I Can Teach My Child!
Activities and resources for parents of young children in classroom.
I Can Teach My Child!
2y ago
Check out these stocking stuffers for teenage boys. Some of these are just for fun and some are necessary (cough, cough, deodorant).
We have two teenage boys in our house–one is a new teen and one is nearly driving age. It can be difficult to know what little trinkets to put in their stockings at these ages. All teens love money and gift cards, but if you are looking for something tangible, we’ve got you covered. We’ve rounded up a list of tangible and useful stocking stuffers for teenage boys.
Many of these stocking stuffer ideas revolve around hygie ..read more
I Can Teach My Child!
2y ago
This Christmas game to play with teens is similar to the popular “Shotgun!” Road Trip Game but is meant to be played while driving around looking at Christmas Lights.
One of our families favorite Christmas traditions every year is the Minivan Express. We have the kids get ready for bed as usual (albeit often a bit earlier than normal). While they are bathing/showering, we place a golden ticket on their beds. Once they find their ticket, we load up the minivan and drive around town, looking at all the best Christmas light displays for a couple hours. We also typi ..read more
I Can Teach My Child!
3y ago
For many years during the month of November, we encouraged our young children to identify something every single day that they were thankful for. We wrote these sweet sentiments down and hung each one on our “Thankful Tree” in preparation for Thanksgiving. Once Thanksgiving Day arrives, my family enjoys the tradition of going around the table and sharing something from the past year that each of us are thankful for.
I always thought the point of Thanksgiving was to show thankfulness and gratitude. And it is…but I also think it is something more.
I was reading a simpl ..read more
I Can Teach My Child!
3y ago
Looking for homeschool reading curriculum for your kindergartener? Look no further than the Pathways to Reading Homeschool Basic Foundational Curriculum! Research and evidence-based and adapted specifically for the homeschool setting!
When we decided to homeschool last year, I looked at about a zillion homeschool reading programs for my daughter. As a former first grade teacher, I was PICKY with a capital P! I knew I wanted something just like the curriculum I used when I taught. So when I couldn’t find what I was looking for, that is exactly what I decided to do ..read more
I Can Teach My Child!
4y ago
In an effort to get my boys (ages 13 and 11) to branch out of their literary ruts, I created this Summer Reading BINGO for Older Kids that includes several different genres to choose from. I have one child who only wants to read sports biographies during his independent reading time and another child who just reads the same book over and over. We normally do some type of summer reading incentive so I am excited to force them out of their comfort zones this year! Our local library gives out a similar BINGO for adults during the summer but I thought it would be fun for ..read more
I Can Teach My Child!
4y ago
Disclosure: I received a sample from Ivy Kids in exchange for this review.
If you have ever been interested in a subscription activity box for your child, one name has surely come up time and again due to their broad marketing reach. We have both purchased and been gifted Kiwi Crate subscription boxes and have done MANY reviews on Ivy Kids subscription boxes as well. Let’s compare Ivy Kids vs. Kiwi Crate: I’ll share my honest thoughts on which we prefer and why.
If your child is a preschooler or at an early elementary-age, you simply cannot beat Ivy Kids ..read more
I Can Teach My Child!
4y ago
These phonological awareness activities for preschoolers are perfect for helping set your child up for future reading success! With no materials required beyond these printable cards, this is perfect for doing with your child on-the-go!
The more we learn about how our brains learn to read, the more apparent it is that phonological and phonemic awareness play a HUGE part in that process! A longitudinal study published in 2014 revealed that phonological awareness training in kindergarten resulted in better reading comprehension in 9th grade (Kilpatrick, 2015 ..read more
I Can Teach My Child!
4y ago
Looking for activities to go along with the book? We’ve got you covered with these hands-on ideas to bring your next The Tale of Despereaux book club to life!
We recently organized a Zoom book club for my first grade daughter and a few of her friends. Obviously with our girls being only first graders, the moms read the book aloud to each of our daughters throughout the week. We chose The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo as our first book club book.
We read the book over a course of about 5 weeks or so and met each Tuesday on Zoom (due to the pandem ..read more
I Can Teach My Child!
4y ago
This Sunflower Batik Art project is perfect for kids of all ages! The final product is a unique and aged look to a beautiful sunflower print. Each child’s artwork will be unique and different!
“Home, home on the range! Where the deer and the antelope play…” Our state turned 160 years old yesterday on January 29th! The Kansas state flower is the Sunflower, so we decided to create some art to commemorate our home state with this Sunflower Batik.
Although sunflowers are native to Kansas, batik artwork did not originate in North America. It ..read more
I Can Teach My Child!
4y ago
Beast Academy is a comprehensive math curriculum for grades 3-6 that focuses on problem solving and critical thinking. Below you will find my Beast Academy Review and why we switched to this program!
When I first made the decision to homeschool our three children this year, I knew that one of the major predictors of our success as homeschoolers was choosing high-quality curriculum. At this point in time, my kids want to return to school next year once the pandemic is behind us, so we needed to make sure that what we are doing at home prepares them for the next school year ..read more