Trad Catholicism is Anything but a Trend
Catholic Exchange
by Sebastian Pestritto
1d ago
I recently had occasion to read a piece in National Catholic Reporter titled “Is the trad Catholic trend about tradition—or about individual proclivities?” The author, Stephen Adubato, makes the argument that traditional Catholics, rather than living an organic and authentic expression of the Church’s timeless traditions, have constructed an artificial idea of tradition which results more
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How to Compare Religions
Catholic Exchange
by Matthew McKenna
1d ago
Chesterton’s classic The Everlasting Man is an attempt to show that Christianity is the one true religion.  His main argument comes in two steps.  First, he compares mankind to all other animals and finds that mankind is radically unique.  Thus, man is more than a mere animal; there is a spiritual element in him.  Second more
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We the Unworthy: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Catholic Exchange
by Gayle Somers
1d ago
Our readings make us wonder:  Why does God pick the unworthy to do His work in the world? Gospel (Read Lk. 5:1-11) St. Luke tells us that one day, Jesus was teaching an enormous crowd of people by “the Lake of Gennasaret,” also called the Sea of Galilee.  He saw two empty boats, and He more
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Defeating Modernism
Catholic Exchange
by Jim Valois
2d ago
The Ancient Serpent had oft-times crawled into the sacred precincts of Holy Church since his first entry. However, this time his havoc would strike a thousand blows to the Mystical Body of Christ. St. Pope Pius X named the serpent: Modernism.  – Fr. John Perricone Another apt picture of modernism is a peaceful lake inlet more
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Lack of Silence Spiritually Impacts Us
Catholic Exchange
by Constance T. Hull
2d ago
An interesting phenomenon that has been occurring in our churches for decades is a lack of silence. The noise volume went up when we removed the Real Presence of Jesus from the center of the sanctuary in our churches. With Him relegated to the side, a back corner, or even a storage closet (yes this more
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Saint Paul Miki: An Apparent Failure
Catholic Exchange
by M.C. Holbrook
2d ago
Paul Miki was born in sixteenth century Japan, at a time when Christian missionaries were welcomed by—or at least held a peaceful coexistence with—the people of Japan. The missionaries were gaining momentum in their evangelization efforts there, and the Church in Japan was beginning to thrive and flourish. Certainly, it must have been a great more
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St. Paul Miki and Companions (Martyrs)
Catholic Exchange
by Saints Editor
2d ago
St. Paul Miki was born in 1564 in Japan to a wealthy and devout Catholic family. He joined the Jesuits and became a skilled preacher, spreading the Gospel throughout Japan. However, as Christianity grew, it became a threat to the ruling authorities. In 1597, Paul Miki and 25 other Catholics—including missionaries, catechists, and laypeople—were arrested more
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The Connection of Cana and Calvary: Two Weddings
Catholic Exchange
by Fr. Kevin Drew
3d ago
Some years back, long before I was ordained a priest, I would call my mother on the phone.  When she answered, I got into the silly habit of saying, “Hellooooo, woman.” I’m not sure why.  I think I saw an actor in an old movie say that to his wife. One day I called home more
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Constantine Alone Did Not Ensure Christian Europe
Catholic Exchange
by Phillip Campbell
3d ago
While the Christianization of the Roman Empire is commonly attributed to Emperor Constantine and his celebrated Edict of Milan in 313, Rome’s conversion was no less due to the efforts of another, the great Theodosius, who reigned at the close of the fourth century, from 379 to 395. It was Theodosius who completed the grand more
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Our Response to Crisis: Fear or Faith?
Catholic Exchange
by Suellen Brewster
4d ago
What emotions does the word “crisis” elicit in you? The Chinese word for crisis is comprised of two characters. The first character translates as danger. The second has loosely been translated in Western Culture as opportunity. More correctly it means “change point,” or “inflection point.” To my mind, these “points” are akin to a crossroads more
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