Andaluz Waterbirth Center Blog
Andaluz Waterbirth Center upholds the rights of healthy women to birth their baby where and how they choose and provides an environment which is safe and sensitive to do so.
Andaluz Waterbirth Center Blog
6y ago
Welcoming new babies into the world never gets old ..read more
Andaluz Waterbirth Center Blog
6y ago
Here is a beautiful homebirth video from one our incredible clients.
We love seeing your photos and videos!
Videographer: Rosemary Borland ..read more
Andaluz Waterbirth Center Blog
6y ago
A lot of our clients notice that midwives spend a lot of time talking about food and nutrition. For myself, I spend quite a lot of personal time, preparing food, shopping for it, and seeking new foods to try. Sharing food is a cultural practice and ritual that goes back to the dawn of humanity. It is often at the center of celebration and tradition. Sharing meals even releases oxytocin, which is the feel good, bonding hormone central to making, growing, and pushing out a baby.
Good nutrition is the prenatal care that you give yourself daily. What you eat becomes the building blocks of the baby ..read more
Andaluz Waterbirth Center Blog
6y ago
I have had both a hospital birth and a birth center birth, so with my third child, I definitely wanted another birth center birth. We had recently moved to Portland from Austin, TX, and we were so thankful to find Andaluz Waterbirth Center close by! Our experience was nothing short of amazing. The midwives are incredible, and all our prenatal appointments were very relaxed and therapeutic.
My waters started leaking on a Saturday morning, and I thought for sure I’d be having a baby that day. She had other plans for me though. All day I waited for contractions to come, and when they did, they w ..read more
Andaluz Waterbirth Center Blog
6y ago
Take a moment to watch this beautiful video of one of our clients.
Have a story or a video you want to share with us?
We would love to see it! Email Jennifer@waterbirth.net ..read more
Andaluz Waterbirth Center Blog
6y ago
In June 2011 it became mandatory for Oregon Licensed Midwives to enter all birth statistics into the MANA (Midwives Alliance of North America) database.
Following are Andaluz statistics from June 2011 through December 2016.
We will continue to publish our statistics each spring to include the prior year.
Click Here to See Our Statistics ..read more
Andaluz Waterbirth Center Blog
6y ago
Initially, to me waterbirth just sounded like high adventure for thrill-seeking mamas. After witnessing the waterbirths of several of our children with Andaluz, however, I can relate that it makes the conventional hospital births of our first two children seem like blindfolded extreme sports. Waterbirth with Andaluz has consitently provided a non-invasive and gentle welcome to the world for our children, as well as a respectful, kind and supportive experience for their mother and for me too, as their father. Fatherhood has always been an intimidating phase of life for me. When a father is acce ..read more
Andaluz Waterbirth Center Blog
6y ago
I have had three children. The first two were hospital births, both induced and with epidurals. The last baby was a natural water birth with Jenny at Andaluz water-birthing center. I was far more anxious about a natural birth and the idea of not having an epidural. However, the experience impacted me on an emotional and spiritual level that had not been touched in the hospital births.
The two hospital births felt exciting, but at the same time I felt pressured by the nurses and doctors to follow their labor plans. The environment was hectic, and unfamiliar. I had never met any of the nurses ch ..read more