Love That Endures: A Valentine’s Giveaway
Rachel Wojo Blog
by Rachel Wojo
3w ago
Valentine’s Day is a beautiful time to celebrate the love that matters most—the love of family, friends, and most of all, God’s everlasting love for us. But what if this year, you went beyond chocolates and flowers to give something that lasts longer? I’m thrilled to invite you to join more
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The Power of Short Prayers in Dark Times
Rachel Wojo Blog
by Rachel Wojo
1M ago
When life falls apart, you don’t have the strength to pray long, drawn-out prayers. Have you ever sat there with your heart aching, trying to come up with the right words, but nothing comes? And if you’re like me, you might hesitate to pray at all—because somewhere along the way more
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Where to Read the Christmas Story in the Bible
Rachel Wojo Blog
by Rachel Wojo
2M ago
Where to Read the Christmas Story in the Bible Recently, someone asked me, “Where can I find the Christmas story in the Bible?” The Christmas story is found primarily in the first two chapters of Matthew and Luke. These chapters unfold the events of Jesus’ birth, from the angel’s message more
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How to Trust God When You Can’t Hear Him
Rachel Wojo Blog
by Rachel Wojo
2M ago
It was 3 AM, and I sat on the edge of my bed, tears streaming down my face. I had prayed, begged, and pleaded with God for weeks, but the silence was deafening. I wondered if He was listening—or if He cared at all. I felt lost and alone, just more
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A Prayer For When I Can’t Understand God’s Plan
Rachel Wojo Blog
by Rachel Wojo
3M ago
A Prayer When I Can’t Understand God’s Plan Introduction There are times when God’s plan feels invisible, and we’re left wondering why things are unfolding as they are. Life’s twists can leave us struggling, asking God, “Where are You in this?” Yet, even in times of confusion, prayer remains a more
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5 Prayers God Always Answers
Rachel Wojo Blog
by Rachel Wojo
4M ago
Do you ever wonder if God is really listening? If you’ve ever questioned the impact of your prayers or felt disheartened by what seems like God’s silence, take comfort. The Bible assures us that God hears every prayer. And what’s more, there are at least 5 prayers God always answers more
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When You Need God’s Guidance
Rachel Wojo Blog
by Rachel Wojo
4M ago
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Have you ever felt unsure of your next step? Maybe the path seemed straightforward at first, but then you reached a point where you weren’t sure what to do. In these moments, we often need specific direction. What happens when you need God’s guidance? Abraham’s servant, Eliezer more
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When All You Can Pray is Help
Rachel Wojo Blog
by Rachel Wojo
4M ago
For he has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help. Psalm 22:24 Sometimes, life leaves us speechless. We pray to God without grand words, eloquent requests, or answers. I’ve been there more
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Desperate Prayers Bible Reading Challenge
Rachel Wojo Blog
by Rachel Wojo
5M ago
321 shares Facebook Twitter Pinterest Desperate Prayers Bible Reading Challenge Welcome to the Desperate Prayers Bible reading challenge! Moments of desperation strike every human heart. Whether tragedy, sickness, or brokenness, the reasons for our despair seem endless. As I have drenched myself in the Psalms since my daughter, Taylor’s, death more
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When All You Have Left is Prayer
Rachel Wojo Blog
by Rachel Wojo
5M ago
The last words I whispered over my daughter weren’t grand or profound. They were simple: “God, please.” In those moments, I realized something about desperate prayers I hadn’t recognized before. God was big enough to hold my Taylor in heaven and hold me on earth at the same time. Life more
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