Animals Love to Get High Too
Psychedelic Adventure
by Cosmic ૐ Oneness
1w ago
Animals are definitely more connected with the natural world and they understand the plant kingdom a lot better than modern man for sure. If we observe how animals function in the wild, we will be surprised to notice how animals understand plants and how each plant holds specific healing or curative properties as simple as which grass or leaf to chew to fix their gut / health issues. In the wild Animals have an innate understanding of plants and their benefits. Almost like they're accessing some deep knowing that's imprinted in their DNA. Its hard to explain how things in our world seem to co more
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Mullein, Mugwort & some Elemental Magic !
Psychedelic Adventure
by Cosmic ૐ Oneness
4M ago
Our little world of wonders has so many gifts, beautiful gems hidden in plain sight ... Some of these are magical plants and herbs that have been used ritually to invoke certain energies to further ones vision quests and develop psychic insight. Believe it or not but there are many plants growing around us which may endow its users with supernatural powers ... hence termed Psychedelic or Magickal ! Having used and abused tobacco in the form of toxic cigarettes ... also mixing tobacco with cannabis, I now realise is such a bad idea since it leads to more abuse of Cannabis as one craves nicotin more
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The Endocannabinoid System and Emotions
Psychedelic Adventure
by Cosmic ૐ Oneness
5M ago
Humans as emotional beings go through various emotions of joy, happiness, stress, excitement and many more. We always associate emotions as a psychological thing. But, do you know that the emotions we feel are a complex play of the endocannabinoid system as well as hormones? This article is an attempt to detail more about the endocannabinoid system, hormones and emotions and how a balance/ imbalance of these three affect the human body. What is the Endocannabinoid system (ECS)? The ECS is a self regulating system responsible for establishing and supporting our health. It regulates various more
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The Dark Side of Goa
Psychedelic Adventure
by Cosmic ૐ Oneness
5M ago
The sunny and bright side of Goa is a treat for all and it does feel like you're in Paradise ... even if that fleeting feeling is for a short while ... until you stumble across the dark hidden underbelly of paradise, lost ... or is it ?! In this never ending pursuit of happiness in the outside world through the physical senses we seldom stop and wonder what the fuck are we really doing other than chasing shadows of the past and feeding our addictive behaviours within the confines of closed circles of folks dealing with similar demons ! Do we really need to keep chasing those sensory pleasu more
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Finding the Others
Psychedelic Adventure
by Cosmic ૐ Oneness
1y ago
The time has come, actually it has always been coming ... lol :P ... The time to unite as one earth tribe ... finding others like yourself and getting off the grid ... stop feeding a system which is going to crash any day now ... instead create your own village ... free from this insane world chasing illusions ... the time for big change is here now and its time for wisdom in action ... time for the renewal of spirit ... awakening as children of the great mother who speaks through all our words all our deeds ... we are the ones we have been waiting for and its of utmost importance to find th more
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Is this a Dream and is this Dream Real ?!
Psychedelic Adventure
by Cosmic ૐ Oneness
1y ago
We dream and wake up into another dream like reality where we are awake yet dreaming all the time, walking through life and its many illusions of separation ... learning many a lesson with time ! Yet these dreams never stop ... What is this dream time really ? Where do we go and who are we really ... ?! The dreamtime has much to reveal to us about ourselves and the nature of reality which as solid as it may seem actually is quite fluid and ever changing. Magical would be the best way to describe this waking life if seen with the eyes of the ultimate observer, forever hacking through illusi more
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Semen Retention, Dreams & Astral Love : Take our Power Back !
Psychedelic Adventure
by Cosmic ૐ Oneness
2y ago
Greetings Dear Ones :) It's been a while since I actually got writing something on this blog. It's been a long silence while I have been focusing on more dynamic activities here in Goa like Cycling ! A lot has changed in the last couple of years and I feel its time now for me to get back to sharing my thoughts, feelings with you guys in hope of bringing some light through my own personal meanderings in life. Dreams have started to become more vivid and clear. Instead of starting a dream journal, I thought it would be better to just start blogging again, so here I am sharing some of my deep more
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Why the Psychedelic Sector is attracting the attention of Investors
Psychedelic Adventure
by Cosmic ૐ Oneness
2y ago
Why is the Psychedelic Sector Attracting the Attention of Investors? (24K-Production/ The popularity of microdosing in Canada has been growing for some time.  Across the country, more people than ever before are experimenting with psychedelics as an alternative to conventional pharmaceuticals.   Coupled with the huge sums of money being pumped into studies exploring the potential benefits of psychedelics, it’s hardly surprising the whole thing is also attracting the attention of investors. It’s been a long time coming, but Canada seems well on its way to bec more
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The Miracle of Mushrooms : Healing of Gaia
Psychedelic Adventure
by Cosmic ૐ Oneness
3y ago
Mushrooms are a form of intelligence unlike anything we know of on this Planet. The mycelium network helps communication or transmission of information between trees, the soil and all who ingest these miraculous mushrooms that envelope the entire planet. Many who have ingested the Psilocybin Mushrooms have reported experiencing clairaudience or telepathy of some kind, clairvoyance and other abilities that are usually considered superhuman or mystical in nature as they are not easily understood within the scientific and rational paradigm that governs most of our intellectual understanding of more
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Mixing Tobacco Cannabis Bad Idea
Psychedelic Adventure
by Cosmic ૐ Oneness
4y ago
Many long time Cannabis tokers around the world have known that mixing Tobacco with Cannabis is a bad idea hence only smoke the herb in its purest available form. This habit of mixing Tobacco with Cannabis is more of a European thing and has become popular around the world thanks to the inclusion of Charas or Hashish in the smoking scene. Although Charas and Hash both can be smoked in their pure form, many prefer mixing it with some tobacco to make the joint burn smoothly or give the experience of fullness of smoke when smoked in a pipe(chillum). This habit of mixing tobacco makes us crave s more
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