Oracle DBA Place
A blog about Oracle database on Linux environment. Oracle ACE Associate, Chief Database Architect, Oracle DBA with 20 years of experience and a blogger Yossi Nixon.
Oracle DBA Place
5y ago
Since in Oracle RDS environment, we don't have a direct access to the operating system
I have recently been asked to provide a workaround from the database.
A procedure that:
1. Write to the...
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Oracle DBA Place
5y ago
Last week I needed to connect a database from remote using VPN.
The VPN is connected to a secured network, so I couldn’t connect directly to the database.
Since I am using Toad for Oracle which is...
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Oracle DBA Place
5y ago
I managed to install Oracle Linux on kvm guest without a need to X console (no GUI, vnc or X11)
1. We can see the PXE menu
2. We can select image to install
3. We need to add console=ttyS0 to the...
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Oracle DBA Place
5y ago
It is a while I am following the blog of Mariami Kupatadze, it seems that our background and daily work is around the same area and interest as mine.
This week she posted a simple Linux adjustment...
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Oracle DBA Place
7y ago
From Oracle 12.1 we have the ability to "record" the usage of permissions in our application and then we can narrow the permissions only to the minimal requirement.InstallationCREATE USER YOSSI IDENTIFIED BY YOSSI; GRANT DBA, RESOURCE TO YOSSI;A user defined condition, when user is YOSSI (type = G_CONTEXT).BEGIN DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.create_capture ( name => 'yossi_pol', TYPE => DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.g_context, condition => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'', ''SESSION_USER'') = ''YOSSI''' ); DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.enable_capture ( 'yossi_pol' ); END; /Verify that the capture is defi ..read more
Oracle DBA Place
8y ago
Connection manager is working as oracle SQL*NET proxy and firewall. In this example, I am using Connection Manager of Oracle Database 12c Release 2 running on Linux x86_64 FootprintStorage: 1.7 G Memory: 5~28.4 MB Requires:Installation of Oracle Client in a separated folder than the database software Register the connection manager in the grid infrastructure as a cluster resource Configure and install on the intermediate hostDownload Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Client unzip linuxx64_12201_client.zipChange response file /client/response/client_install.rsp: UNIX_GROUP_NAME= INVENTORY_LOCA ..read more