OAFEnet Blog
Online Action Figure Entertainment (OAFEnet) is your #1 source for toy reviews. Blog posts cover ATFC, DC Direct, Lego, Marvel, McFarlane, Retro POA, Plan-B Toys, Grail Tales, and more.
OAFEnet Blog
2d ago
Find out what toy-related items you can get at your local comicshop this Wednesday. IMAGE COMICS Transformers #17, $3.99 Merchandise Ashita No Nadja Nendoroid Action Figure, AR Birth Of Kitaro Mystery Ge Ge Ge Kitaros Father Nendoroid Action Figure, AR ..read more
OAFEnet Blog
3d ago
And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #20 Flippin' Through Previews - May '11 Minimate Mini-Review #72 - X-Force Wolverine & Hydra Agent Minimate Mini-Review #150 - Marvel Series 45 (The Avengers) "Captain America: Civil War" Comic Series ..read more
OAFEnet Blog
3d ago
And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #164 Minimate Mini-Review #212 - Captain Janeway & Seven of Nine ATFC '13 - Day 2: Lego Marvel vs. DC vs. Transformers New and improved arms for Doc Ock ..read more
OAFEnet Blog
6d ago
This seems appropriate in light of today's review: Your mission: come up with some Transformerfied Greek myths. And now, some more OAFEry:Transformers Slug addendum Transformers Animated: Season 4 Michael Bay, master of innovation Transformers BotBots Cuddle Wuddle review Which do ..read more
OAFEnet Blog
6d ago
The second-ever Godzilla film, Godzilla Raids Again, was the first time Godzilla fought another kaiju, something that's become such a staple of the genre today that movies where there's only one monster versus humanity are incredibly rare, and the only ..read more
OAFEnet Blog
6d ago
The OAFEnet Email Update: now with tranquilizer darts! Joe Friday wants to climb every mountain and ford every stream. Articulated clothing in unexpected places. Given recent news, this may be the final Marvel Monday of this particular type. A criminally ..read more
OAFEnet Blog
1w ago
Find out what toy-related items you can get at your local comicshop this Wednesday. DARK HORSE COMICS Masters Of The Universe/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Turtles Of Grayskull #3, $3.99 DIAMOND PUBLICATIONS Previews #437 (February 2025), $4.99 IDW PUBLISHING My Little ..read more
OAFEnet Blog
1w ago
Red Guardian Darkstar Crimson Dynamo Ursa Major Red Widow And now, some more OAFEry:MODOK World Domination Tour addendum It's over 10,000 (again)! Minimate Mini-Review #352 - Weapon X Wolverine & Lady Deathstrike Rustin's Spoils of the Week #179 Spider-Man Marvel ..read more
OAFEnet Blog
1w ago
John Erwin, the voice of He-Man, passed away January 20, and the news was just announced yesterday. Melendy Britt, the voice of She-Ra, posted her thoughts: And now, some more OAFEry:Christians vs. He-Man Once MOTU/TMNT is done, they can move ..read more
OAFEnet Blog
1w ago
In today's review, yo said Alpine really lucked out by being released in 1985 and therefore getting to feature prominently in the cartoon. But in some alternate world, that didn't happen. Ages ago, we told you how 1984's Deep Six ..read more