Different Weed Blog
Welcome to the DifferentWeed blog a place full of interesting and useful articles about everything and anything marijuana related. We share all sorts of weed news, facts about the cannabis plant, legal changes in different parts of the world and scientific discoveries.
Different Weed Blog
4y ago
The DaVinci IQ vaporizer is one of the most talked about dry herb portable vapes around and for good reason.
We recently got our hands on one of these well-crafted vapes and have been putting it through its paces.
In this review, we will take a look at the spec, getting started, break down the details
We will also weigh up the pros and cons and share our final verdict.
Buy now from DaVinci Direct.
The Spec
The DaVinci IQ is a high spec conduction style vaporizer which is reflected in its price, but if you want quality if you have to pay a little extra.
51 light grid display – An intuitive and ..read more
Different Weed Blog
4y ago
Best CBD Oil UK - Benefits & Products Guide
In our guide to the best CBD Oil UK guide, we will discuss everything from what CBD oil, to the benefits and other important details to be aware of.
It's no secret that cannabis-based therapeutic products are becoming more widely accepted both online and off and CBD is leading the charge in this new trend.
CBD Oil has been growing in popularity over recent years due to increased awareness online and continual research into the benefits it can provide.
Cannabis comes with its fair share of controversy though and despite its many proponents the ..read more
Different Weed Blog
4y ago
What’s the Deal with Cannabis Cryptocurrencies?
This year has been a momentous year for Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology as we have seen Bitcoin up 7X in a year and hundreds if not thousands of different altcoins, cryptocurrencies and ICO token projects launching to try and solve different problems using blockchain tech. But what the hell are Cannabis cryptocurrencies?
The first in the space was Potcoin which launched in 2014 and while gaining some initial attention eventually drifted into the abyss with the original developers upping and leaving the ship. After some time ..read more
Different Weed Blog
4y ago
A decree issued by the President of Mexico Enrique Peña Nieto has confirmed that Mexico is to legalize Cannabis for medical use after receiving overwhelming support from th governments lower house of congress.
Once upon a time Peña Nieto was a strong opponent to the legalization of Cannabis but has since called for a complete re-examination of drug policies after a nationwide debate on legalisation in 2016. He also said to the UN’s general assembly special sessions in April 2016 “We must move beyond prohibition to effective prevention.”
Peña Nieto went on to introduce measures allowing Mexican ..read more
Different Weed Blog
4y ago
How to Pass a Drug Test for Cannabis & Other Drugs
So you want to learn how to pass a drug test?
Did you know ome libertarians deem mandatory drug testing a violation of civil liberties but the reality is at some point we all might have to take a drug test for one reason or another and have to find out How to Pass a Drug Test.
Fortunately, there is a Solution.
You may need to pass a drug test for your work since certain jobs and careers enforce drug tests as part of the interview process, especially those where you are working in security, heavy machinery and other situations where you ..read more
Different Weed Blog
4y ago
Ever wondered what it would be like if a Rabbi, Priest & an Athiest all sat down to blaze 420 and talk? Wonder no more, curious one this video produced by Cut will put your mind at ease. This video is seriously awesome.
What do you think?
The post A Rabbi, a Priest and an Atheist Smoke Weed appeared first on Different Weed ..read more
Different Weed Blog
4y ago
In a move that won’t surprise many following the recent developments, Germany has announced it has setup a “Cannabis agency” that is set to oversee the import and cultivation of Cannabis by 2019 after having finally legalized medical marijuana.
The Federal Institute for Drugs & Medical Devices also known as BfArM will be in charge of this new agency to ensure the distribution and control of all medical marijuana products and agriculture.
While the agency is tasked with managing and regulating the domestic cultivation of the crop, it will also extend to managing the importation from countr ..read more
Different Weed Blog
4y ago
Sad news already in 2017 as Cannabis legend Franco Loja has died on January 2nd aged just 42. Shocking news to the Cannabis community who all know Franco from both the excellent Strain Hunters documentary series and as the head grower at Green House Seeds Co. Franco has been a massively outspoken advocate for Cannabis and legalisation and has used his influence, experience and network to benefit the world of weed!
Franco teamed up with Arjan Roskam and in 1985 opened the Green House in Amsterdam also forming the Green House Seed Co where they would dedicate their careers to breeding the world ..read more
Different Weed Blog
4y ago
Seedo is one of the coolest looking auto grow hydroponic systems we have seen so far and has some pretty impressive features. Firstly the system is app controlled meaning you can remotely monitor your grow from anywhere and control everything with complete ease.
Speedo is a compact unit ideal for people with smaller houses and apartments and features intelligent technology to ensure a maximum yield within the available space.
Other benefits include notifications and alerts to your phone, HD streaming, Air Conditioning and humidity management, a sterile hermetic growing ecosystem, Minerals Sys ..read more
Different Weed Blog
4y ago
Most people who use the internet should already be familiar with the word of Adam Conover who takes views on a journey of truth where each video he debunks the common misconceptions fogging the vision of the world. With a team of fact finders, Adam is on a mission to ruin everything.
In a November episode of the popular CollegeHumor series “Adam Ruins Drugs” features a detailed explanation of the history of Cannabis or later known as Marijuana explaining why it became illegal in the first place and that it is in fact NOT a proven gateway drug or harmful when used responsibly.
He also notes se ..read more