with friends yesterday. They are training for Boston, and I have FOMO, so I accompanied them for a long run. I’m still pain-free, but I’m definitely going to take today to cross-train after...
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The Hungry Runner Girl
1w ago
Beck is an earllllllly riser. He goes to bed the same time as Skye but he just wants to be up and partying in the early mornings with me. I got out for a solo run and decided...
The post Which means… + the burn + highly recommend! first appeared on The Hungry Runner Girl ..read more
The Hungry Runner Girl
1w ago
(Vest, long sleeve, shorts, shoes) It was a gorgeous morning to go and tour our city. Emilee’s training is getting real, so I guess mine is too;) Beck got candy in class and decided to save it for...
The post Heading far away, need any tips you have + Our day (of course)! first appeared on The Hungry Runner Girl ..read more