Executive Job Searching in Geopolitical Uncertainty
Chameleon Resumes
by Lisa Rangel
1w ago
Wishing for a day without news to react to in your business? Well, we can wish for things… lol. Good luck with that… Geopolitical uncertainty is the new norm…and some would say it’s been the norm, but you may just wake up to it as your norm. So, how do you do a job search when you hear things like: —“We are waiting for the election to be over…” —“We have to see what transpires in the war between ____ and ____” (Insert warring countries as you see fit). —“We have to wait for the tide to turn back in favor on _____.” (Fill in with topics like DEI, Equity, Etc…) You heard these lately, right? Hec ..read more
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5 Executive Recruiter Truth Bombs To Help Job Seekers
Chameleon Resumes
by Lisa Rangel
1w ago
Getting the inside scoop on how executive hiring happens can give senior-level job seekers the edge they need. Don’t just believe me…. I have 5 executive recruiter truth bombs in this video that can help executive job seekers understand what’s happening on the other side. Truths from ➡️Kirk Coleman of Major, Lindsey & Africa, ➡️Sonya Olds Som from Diversified Search, ➡️Mark Polansky, formerly from Korn Ferry, ➡️Emily Neill from Robert Half, and ➡️Steve Levy, a respected recruiter, has been in search and corporate recruiting for decades. Want more recruiter truths to help with your job sear ..read more
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Midyear Career Evaluation – 3 Steps To Regroup
Chameleon Resumes
by Lisa Rangel
1w ago
6 months into the year is an excellent time to regroup to ensure you have a banner end of the year. In this next video, I give you three ways to regroup. It’s a combo of internal and external-focused tasks that help you laser in on what you want and should be doing. Without taking a minute to evaluate your plan from January, how will you get to where you are going? My husband loves that saying: “Measure twice. Cut once” 6 months is a good time to measure to make sure you cut where you want ? The post Midyear Career Evaluation – 3 Steps To Regroup appeared first on Chameleon Resumes ..read more
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3 Essential LinkedIn Strategies Needed For An Effective Executive Job Search
Chameleon Resumes
by Lisa Rangel
1M ago
Nowadays, it’s virtually impossible for any executive to conduct a successful job search without LinkedIn. In this video, I discuss three strategies for a successful executive job search. Thoughts? Want more training on this topic? Go to FreeExecLinkedInTraining.com for a free, on-demand 60-minute training that dives deeper into each of the three topics I discuss in the video. And yes, this training is on-demand… heeding the request of those who want to watch it at their convenience. Let me know your thoughts. The post 3 Essential LinkedIn Strategies Needed For An Effective Executive Job Searc ..read more
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How To Understand Recruiting As An Executive Job Seeker
Chameleon Resumes
by Lisa Rangel
1M ago
I was inspired by The St. Francis Prayer or Stephen Covey for this video. (It depends on who you follow…) "seek first to understand, then be understood…" If job seekers take the time to understand what recruiters do and how hiring happens, they will lessen their frustration when things don't go as planned and increase their odds of reaching a bonafide hiring manager with an effective message.  Imagine if, as a job seeker, you focused on what a recruiter needed when reaching out or submitting an application….instead of focusing only on all of your qualifications, hoping something would gra ..read more
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4 Networking Outreach Moves For When You Aren’t Feeling It
Chameleon Resumes
by Lisa Rangel
1M ago
Every day isn’t filled with unicorns and rainbows. But the job search is still in front of you, but you aren’t feeling it today. Do you take the day off? Well, you can. But what happens when “I’ll take a break today” turns into a few days? You all know I’m an advocate for when you need a break, take a break. But some days…well…you know that “I’ll take a break” is just a guise for procrastination…which in the end isn’t helping and isn’t restful. Some days, you gotta do the things even if you ain’t feeling it. So here is what I do in this video…I share my key to success…and some things that cont ..read more
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Decoding Executive Recruiter Feedback
Chameleon Resumes
by Lisa Rangel
1M ago
Getting executive recruiter feedback ( if you are lucky enough to get it) can send a job seeker into a spiral of “I gotta fix this” mode. Then you get more feedback, and you want to make improvements and tweaks to please that person, too. Multiply this out with many black hole job posting applications and unresponded-to-networking-outreaches; you can see how a job seeker can spiral downward into the feedback vortex thinking something is wrong with them. You can lose your identity. I have a saying: “Show your resume to 50 people and get 75 opinions.” It’s a mess…who do you believe? What’s an ex ..read more
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3 Job Seeker Misfires I See In Struggling Job Seekers
Chameleon Resumes
2M ago
“It never took me this long to find a job…" I can’t tell you how many times per week I hear this painful phrase. Too many good people are struggling in a job search… Here is the thing…when I chat with someone who is struggling, I see three common misfires. So I have put the misfire in a video … PLUS the solution to fix each misfire. Yes, if you have one of the misfires I mentioned in the video, you will have the solution to fix it after watching the video. Promise. I ask you to SHARE this video if you find it helpful. And comment below to help amplify the message with any other common misfires ..read more
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3 LinkedIn Moves To Jump Start Your Job Search
Chameleon Resumes
3M ago
Over the last week, I probably looked at 40 LinkedIn profiles from job seekers at a conference I attended and through some pro bono work I did. Everyone not working needed these three items…and everyone working needed 2 of the three. Keywords are important for LinkedIn profiles. It’s one main way how recruiters find you. And these moves address these points. These three profile moves will complement your social outreach wonderfully!! So watch and do ☺️ And if you want to discover even more great moves to fire ? up your job search, attend my next live free session by registering here: https://f ..read more
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How To Avoid Executive Recruiting Scams
Chameleon Resumes
3M ago
Executives who don’t want to do a job search but need to are most susceptible to executive recruiting scams. And if you are desperate to work, these scumbags can really put the screws to you at your worst moment. It makes me sick. So I want to tell you: —what legit recruiters will NEVER ask you to do —how to protect yourself —and to NEVER ask a recruiter to do this for you… Knowing these points will help you avoid getting scammed. Also, I mentioned in the video to follow @Mark Anthony Dyson and @Nick Corcordilos, who write extensively about scams and expose charlatans. Lastly, I give you a cou ..read more
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