Swizec Teller's Blog
Swizec writes about JavaScript, ReactJS, and technical skills that will boost your career. He helps coders turn into high-value JavaScript experts with books, articles, talks, and workshops.
Swizec Teller's Blog
2M ago
Here's an approach to writing code that I've been using for years across multiple stacks (client and server) and couldn't quite put into words until now. One of those _"This code feels wrong but I can't explain why"_. Now I can ..read more
Swizec Teller's Blog
2M ago
A coworker asked how React Islands work and I realized it's a technique I've been using to modernize monolithic web codebases for years, but never wrote down how it works. so here it is ..read more
Swizec Teller's Blog
4M ago
You can't prevent bugs. You'll burn out. Instead focus on making them quick to fix ..read more
Swizec Teller's Blog
4M ago
The Series A inflection point is the most fun time in a startup, if you ask me. Here's what it looks like ..read more
Swizec Teller's Blog
4M ago
When yaks aren't procrastination, they might be tunnel vision. You're so focused on the right solution, you miss the good enough solution ..read more
Swizec Teller's Blog
4M ago
A small improvement that lands is better than a large improvement stuck in review ..read more
Swizec Teller's Blog
4M ago
A long design phase without shipping kills many software projects. Here's a story from production I haven't shared before ..read more