How to do in JAVA
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How to do in JAVA
3d ago
The jpackage is a command-line tool introduced in Java 14 and helps create native installable packages (.exe, .msi, .dmg, .pkg, .deb, .rpm) for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Jpackage bundles Java applications along with a Java runtime (JRE) image, ensuring that end users do not need to install Java separately.
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How to do in JAVA
3w ago
Database integrity refers to the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of the data stored within a database. It ensures that data remains uncorrupted, and adheres to defined rules. In SQL databases, integrity is supported through constraints like primary keys, foreign keys, unique constraints, and check constraints, alongside physical and logical data structure maintenance. Designed as a ... Read more
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How to do in JAVA
1M ago
In TypeScript, an array of objects is a collection of items where each item is an object. Arrays of objects are commonly used to organize complex data structures, such as user information, products, or any other entity, into manageable collections.
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How to do in JAVA
1M ago
In TypeScript, an array of vectors is a collection of vectors, where each vector can represent an array of numbers or custom objects. This multi-dimensional array structure is handy in scenarios such as mathematical computations, graphics programming, or handling grouped data in a type-safe and organized manner.
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How to do in JAVA
2M ago
OpenHTMLToPDF library generates PDF from HTML and CSS content taken from templates such as HTML file, Freemarker and Thymeleaf templates.
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How to do in JAVA
2M ago
In Spring Security, a One-Time Token (OTT) is a server-side generated string that can be used only once for user login authentication purpose.
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How to do in JAVA
2M ago
Since version 3.4, Spring Boot will provide native support for structured logging in the most common and popular formats, such as JSON and XML.
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How to do in JAVA
3M ago
Creating REST APIs is a better approach for building one-time token-based authentication combined with Jwt tokens in Spring Security.
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How to do in JAVA
4M ago
Python provides several ways to read a text file and process its lines sequentially or randomly. The correct method to use depends on the size of the file (large or small) and the ease of desired syntax. In this Python tutorial, we will discuss different approaches based on their clean syntaxes, ability to read large ... Read more
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How to do in JAVA
4M ago
In Hibernate, an orphan entity refers to a child entity that has been disassociated from its parent. If these orphan entities are not explicitly removed, they remain in the database and result in unwanted data. The orphanRemoval = true attribute on the mapping annotation on parent entity automatically removes the child entities from the database ... Read more
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