The Contemporary Calvinist
The purpose of this blog is to defend and promote not just the principles of Calvinism but the gospel of Christ. We are followers of Christ. We believe in the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. "Calvinism is nothing more than a label to show what view one holds upon the Scriptures, not upon a certain man." The Contemporary Calvinist seeks to defend and promote the gospel of Christ,..
The Contemporary Calvinist
4y ago
John Piper dicusses two dangers in gospel-centered preaching.
Dave Armstrong shares all 55 of his posted critiques of John Calvin.
R. Scott Clark addresses the controversy surrounding divine sovereignty, evil, mystery, and Calvinism.
Kyle McDanell interviews Jim Scott Orrick about his new book, Mere Calvinism.
Tim Challies reviews Mere Calvinism on his podcast.
And, as usual, Challies also offers some free stuff ..read more
The Contemporary Calvinist
4y ago
If you love Marvel and hate Calvinism, then you should enjoy this sermon titled "Thanos and the God of Calvinism."
Catholic Dave Armstrong critiquing Calvin's Institutes. Just posted today: "Unbiblical Rejection of Priestly Celibacy."
"Pastor" Steven Anderson has launched a video series that purports to take on James White's book The King James Only Controversy chapter by chapter.
Six truths about the wrath of God.
It's another $5 Friday at Ligonier.
Enter to win the book Saving the Reformation, by W. Robert Godfrey ..read more
The Contemporary Calvinist
4y ago
According to a recent study, "Christians who hold Calvinist beliefs are more likely to believe certain myths about domestic violence against women and oppose social justice advocacy." Does that mean we need to change our acronym to TULIPS, with the "S" standing for "spousal abuse"? Look for this to be used against Calvinist beliefs.
How does a mom pray as a Calvinist?
Anti-Calvinist crusader Dr. Leighton Flowers responds.
Is Calvinism unlivable?
"Pastor" Steven Anderson lashes out at Jeff Durbin.
The folks at Worldview Weekend speak out against "extreme Calvinism and their Lordship salva ..read more
The Contemporary Calvinist
4y ago
Is "Calminianism" really a thing?
Greg Laurie believes Calvinism and predestination don't matter.
Four views of free will.
Can I tell everyone that God loves them?
Save up to 50% on Reformation Study Bibles from Ligonier.
How will you decide to read through the Bible in 2019 ..read more
The Contemporary Calvinist
4y ago
Roger Olson has long believed that "the God of TULIP Calvinism cannot be good." Well, he's still at it:
So, when I argue that God predestining to eternal torment those he could save would be not good but evil I am not imposing an alien, philosophical concept of "good" on God. I am simply following Edwards in believing that "good" is self-evidently benevolence to being—even in God.
Shouldn't the "good" in anything be judged in light of bringing glory to God? If the punishment of sin glorifies God, then the God of TULIP Calvinism cannot help but be good.
Pastor Brian Mann sums up Calvinism in ..read more
The Contemporary Calvinist
4y ago
Does Calvinism promote victimhood?
John Piper offers us a prayer for every hour.
On the latest episode of The Dividing Line, Dr. James White responds to Dr. Eric Mason's book, Woke Church: An Urgent Call for Christians in America to Confront Racism and Injustice.
The guys at Cross Politic interview hip-hop artist Aaron Ventura about his new album dealing with the five points of Calvinism.
Tim Challies is giving away the latest book from Kevin DeYoung ..read more
The Contemporary Calvinist
4y ago
The "Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel" .
Dr. James White responds to Dr. Raymond Chang's criticism of the Statement.
Pastor Mike Leake believes that all of us—whether we be Republican or Democrat, Calvinist or Arminian—should just admit we hate each other.
Sinclair Ferguson's new book, In the Year of Our Lord, charts 2,000 of church history.
John Piper discusses five ways Jesus changes our relationship to the Old Testament.
It's a G3 Conference giveaway ..read more
The Contemporary Calvinist
4y ago
Yes, I know it has been a while, so let's get to it...
Robert Morris, in his first sermon since his brush with death, takes on Calvinism: "I really believe you determine where you spend eternity and that God is a just and merciful God and gives every person a chance to accept Jesus Christ."
In contrast, Shane Kastler preaches a sermon titled "Learning to Love the Sovereignty of God."
Who are God's covenant people?
It's about time we got another installment of Radio Free Geneva!
"Non-religious" Captain Cassidy writes, "If [Southern Baptists] figure out a way to make Christianity even more ..read more
The Contemporary Calvinist
4y ago
Former Calvinist Austin Fischer discusses faith, doubt, and Calvinism.
It has been a while since I've run across this straw man argument: "[I]f God predestined people to end up in hell, then dying for us on the cross was a waste of time."
Panelist discuss Calvinism, race, and the state of the SBC.
"Calvinism's divine determinism," writes Roger Olson, "ultimately makes petitionary prayer impotent; many Christians do not want to wrestle with the problem of unanswered prayer."
Enter to win selected resources from The Gospel Project for Adults ..read more