Class-validator in NestJS issue
Stack Overflow Forum » Typescript
by Bernard
56m ago
My ResponseEnhanced.dto.ts file : import { IsString, IsArray, IsPhoneNumber, ValidateNested, IsNotEmpty, IsIn } from 'class-validator'; import { Type } from 'class-transformer'; class LongTextResponseDto { @IsString() @IsNotEmpty() value: string; } class ShortTextResponseDto { @IsString() @IsNotEmpty() value: string; } class PhoneNumberResponseDto { @IsPhoneNumber() value: string; } class MultiSelectResponseDto { @IsArray() @IsString({ each: true }) @IsNotEmpty({ each: true }) value: string[]; } export class ResponseDto { @IsString() @IsNotEmpty() questionId more
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Can I make Typescript narrow an object value type based on discriminated union key?
Stack Overflow Forum » Typescript
by 1valdis
56m ago
Playground link. I have a discriminated union of object types: export type ADiscriminatedUnion = { type: 'a', dataKeyA: number, anotherDataKeyA: number, } | { type: 'b', dataKeyB: number, anotherDataKeyB: number, } | { type: 'c', } type AllTypes = ADiscriminatedUnion['type']; I create an object, that maps some types (but not all) to a partial list of properties present in an object of that type: const DiscriminatedUnionTypeToListOfDataKeysMap = { a: ['dataKeyA'], b: ['dataKeyB', 'anotherDataKeyB'], } as const satisfies { [Type in AllTypes]?: Array< more
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Setting the type of second parameter based on the value of the first parameter
Stack Overflow Forum » Typescript
by Neta Meta
56m ago
So basically if i call test with one of isText or isNumber strings it will decide what type to accept. type EvtType = 'isText' | 'isNumber'; function test(firstParam: EvtType , secondParameter: /*firstParam ===isText ? string : number*/) { //... } test('isText',2)// error test('isText', "hey")// works more
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Typescript Global Type without "declare global"
Stack Overflow Forum » Typescript
by Aslan Mammadov
56m ago
This is not a problem, i am simply curiouos of how it is possible. I created simple generic type in my project and have been using it for days. Suddenly i noticed, that i never exported it from file and didn't import in file where i used it. It placed in src/types/returnComponentType.ts, not something like src/@types/global.d.ts, so tecnicaly it is not supposed to work. Did anyone face something similar or know why this happen? Generic Type Usage example more
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Next.js Intercept Route displays on route a link is clicked from instead of first navigating to the parent route
Stack Overflow Forum » Typescript
by Stuart Mitchelhill
56m ago
I am new to next.js and am having trouble with intercept routes. What I am trying to achieve is a nested intercept route "latest/[slug]" that would display in a modal over the "latest" route template, however when there is a link from another route i.e. the homepage clicking on the "latest/[slug]" link here is displaying the modal over the homepage as opposed to navigation to "latest" and then displaying "latest/[slug]" in a modal there. I am just trying to resolve the issues with the intercept route for now so there is no modal logic and I am just dumping the slug for the route. Here is the c more
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Type error initializing sequelize model with virtual datatype
Stack Overflow Forum » Typescript
by Dan Monego
2h ago
I'm trying to define a model in sequelize that uses a virtual datatype, but I'm getting a type error. This is my model definition: export const Contact = sequelize.define("contact", { firstName: DataTypes.STRING, lastName: DataTypes.STRING, fullName: { type: DataTypes.VIRTUAL, get(){ return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`.trim()}, set() {throw "Set firstName, lastName instead!"} } }) However, the getter on the fullName field has a type error on the firstName and lastName properties. Both read Property 'firstName' does not exist on type 'Model<any, any>'. Can th more
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Using transactions in tests w/ NestJS & TypeORM
Stack Overflow Forum » Typescript
by ibodi
2h ago
I want to write such a unit test file that each time I run it, I run an instance of the entire application. This is ensured by this part: module = await Test.createTestingModule({ imports: [AppModule], }).compile(); Then I wanted to clean up the database after each unit test. ChatGPT led me to the conclusion that I should use transactions. It suggested that I should use: beforeEach(async () => { await dataSource.query('BEGIN'); }); afterEach(async () => { await dataSource.query('ROLLBACK'); }); But it didn't want to work for me. Then after some chatting with the chat, I came t more
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Cant initialize model in sequelize Typescript
Stack Overflow Forum » Typescript
by ntdoJanneck
2h ago
I'm trying to connect my Nodejs TypeScript Project to a MySQL database using Sequelize and Sequelize-Typescript, but I cant get sequelize to initialize my database model. Whenever I start the project, it throws the following error: TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object at Function.getOwnPropertyDescriptor (<anonymous>) at /home/janneck/WebstormProjects/SchoolService/node_modules/sequelize-typescript/dist/model/column/column.js:18:131 at __esDecorate (/home/janneck/WebstormProjects/SchoolService/dist/models/documentType.model.js:13:40) at /home/janneck/Web more
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Yup typescript image file validation
Stack Overflow Forum » Typescript
by lakhiwaladev
2h ago
import React from "react"; import { useForm } from "react-hook-form"; import { yupResolver } from "@hookform/resolvers/yup"; import * as yup from "yup"; interface MyFormType { image: FileList | null; } const defaultValues: MyFormType = { image: null, }; const validationSchema:yup.ObjectSchema<MyFormType> = yup.object({ image: yup.mixed<FileList|null>().nullable() }); const MyForm: React.FC = () => { const { register, handleSubmit, formState: { errors } } = useForm<MyFormType>({ resolver: yupResolver(validationSchema), }); const onSubmit = (data: MyFor more
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Generating enum types with Hasura & @graphql-codegen
Stack Overflow Forum » Typescript
by bike38
3h ago
I'm using Hasura cloud to expose data from a PostgreSQL table My frontend is a Next.js app where I have configured graphql-codegen to type my queries: { schema: { [process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_HASURA_BASE_URL]: { headers: { 'X-Hasura-Admin-Secret': '****', 'X-Hasura-Role': 'public', }, }, }, documents: [ './shared/**/*.tsx', ], ignoreNoDocuments: true, generates: { [`./shared/__generated/gql/`]: { preset: 'client', config: { avoidOptionals: true, skipTypename: false, sc more
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