Boundless Blog
The Boundless blog is a collection of unique voices addressing the issues young adults care about right now - everything from dating and faith to current events.Our goal is to mature young adults in Christ as the foundation for marriage and family while providing an inspiring and refreshingly real online community in which to share the journey.
Boundless Blog
1w ago
Here are some things we, especially single adults, can do to care for orphans ..read more
Boundless Blog
2w ago
Don't waste your time as a single; seize what opportunities you can ..read more
Boundless Blog
3w ago
"Long-term friendships are a rarity because they take work." But don't worry, not all hope is lost. We're not too old to make new friends... yet ..read more
Boundless Blog
3w ago
A former Mormon, Dr. Lynn Wilder answers five questions, including the difference between Mormonism and Christianity, why Mormons are so nice, and what goes on in temple rituals ..read more
Boundless Blog
1M ago
If you’re considering a move, it may be more stressful than you imagined but the opportunity to form connections can make the change well worth it ..read more
Boundless Blog
1M ago
We need to remember who we are in Jesus and what He’s calling us to do, and rituals give us an opportunity to do just that ..read more
Boundless Blog
1M ago
Finding our identity and fulfillment in things of this world is a shaky foundation to base our lives upon. These things can be taken away at any moment ..read more
Boundless Blog
1M ago
I’ve made some mistakes and learned a lot about how to be successful in the workplace. Here’s some advice on not being that person at work ..read more
Boundless Blog
1M ago
Emotional triangles may involve individuals, issues or groups, but there's always a third (negative) pillar propping up the relationship ..read more