#156 — This Is Why Dating Sucks For Men (And How To Fix It)
Paging Dr. NerdLove
by Dr. NerdLove
3y ago
Let's be honest: dating can be a trial. For a lot of men, dating isn't something you enjoy, it's something you endure. From trying to meet women, to getting a number, to actually getting women out on a date... it's more like pulling teeth than meeting a potential partner. Today, I want to give you all some advice I wish I had gotten back when I first started dating. Because, if you’re checking out these episodes, then the odds are good that, frankly, you think dating… kinda sucks. And in fairness: you’re not entirely wrong. Dating for men can be kind of awful. But not for the reasons you might ..read more
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#155 — The 5 Things That Make People Like You... Instantly.
Paging Dr. NerdLove
by Dr. NerdLove
4y ago
The most magnetic, charming and well liked people aren't popular because of their looks, their money, or their bodies. People like them because of they make others feel and the value that they bring into other peoples' lives. These 5 qualities will help you create stronger, more profound connections with others, teach you to be instantly charismatic and become incredibly well liked by everyone around you. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: Why genuine likeability and personal magnetism are rare qualities, even in Hollywood Why sharing the spotlight makes you more popular How triggering one emotion in people ma ..read more
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#154 — Building Incredible Emotional Strength And Powerful Confidence
Paging Dr. NerdLove
by Dr. NerdLove
4y ago
Right now, we are living through the most stressful, even outright traumatic year that most of have ever faced in our lives. Even if you’re in a relatively good place, we’re all getting hit with bad news, more stories of police violence, political corruption, the continuing pandemic, even potential fallout from the election. It can be incredibly hard to have a positive attitude and solid confidence. It can be hard not to look around and say “how am I supposed to have the strength to keep going?"  But you need that emotional strength, powerful confidence and positive attitude more than eve ..read more
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#153 — The Secret to Healthier, Stronger Relationships
Paging Dr. NerdLove
by Dr. NerdLove
4y ago
Have you struggled with relationships that were bad for you? Maybe you’ve been in a toxic relationship with somebody who was always manipulating you into ways of getting what they wanted, leaving you feeling like a doormat. Maybe you had friends who treated you badly or would pressure you into going along with jokes at your expense or doing things that made you uncomfortable or went against your values. Or perhaps you’ve had family members who would leverage guilt or reciprocity to make you do whatever they want, even if it’s a huge inconvenience to you or emotionally draining or even damaging ..read more
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#152 — This Is What Nobody Tells You About Having ADHD
Paging Dr. NerdLove
by Dr. NerdLove
4y ago
Growing up, I knew I was struggling with things that other people seemed to be able to do without a second thought. I thought I was just lazy, that I needed to be more disciplined and to take things more seriously. But it never worked, and I never understood why. Now, after a lifetime of searching, I finally have the answers.  This week, I want to talk with you about my experiences with having been diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, how it can affect you and your relationships, and my experiences with getting diagnosed and getting treated.  Here's what happened. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: What ..read more
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#151 — The 5 Things You Need to Know About Dating
Paging Dr. NerdLove
by Dr. NerdLove
4y ago
The #1 reason why so many men struggle with dating is very simple: they don't know what it takes to be successful with women. Attraction isn't a checklist; having all the right "stats" isn't going to magically make you attractive to women. Learning to succeed with women isn't about having the right car or the right body, it's about learning how to become your best, most desirable self.  That's why this week, I'm going to teach you the 5 things YOU need to know in order to succeed with women, become the man you've always wanted to be and build the love life you've always wanted.  SHOW ..read more
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#150 — Stop Being Afraid Of Rejection
Paging Dr. NerdLove
by Dr. NerdLove
4y ago
Rejection hurts... but the fear of rejection can often hurt even worse. In fact, when we give into the fear of rejection, we often set up a pattern that can affect us throughout our lives. Rejections we've experienced in the past can end up affecting us NOW. When we give into the fear of rejection, we can end up reliving that fear, long after it's happened... feeling the pain as though it's happening to us again, right now. When that happens, it becomes a way that we almost give up our free will; life becomes a series of steps that you take to try to AVOID feeling the discomfort and pain ..read more
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#149 — How Do You Know if She's Right For You?
Paging Dr. NerdLove
by Dr. NerdLove
4y ago
What makes one relationship last, while another falls apart? Why do you seem to have found your dream relationship, only to have it turn into a nightmare? Your partner may seem perfect, but it takes more than shallow commonalities to make a relationship work. Just because things are amazing in the beginning doesn't mean that everything is going to work out on it's own. If you've ever wondered whether she's "the one", or you want to know if your relationship has what it takes to go the distance, then you need to answer these questions.  SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: Why people end up in cycles of rela ..read more
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#148 — What Avatar: The Last Airbender Can Teach Us About Finding Redemption
Paging Dr. NerdLove
by Dr. NerdLove
4y ago
It's very easy to feel like you’re forever going to be defined by your worst decisions or your biggest mistakes. But while you can't change your past, you can change your future. By examining one of the best redemption arcs in modern media, we can learn how Prince Zuko overcame trauma and earned his redemption... and find how we can learn to find our own in the process. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: How our response to trauma can shape our lives... and why it can transform us into different people Why a desire for acceptance can turn people into villains How to make a break with the past to build a n ..read more
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#147 — How to Talk To Anyone (At Any Time)
Paging Dr. NerdLove
by Dr. NerdLove
4y ago
One reason why a lot of guys have a hard time meeting women is because they’ve put ALL of their focus on ONLY talking to women, and even then, only women that they’re attracted to. The truth is that the most popular and socially successful men — the ones who do the best with women — tend to be the ones who talk to everyone. Part of the secret to their success is that they know how to connect with people  and build relationships that lead to the results they’re looking for, whether it’s networking, making new friends or meeting and dating new and amazing women. They’re able to start conver ..read more
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