9 Cool Book Covers to Inspire Self-Publishers
The Book Designer
by Cameron Chapman
2w ago
When I was growing up in the ‘90s, one of my favorite things to do was ride my bike to the local library to peruse the shelves. Book covers, from what I remember at least, were predictable back then: westerns had cowboys on the covers, romance covers had steamy couples in provocative poses, kids’ books ..read more
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Designing the Back Cover of a Book: The 10 Must-Haves
The Book Designer
by Cameron Chapman
7M ago
Think about the last time you were browsing a bookstore. The front covers of the books are likely the thing that drew your attention enough to pick up a particular book. But I would wager the first thing you did after making a selection was to turn it over and look at the back cover of a book.  While the front cover is meant to draw attention, the back of a book holds a wealth of information that can persuade a reader to purchase that particular book over all the others on the shelves.  Designing the back cover of a book is no more difficult than designing the front cover, but you’ll ..read more
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The Best InDesign Alternative: 7 Nonsubscription Options
The Book Designer
by Cameron Chapman
7M ago
As an avid reader, there are few things worse than picking up a book that you’re excited to read and finding that the interior formatting is done so poorly that it actually inhibits your ability to enjoy the book. While the choices you make as a designer make a huge impact on how a book is perceived by readers, you need the right tools to make your design ideas come to life. Adobe InDesign is considered the industry standard for book formatting and layout. And for good reason: it gets great reviews and has robust layout features. But there are downsides—namely the subscription price tag and st ..read more
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A Fantasy World Map Guide: Tools and  Best Practices
The Book Designer
by Cameron Chapman
7M ago
Creating a fantasy world map is an important step for many authors writing fantasy or other speculative fiction. A map does more than just show the places in your story; it gives you, the author, a way to further develop the world of your story and characters. And if you choose to include it in your final book, it can pull readers into your world, helping them see the adventure as they follow your characters.  Crafting a fantasy map is not just about drawing lines and naming towns; your map should reflect the culture, history, and landscapes of your world in a way that helps you write and ..read more
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Book Cover Ideas for New Authors
The Book Designer
by Cameron Chapman
8M ago
You’ve spent the last however-many months (or years) writing and editing your book and you’re finally ready to self-publish it. Congratulations! That in itself is a huge accomplishment! Now that you’re ready to self-publish, you’re probably wondering about all the steps involved and one thing is likely top-of-mind: coming up with some book cover ideas that will do your manuscript justice. Your book cover is equivalent to your book’s calling card. It’s usually the first thing a potential reader will see when perusing books online or in their favorite bookstore. A great cover will grab their att ..read more
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The Top 12 Royalty-free Sources for Book Cover Images
The Book Designer
by Cameron Chapman
8M ago
Despite the adage to not judge a book by its cover, the truth is that readers do judge book cover images when determining what they might want to read next. Without book cover art that stands out from the rest of the books on a shelf (virtual or otherwise), your book is much less likely to garner attention or readers.  Whether you’re a designer creating book covers for self-published authors or an author who wants to try their hand at designing their own book cover art, finding good images to work with is key. Stock photo sites are an affordable way to find images that work well for book ..read more
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Design Inspiration: Custom Book Covers for Adventurous Authors
The Book Designer
by Cameron Chapman
8M ago
If you’re an author who wants to do something a little different with your book cover, I’ve got you covered (pun fully intended). Too often, authors can have rigid ideas about what a book cover should look like. What it should and shouldn’t include. The truth, though, is that custom book covers with all kinds of embellishments and design styles are out there, just waiting for you to discover. In this article, I’ll be covering a number of options for customizing your book’s cover design in ways that many self-published authors might overlook. While some of these options will increase the price ..read more
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The 20 Best Book Covers in the Fantasy Genre
The Book Designer
by Elena Rapovets
8M ago
It’s hard to overstate the importance of a great book cover. The best book covers grab readers’ attention and spark their curiosity about the story inside. For fantasy books, the cover sets the stage for a journey filled with wonders and adventures. A few key elements contribute to an effective fantasy book cover. First, it should resonate with the content of your story, whether it features scenes, maps, or magical elements and artifacts. Second, the cover must capture your book’s mood, setting the right emotional tone. And, of course, if you want your book to sell, it needs to meet genre expe ..read more
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The Top Fantasy Fonts for Book Covers: Free and Paid
The Book Designer
by Elena Rapovets
8M ago
What catches a potential reader’s eye when they scan through rows of fantasy books? The short answer is that it’s the book cover design. Often, it’s the font on the cover that makes a crucial first impression. Great fantasy fonts do more than just grab attention; they convey the mood and themes of the story within. The right typography can hint at the type of adventures your book offers. Is it an epic tale, an exploration of dark themes, or a romantic story with magic? In this article, we’ll explore popular typography trends for book covers and suggest paid and free fantasy fonts for each subg ..read more
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Navigating Book Design: DIY Challenges and Professional Solutions
The Book Designer
by Elena Rapovets
8M ago
As writers, we often focus so much on perfecting our sentences that we overlook other steps that bring books to life. One of these essential steps is book design. It doesn’t just make your book look great; it also ensures it resonates emotionally with readers. So, what exactly does book design entail? It includes everything from the cover to the layout of your pages. As a self-publishing author, you have the freedom to make all design decisions on your own, but this freedom comes with its own set of dilemmas. Should you take on the design yourself, or is it better to hire a professional? How d ..read more
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