Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
Learning stuff since 1964
Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
1w ago
When you say “2025” out loud it sounds odd, like we’re talking about some far-off future but here it is. In the past, I’ve made resolutions, set goals, and chosen a word but entering this year I haven’t done those things. I don’t know if there’s one reason why but I do know as I more
Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
1M ago
I was privileged to teach a Grad course this semester at the University of Regina. Having not taught since 2019, I was excited about this opportunity both because I love teaching and also to examine how the classroom might be different as a result of the emergence of Generative AI. The official course name was more
Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
1M ago
Erläuterung des Begriffs „Wirtschaftskonflikte“. Das Konzept der „Währungsstreitigkeiten“ wurde erst kürzlich in den modernen Wirtschaftslexikon aufgenommen, doch die Idee hat alte historische Wurzeln. Eine spezifische Einführung in den Währungs- und Finanzmarkt finden Sie im Abschnitt , wo eine beträchtliche Anzahl informativer Veröffentlichungen. Ein Währungskrieg ist ein Umstand, in dem Nationen ihre eigenen Währungen absichtlich more
Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
3M ago
Do you ever settle for “good enough”? On the surface, it sounds bad. It sounds like you aren’t giving your all. Particularly in education when we have mantras like “Whatever it takes”, “All means all” and “no child left behind”. These are daunting phrases meant to evoke seriousness and urgency. As educators, we have a more
Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
4M ago
Like all the big players in tech, Google is working to gain market share in education based on its AI tool kit. Recently I’ve been showing this clip in presentations about things to come. This was 4 months ago. Unlike tech innovations of the recent past where you might see a demo and then maybe more
Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
4M ago
My current immersion into the world of AI and specifically Generative AI (GenAI) is at the same time exciting, fascinating and also mentally exhausting because you can’t embrace the possibilities without acknowledging the risks. As I say every time I’m working with others, holding these competing ideas in your head at the same time is more
Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
4M ago
I realize that depending on where you live, you’ve been back to school for a while. For my oldest granddaughter, this is her first day of 2nd grade in a brand new school. I’m thinking about her today. But I’m also thinking about her teachers. I want them to be ready, excited, and equipped to more
Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
5M ago
It was during COVID-19 that my envy of standing desks began. As we all felt like we’d be prisoners in our home offices forever, being able to stretch and stand during endless Zoom calls seemed like a nice little treat to indulge in. I looked a few times but couldn’t quite pull the trigger. Probably more
Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
6M ago
I’m going to take a little time to brag. Contrary to popular belief, blogging is not dead. While for many in education, it’s not what it was 15 years ago, there are still a few of us who maintain a dedicated space to reflect and share. For me, this space is in its 18th year and after over 1200 posts, remains a place I can always go back to even if I don’t write as regularly as I used to. This series on delight, which I started 4 years ago is a great example of always being there. No pressure to write but is like a place always ready to welcome me whenever I return. Which kind of relates to the more
Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
9M ago
I’m at the age where I think a lot about retirement. I’m not that close but many of my friends are either already retired or close to retirement. The other day I was talking with a doctor friend and it was somewhat of a heart-wrenching conversation. He described how he has been so consumed with his job and how he regrets how that has gone and the struggle he’s facing about if and when he can retire. It was a combination of a flawed system as well as his failings. I didn’t know what to say.
I don’t know anything about the medical profession and can’t imagine the times when you’re literally deal more