APEX 22.2 Clear Active Tab
by Marko Gorički
2y ago
From APEX version 22.2 there's a changed behavior how active tabs or region display selectors (RDS) are stored in the browser session storage: In versions before 22.2 they were stored without a prefix (session storage scope) and now they are stored with the prefix ORA_WWV_apex.apexTabs. In some of my applications I've used a custom JS function to clear active tab: From APEX 22.2 you need to set prefix: Tested in APEX 22.2.0 ..read more
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Set Up Environment Banner
by Marko Gorički
3y ago
If you work on many different APEX environments, as I do, from APEX 21.2 you can easily set up a banner that will be visible on the left or the top of the APEX Builder to easily identify the environment. Environment Bar on the left of the APEX Builder You can do this on instance or workspace level. To modify this on the instance level you need to log in as instance admin (Manage Instance > Define Environment Banner): You can also do this with the API: On the Workspace level, you can do this in Manage Service > Define Environment Banner. Unfortunately, API for setting Wor ..read more
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Full-width Page Layout on specific pages
by Marko Gorički
3y ago
If you set Body Content Max Width property in Theme Roller of UT theme to some fixed value (other than Auto) your body content will be centered on the screen.  What if you want to reset this on specific pages and use the full width of the screen? In this case, you should add the following line of the CSS to the page property Inline CSS:  If you want to define it in the static CSS file you can also reference it as: ...or the declarative way - just set region position to Before Content Body and set the margins. ? Tested in APEX 21.1.5 ..read more
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Manage APEX users from your app
by Marko Gorički
4y ago
I had one interesting task: to enable application end-users to manage users (to create new users from the app). Of course, I'm talking about APEX users and authentication. Sounds simple, but is it?! I've done this 10 years ago...no problem... To make it work I've used apex_util.create_user API: As noted in a comment above, you need to add Workspace Admin privilege to the user you create so that this user can create other users. Sounds good...but you have one big problem. This user can login to the APEX Builder (of course, you can disable APEX builder access on test/production environments, but ..read more
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Reset APEX builder login authentication scheme
by Marko Gorički
4y ago
If you change Development Environment Authentication Schemes (aka the way you login to the APEX Builder) at the instance level and you don't read a confirm dialog carefully, as I didn't you may struggle to login as the instance admin next time: In my case, I've changed it to the Database Accounts, and though that doesn't affect the instance admin account. But I was wrong. In my case, the solution was to create a database user with username admin. After that, I've logged in as instance admin and changed the authentication back to the APEX Accounts. If you change it to some other Authenticatio ..read more
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Region Display Selector - How to Prevent Scroll on Page Load
by Marko Gorički
5y ago
A few days ago I visited my dear friends Aljaž Mali and Andrej Grlica and they had one interesting case. They had a page where they used region display selector in Scroll Window mode to display some regions in tabs. Since region display selector wasn't positioned on top of the page, on page load navigation was scrolled down to the first tab region (as in this example). To fix it, the first thought from Andrej and me was to somehow do it with JavaScript, but after we examined JS API we concluded that there isn't any clean solution. And then, as always, four eyes are better than two...we came ..read more
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APEX 19.2: Finally, API for component export
by Marko Gorički
5y ago
I don't remember when I was so excited about the new APEX feature as at the moment when I've discovered that there's a new parameter in procedure apex_export.get_application called p_components that enables component export. I know, it's small, but it opens a big playground. Maybe the reason for this excitement is that for some time now, I'm working on an APEX app for creating patches of database object and APEX components and the only missing piece was API for component export. I had that working before APEX 19.2, but I had to use an internal export procedure which is not so convenient. The ..read more
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Username Display Fix
by Marko Gorički
6y ago
This thing is very simple, but it got me confused...so I hope it will help someone. I was building a small APEX app (in APEX 19.1.*) with a custom authentication scheme (custom plugin) and when I've logged in to the app I've noticed that the username is in lowercase. So the first thing that got to my mind was that there's some problem with my authentication plugin. But that wasn't it. I'm not 100% sure but I think from APEX 18.1 there's a change how navigation bar looks like. By default when you create an app you'll get username with a nice icon and drop down with Sign Out link. Before, at l ..read more
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Generate APEX URL in JavaScript
by Marko Gorički
6y ago
When developers want to generate APEX URL from a JavaScript the thing that most of them will do is to concatenate URL string like this: But there's one (unfortunately) undocumented feature that you can use to make it easier. It's possible to do it by using apex.util.makeApplicationUrl function that excepts a JavaScript object as the only parameter. In that object, you can define all that is needed to generate an APEX URL. Here is an example: Note: the function will not generate the checksum for pages or items with session state protection turned on. Enjoy! Tested in APEX ..read more
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