B&W Widescreen Smartphone Videos Are Fun :-)
by acline
1y ago
I brought the “Our Expat Journey” webseries to a close. I’ll have more to say about that later. And I started a new webseries of sorts: Black & white, widescreen (2.2:1 70mm equiv.) mini-docs made with my Pixel 6. What’s … Source ..read more
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Ensemble Iberica and Portuguese Fado
by acline
1y ago
Here’s a promotional video I made for Ensemble Iberica from the recent patron tour I filmed (also see below). Source ..read more
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Fado ao Carmo in Lisboa
by acline
1y ago
I’m working a promotional video for Ensemble Iberica regarding fado. Here’s some smartphone footage from a recent show in Lisboa, Portugal. Source ..read more
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Eyewitness is Ready(ish)!
by acline
1y ago
When I first announced I was creating a new portfolio site, I mentioned that I was taking my time finishing it. Well, I was right ? It took a bit more time, mostly because I was not happy with some … Source ..read more
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European Marathon; I Walked :-)
by acline
1y ago
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Pre Announcement of Eyewitness
by acline
1y ago
A few years back Carbon Trace Productions started a website called Eyewitness that functioned as publishing venue for short, newsy items that didn’t quite fit the term documentary. We imagined that we would publish such non-fiction videos regularly. That didn’t … Source ..read more
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Rhetorica Update: Branding, Filmmaking, and Social Media
by acline
1y ago
I think I mentioned earlier that I’ve been working on branding. I’m too lazy right now to go back and look ? In any case, I’m likely to publish a lot of these things in the coming weeks because I’m … Source ..read more
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Fun With AI: Ethical Responsibility
by acline
1y ago
Not long ago I mentioned creating my own code of ethics for documentary filmmaking — a task I’m still thinking about. So that got me to thinking perhaps I should ask ChatGPT: What is the most important ethical responsibility for … Source ..read more
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One Wrong Move and Facebook is Lost
by acline
1y ago
I’m posting this here because I have lost my Facebook account and need to communicate the following widely. It appears likely I will never get it back. Long story short: If you see ad on Facebook for a ChatGPT app, … Source ..read more
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Theme Construction Ahead
by acline
1y ago
I began Rhetorica in 2002 (following its first iteration as Presidential Campaign Rhetoric 2000) using the Greymatter blogging script. I moved from that to MovableType a couple of years later. Their business model changed in a way that didn’t make … Source ..read more
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