Archdiocese of Washington
Welcome to the Community in Mission blog of the Archdiocese of Washington. We invite you to use this blog as a means to reinvigorate your faith and invite others to reconnect and rediscover Christ. We encourage you to share your favorite posts on your social media platforms and continue the discussion with your friends and family.
Archdiocese of Washington
1w ago
This Sunday’s Gospel describes the call of Simon Peter, one that takes place in several stages. While it is presented in a compact time frame, for most of us it takes place over a longer period, as the Lord works to deepen our faith and heighten our call. The upshot of the Gospel is that …
The post Children Go Where I Send Thee – A Homily for the 5th Sunday of the Year appeared first on Community in Mission ..read more
Archdiocese of Washington
2w ago
The liturgical focus of the Feast of the Presentation, which we celebrate today, is light. Christ is our light, and the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light! In the Gospel, Simeon holds the infant Jesus and calls Him “a light for revelation to the Gentiles.” Thus, this feast has long featured …
The post Perspectives on the Presentation—A Homily for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord appeared first on Community in Mission ..read more
Archdiocese of Washington
3w ago
The gospel for this Sunday is continued next week, so I will postpone the analysis of it until then. Instead, I will focus on the first reading, from Nehemiah 8. It is a wonderful meditation on the glory and wonder of the Word of God and it deserves our attention. The background of the text …
The post On The Wonder of the Word of God – A Homily for the Third Sunday of the Year appeared first on Community in Mission ..read more
Archdiocese of Washington
3w ago
It is a post Roe world, but still we march. Too many are still unconvinced that life in the womb is precious, a human person and given by God the right to life. One common “moral” standard that many apply today, especially regarding sexual matters, goes something like this: “Two consenting adults should be able …
The post Marching for Life and Acknowledging Those Who Have Died appeared first on Community in Mission ..read more
Archdiocese of Washington
1M ago
In this Sunday’s Gospel passage of the wedding feast at Cana, there is a theological portrait of both Mother Mary and prayer. Let’s look at the Gospel along five lines: I. The place that Mary has – The text says, There was a wedding at Cana in Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there. …
The post Biblical Basics about Mother Mary – A Homily for the Second Sunday of the Year appeared first on Community in Mission ..read more
Archdiocese of Washington
1M ago
One of the great gifts of reading the Liturgy of the Hours (also called the Breviary) faithfully over the years faithfully is that the Scriptures become deeply impressed upon the mind, heart, memory, and imagination. This is especially true of the psalms that are repeated every four weeks, all year long, every year. But there …
The post Why are Some Psalms Omitted in the Liturgy of the Hours? appeared first on Community in Mission ..read more
Archdiocese of Washington
1M ago
Today’s Feast of the Baptism of the Lord is a moment to reflect not only on the Lord’s Baptism but on our own. In an extended sense, when Christ is baptized, so are we, for we are members of His Body. As Christ enters the water, He makes holy the water that will baptize us. …
The post The Bountiful Blessings of Baptism—A Homily for the Baptism of the Lord appeared first on Community in Mission ..read more
Archdiocese of Washington
1M ago
There are so many wonderful details in the Epiphany story: the call of the Gentiles, their enthusiastic response, the significance of the star they seek, the gifts they bring, the dramatic interaction with Herod, and their ultimate rejection of Herod in favor of Christ. In this meditation, I would like to follow these Magi in …
The post The Journey of Faith – A Homily for Epiphany appeared first on Community in Mission ..read more
Archdiocese of Washington
1M ago
I open our New Year’s Eve late night Mass (11:15 PM) with the observation that we begin Mass in one year and end in the next. New Year’s Eve highlights the mysterious passage between years. In a way I suppose it is no more mysterious than the passage from Thursday to Friday or from 10:00 …
The post Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? A Meditation on the Mystery of Time appeared first on Community in Mission ..read more
Archdiocese of Washington
1M ago
O Holy night! Yes, a silent night! And it came upon a midnight clear! Christmas, it would seem, is a festival of the middle of the night. Jesus is born when it is dark, dark midnight. We are sure of it. And why shouldn’t we be? Even though we are not told the exact hour …
The post Why Do We Think of Christ’s Birth As a Nighttime Event? appeared first on Community in Mission ..read more