7 Tips for Selecting the Ideal Color Scheme for Your Website
by Dakno Marketing
5M ago
Choosing the right color scheme for your website is more than just an aesthetic choice—it’s a crucial part of your digital marketing strategy. Colors not only enhance the visual appeal but also influence user behavior and can even drive conversions. In this guide, we’ll explore seven practical tips to help you choose a color palette ..read more
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6 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Lead Conversion Rate in Real Estate
by Dakno Marketing
5M ago
Enhancing your lead conversion rate is crucial for thriving in the competitive real estate market. With the right tools and strategies, like those offered by Dakno, you can streamline your operations and focus more effectively on closing sales. Here are six actionable tips to help you optimize your lead management and conversion processes. 1. Maintain ..read more
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What’s New in DaknoAdmin? Top Highlights from the First Half of 2021
by Alex Gouveia
3y ago
At Dakno, our ultimate goal is to ensure that our clients have the best possible experience, so we’re always looking for ways to improve. Every day, we make updates to our system to better its appearance, functionality, usability, and performance. These might be routine bug fixes, enhancements to existing features, or totally new features—and we want to make sure you know what’s new in DaknoAdmin! Top Updates from the First Half of 2021 We’ve been hard at work behind the scenes these past few months! Here are some of our favorite enhancements and updates. Dark mode in DaknoAdmin An option in v ..read more
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What’s New in DaknoAdmin? Top Highlights From 2020
by Alex Gouveia
4y ago
At Dakno, we’re always looking for ways to improve—and to better serve our clients. Our team is constantly making updates to our system to better its performance, usability, functionality, and appearance. We want our clients to be able to seamlessly connect with and convert leads. Our updates range from routine bug fixes to enhancements to totally new features. If you want to keep up with our latest updates in real time, check out our What’s New page. Top Updates from 2020 and 2021 We’ve been hard at work behind the scenes these past few months! Here are some of our favorite enhancements and u ..read more
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Enable HTTPS/SSL on Your Site to Protect Your Privacy!
by Michelle Farmer
5y ago
This past year, internet browsers began marking websites that collect private information, such as email addresses and names (think: form pages on your site!), as insecure—which could negatively impact your clients’ ability to use your site. Fortunately, we’ve got a fix at no additional cost to you. It’s called HTTPS/SSL, and you can actually set it up yourself (no tech-savviness required). Here’s what you need to know. (If you’ve already turned on HTTPS, congrats!… here’s a little more about what all that means.) What Is HTTPS/SSL? HTTPS stands for hypertext transfer protocol secure ..read more
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3 Simple Steps to Enabling Social Media Logins—And Why They Matter
by Abbey Slattery
5y ago
We want to give it to you straight, so let’s start off with some cold hard facts.  Internet users really don’t like creating new accounts. In fact, 4 out of 5 people report being turned off by websites that make them enter email addresses, names, and other information in order to register.  Not only that, but if a user does go through with creating a new account then forgets their username or password down the road, there’s a 90% chance that they’ll leave your site instead of resetting their information. So what’s the solution? Well—if you want to take the word of 9 out 10 users—it’s ..read more
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The Dakno Admin Redesign: How’s Our New Look?
by Abbey Slattery
5y ago
We know what you’re thinking and, yes, we have had work done…well, to Dakno Admin at least. Our team’s been hard at work analyzing color schemes, fine-tuning layouts, and perfecting icons to make sure that our latest update is sleek, accessible, and simplified. But don’t worry—it’s still the Dakno Admin you know and love! We may have repainted the room, but we left the furniture in the same place, so to speak. Here’s a quick summary of the changes you can expect from our new look—and how even the smallest modifications can make your life easier! It’s All About Accessibility We’r ..read more
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Is Your Content Hindering Your Ability to Get Leads?
by Coleen Kinen-Ferguson
6y ago
How does your website rank in a Google search? If it’s not showing up on the first page of Google (or the second, or the third), it might be time to ask yourself why. Is it because you don’t utilize video to its full potential? Are you not chasing the latest technology or social media trends? Or perhaps you don’t write in the clickbait style that popular websites (we’re looking at you, Buzzfeed) use? Actually, it’s likely much simpler than that. In fact, the biggest reason you aren’t ranking on Google probably has to do with the bread and butter of your site: its custom content. So, W ..read more
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Owned, Earned, and Paid: How to Use Media to Grow Your Business
by Coleen Kinen-Ferguson
6y ago
In a world where social media has all but replaced traditional media sources, maintaining an engaging online presence is more important than ever. It’s one of the most straightforward ways to connect with an audience in your target area. With a little strategy, it’s easy to create a compelling media presence that directs leads towards your site, and by extension, your business. But with so many different options for creating content online, what’s the most efficient way to create content that converts? Well, it all comes down to three basic things. When it comes to quality content that ..read more
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Use Our Average Response Time Tracker to Improve Your Team’s Efficiency
by Coleen Kinen-Ferguson
6y ago
Happy Friday! We want to share with you a great tool on Dakno Admin that will help your team increase their efficiency, respond to leads faster, and close more deals. Our support specialist Micah Jones explains it in our Feature Friday video below. Why Does Response Time Matter? Did you know that the average team takes 44 hours to respond to a lead on their site? That’s almost 2 full days! In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, you have to be, well, fast! The less time it takes to reach out to a lead, the more likely you are to convert that lead into a prospective new ..read more
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