What’s the Price of Ambition?
Frank Sonnenberg Online
by Frank Sonnenberg
6d ago
We all have dreams and ambitions, but ambition alone isn’t enough — what are you prepared to sacrifice to achieve yours? Will you push through exhaustion, forgo momentary satisfaction for lasting success, and forge ahead when every fiber of your being urges you to stop and give up? It’s easy to say “yes” now, but... [Read More] The post What’s the Price of Ambition? appeared first on Frank Sonnenberg Online ..read more
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Why Moral Authority Matters
Frank Sonnenberg Online
by Frank Sonnenberg
1w ago
When a boss, parent, or any authority figure demands that you do something, you comply. After all, they’re in charge and have the title to prove it. However, just because you do what they say doesn’t mean that your heart will be in it. Conversely, think of a person who you truly admire. They possess... [Read More] The post Why Moral Authority Matters appeared first on Frank Sonnenberg Online ..read more
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Focus on the Process — Not the Goal
Frank Sonnenberg Online
by Frank Sonnenberg
2w ago
John Wooden, Bill Parcells, and Vince Lombardi are all legendary coaches who shared a common belief: If you master the basics, there’s no need to worry about the score. This philosophy extends beyond sports to other areas of life, proving that focusing on fundamentals is a winning strategy. Do you focus on the process or... [Read More] The post Focus on the Process — Not the Goal appeared first on Frank Sonnenberg Online ..read more
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How to Make People Doubt You
Frank Sonnenberg Online
by Frank Sonnenberg
3w ago
When people have faith in you, you receive countless benefits. Folks don’t feel the need to challenge your word, scrutinize your actions, or question your motives, because it’s clear that you are capable, your intentions are genuine, and your motives are honorable. This confidence strengthens relationships, advances your career, and leads to a more fulfilling... [Read More] The post How to Make People Doubt You appeared first on Frank Sonnenberg Online ..read more
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The Value of Values
Frank Sonnenberg Online
by Frank Sonnenberg
1M ago
It’s easy to ignore our health until something urgent comes up. The same can be said for our values, which typically lie beneath the surface of our everyday decisions and are often overlooked. Values are our core beliefs that define what’s important to us. They set our priorities and help us assess if our life... [Read More] The post The Value of Values appeared first on Frank Sonnenberg Online ..read more
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Feeling Overwhelmed? Your To-Do List Might Be to Blame!
Frank Sonnenberg Online
by Frank Sonnenberg
1M ago
Does it feel like you’re drowning under an ever-growing, never-ending to-do list? No matter how fast you check things off, more tasks pile up. If you’re like most people, it’s a relentless cycle of frustration and stress with no finish line in sight. The weight of these demands leaves you exhausted and takes a toll... [Read More] The post Feeling Overwhelmed? Your To-Do List Might Be to Blame! appeared first on Frank Sonnenberg Online ..read more
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Could You Be Wrong?
Frank Sonnenberg Online
by Frank Sonnenberg
1M ago
Everyone seems to have strong opinions these days — sometimes, even too strong. Many are convinced they’re right, but have they stopped to consider they might be wrong? While the notion may seem far-fetched, what if they are? Would they be humble enough to admit it and learn from the experience? After all, no one... [Read More] The post Could You Be Wrong? appeared first on Frank Sonnenberg Online ..read more
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Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
Frank Sonnenberg Online
by Frank Sonnenberg
2M ago
Are you hesitant to try new things? Do you resist progress to maintain the status quo? Do you prefer staying in familiar territory instead of embracing new challenges — even if they offer significant potential? Step outside your comfort zone. As the saying goes, “The only limits in life are the ones you make.” Some... [Read More] The post Step Outside Your Comfort Zone appeared first on Frank Sonnenberg Online ..read more
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Happy People Know This … Do You?
Frank Sonnenberg Online
by Frank Sonnenberg
2M ago
Have you ever noticed how much people complain? Even on the most beautiful days, some folks find a cloud in the sky. This type of negativity not only drains energy but is self-perpetuating, potentially plunging those people into a funk. That said, instead of fixating on all the ills in the world, focus on being... [Read More] The post Happy People Know This … Do You? appeared first on Frank Sonnenberg Online ..read more
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Does It Pay to Nickel-and-Dime?
Frank Sonnenberg Online
by Frank Sonnenberg
2M ago
It seems like hidden fees are sprouting up everywhere these days. Airlines charge for baggage and seat selection, hotels add fees for Wi-Fi and late checkout, law firms bill for making copies, banks penalize for not meeting minimum deposit requirements, and certain restaurants tack on a wellness fee to support staff healthcare benefits. Why don’t... [Read More] The post Does It Pay to Nickel-and-Dime? appeared first on Frank Sonnenberg Online ..read more
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